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Adán del Río Márquez 1,399 words

Calle de Jardines 992, 66737

Tlatenolco, Cd. De México, México
+52 81-1545-5893

A Dog's Journey Through the Concrete Jungle


Adán del Río Márquez

As the sun began to set over the city, Max the golden retriever made his

way to the park. He had been looking forward to this moment all day, when he

could finally escape the hustle and bustle of the city and find some peace and

quiet. As he trotted along, you couldn't help but notice the irony of the situation.

Here he was, walking to a place known for its natural beauty, but the city was so

polluted that he couldn't even see the sky. The buildings towered over him,

blocking out the sun and casting long shadows across the pavement.
Del Río, A Dog’s Journey, 2

When he finally reached the park, he found that it was just as crowded and

noisy as the rest of the city. People were walking their dogs, playing with their

kids, and chatting with friends. The only difference was that the sounds of traffic

were replaced by the chirping of birds. But even as he pushed through the crowds,

Max felt a sense of foreboding. He couldn't shake the feeling that something was

about to happen. He tried to push the thought out of his mind, but it lingered like a

dark cloud.

As he walked deeper into the park, the crowds began to thin out. He found

a quiet spot near a pond and sat down on the grass. He closed his eyes and took a

deep breath, trying to clear his mind. But as he did, he was overcome by a series

of flashbacks. He remembered his puppyhood, when the city was not so crowded

and polluted. He remembered playing in the park with his human, chasing balls

and rolling in the grass. He remembered the feeling of freedom and joy that came

from being outdoors.

But those memories were quickly replaced by darker ones. He

remembered the day the city's economy collapsed, and the parks were closed due

to budget cuts. He remembered the day the city was taken over by a ruthless

corporation, and the parks were turned into concrete jungles. As he opened his

eyes, he saw a group of birds flying overhead. They were like a symbol of the
Del Río, A Dog’s Journey, 3

freedom and beauty that had been lost to the city. He watched them until they

disappeared from sight, and then he stood up and made his way back to the city.

As he walked, he couldn't help but think of the allegory of the city. It was

once a place of life and vitality, but now it was a cold, lifeless place ruled by

greed and corruption. He knew that he was not alone in feeling this way, and that

there were many others who longed for the city to be restored to its former glory.

But as he neared the edge of the park, he heard a faint sound. It was the sound of

music, and it seemed to be coming from the direction of the pond. He turned and

ran towards the sound, eager to see what it was.

As he reached the pond, he saw a group of people playing instruments and

singing. They were homeless, and they had set up camp in the park. But despite

their circumstances, they were smiling and laughing, and the music they were

making was beautiful. Max sat and listened to the music, feeling a sense of joy

and hope. The music was a reminder that even in the darkest times, there was still

beauty and joy to be found. He stayed until the sun went down, and then he made

his way back home, grateful for the reminder that the city was not all bad.

But as he approached his home, he saw that something was off. The door

was ajar and there was a strange smell in the air. He cautiously entered the house,

his hackles raised and his senses on high alert. As he made his way through the
Del Río, A Dog’s Journey, 4

empty rooms, he saw that they had been ransacked and vandalized. He knew

immediately that this was no ordinary break-in. This was a message, a warning.

Max's human had been a journalist, known for exposing the corrupt

practices of the city's ruling corporation. It was no secret that they had enemies,

and it was clear that someone wanted to send a message. Max's heart raced as he

realized that his human was in danger. He had to find a way to warn him and to

protect him.

He frantically searched through the debris, looking for any clues or hints

as to where his human might be. And then he saw it - a letter, hidden under a pile

of papers. It was addressed to him, and it was written in his human's familiar

handwriting. Max's heart skipped a beat as he tore open the letter and read the

urgent message inside. His human was alive, but he was being held captive by the

corporation. He needed Max's help to escape and to bring down the corrupt

organization once and for all.

Max knew what he had to do. He grabbed the letter and the photo album,

filled with memories of the happy times they had shared, and he set off into the

night. He would stop at nothing to rescue his human and to bring justice to the

city. He was determined to restore the city to its former glory.

As Max made his way through the city, he knew he had to be careful. The

corporation had eyes and ears everywhere, and he couldn't afford to be caught. He
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kept to the shadows, staying alert and on the lookout for any sign of danger. As he

neared the corporation's headquarters, he could feel the tension mounting. He

knew that this was the most dangerous part of his mission, and he had to be ready

for anything.

As he approached the building, he saw that the main entrance was guarded

by a group of heavily armed security guards. There was no way he could get past

them unnoticed. He would have to find another way in. He circled around to the

back of the building, hoping to find a less guarded entrance.

As he crept through the shadows, he heard the sound of voices. He froze,

listening intently. The voices were coming from behind a nearby dumpster. He

cautiously approached, trying to get a better look. As he peered around the corner,

he saw a group of people huddled in the alley. They were ragged and dirty, and

they looked like they had been living on the streets. But what caught Max's

attention was the fact that they were all wearing masks.

He realized with a start that these were the rebels, the group of activists

who had been fighting against the corporation's corrupt practices. They were the

ones who had been sending him messages and clues, trying to help him rescue his

human. Max's heart raced as he realized that he had found the people he had been

looking for.
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He approached the group, trying not to startle them. They looked up as he

approached, their eyes wide with surprise. "Who are you?" one of them asked,

eyeing him suspiciously. "I'm Max," he replied, trying to look as friendly and

non-threatening as possible. "I've been looking for you. I need your help to rescue

my human."

The rebels looked at each other, their expressions a mix of suspicion and

hope. "How do we know we can trust you?" one of them asked. Max hesitated,

not sure how to answer. He knew he had to prove his loyalty and his

determination. He reached into his bag and pulled out the photo album. "This is a

gift from my human," he said, holding it out to them. "It's filled with memories of

the happy times we've shared. He's the only family I have left, and I'll do anything

to protect him."

The rebels looked at the album, their expressions softening. "We

understand," one of them said. "We've all lost someone we love to the

corporation. We know what it's like to want to fight back." Max nodded, feeling a

sense of solidarity with the rebels. He knew he had found his allies, and together,

they would bring down the corporation and restore the city to its former glory. He

vowed to do whatever it took to rescue his human and to make the city a place of

freedom and beauty once again.

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