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Good evening brothers and sisters, let me share with you some points of my

reflections that I found from the Gospel.

Brothers and sisters, first of all, I want to tell you a story about one man who
always perseveres in faith. Once I saw him walking from his home to church to
follow the mass. It takes about half-hour to reach the church, and it's quite far. It
seemed to be exhausting, but he did it.

After I saw him, I wondered why he persevered in faith, and I have no idea about it
at that time.

the time I reflected on this Gospel, I knew that the main reason is, that he is hungry
and thirsty, not for physical appetite, but for spiritual appetite.

My dear brothers and sisters from the gospel reading we find that Jesus mentioned
things that satisfy our spiritual appetite, which is his body and his blood. We gather
here also for it. We are hungering and thirsting after God, and in the Gospel, he
said, "For my flesh is real food and my blood is real food" and kind of food and
drink Jesus feeds us is satisfying for us, because he gives himself for our life in
every single day, he never forgets us.

So, let us brothers and sisters always persevere in faith and trust in Jesus, who
satisfies our hunger.

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