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Feedback and Control System

Laboratory Project

Submitted to the Faculty of the

Department of Computer and Electronics Engineering
College of Engineering and Information Technology
Cavite State University
Indang, Cavite

In partial fulfillment
of the requirements for
(Feedback and Control System)

Submitted to:

Engr. Cenon D. Lumabad III

Submitted by:

Barcas, Maevie-lyn B.

Mendoza, Hillary G.

BS ECE 4-1

May 31, 2019

Barcas, Maevie-lyn B. 05/31/2019
Mendoza, Hillary G. BS ECE 4-1

ECEN 90 - Project Making

Arduino-Controlled Self-Balancing Boxing Robot
This documentation will show you how we built a boxing self-balancing
robot that can move around. The robot is required to have dimensions that
should be 30 cm wide (maximum) and 30 cm in height (minimum). The robot is
Arduino-based and the MPU6050 accelerometer-gyroscope module is used.


Most of the materials/components for this robot is bought from Makerlab

Electronics and Deeco Electronics Shop.

Quantity Material Price (Peso) Total

1 MPU 170 170

DC Motor with
2 300 600
2 Line Sensors 100 200
2 Servo Motors 200 400
2 Ultrasonic Sensor 70 140
1.5 V - AA
4 16 64
9 V- Ultra Heavy
1 89 89
Duty Battery
2 packs Battery Holder 44 88
Sum Total: 1,600

 All the other miscellaneous materials used for the case like wood, fiber
glass, paints and wood glue were either obtained for free or available
at home.


The concept of self-balancing started with the balancing of inverted

pendulum. This concept extended to design of aircrafts as well. The PID
(Proportional, Integral, Derivative) Algorithm is used in this robot. The
self-balancing robot is similar to an upside down pendulum. In the case of
self-balancing robot, we balance the robot by driving its wheels in the
direction in which it is falling. What we are trying to do here is to keep
the center of gravity of the robot exactly above the pivot point.
Barcas, Maevie-lyn B. 05/31/2019
Mendoza, Hillary G. BS ECE 4-1

Two-wheel self-balancing robot is also an example of advanced

development in the field of robotics. The concept of two-wheel self-balancing
robot is based on Inverted pendulum theory. This type of robot has earned
interest and fame among researchers and engineers of worldwide as it based on
such a control system that is used to stabilize an unstable system using
efficient micro controllers and sensors.


Step 1: Build the body of the Robot

For the body, the main material used is a ply wood obtained. The ply wood is
cut into pieces will the total dimensions of (22 cm x 15 cm x 10 cm).
Barcas, Maevie-lyn B. 05/31/2019
Mendoza, Hillary G. BS ECE 4-1

The wood was cut again to a more suitable shape and design. Completing and
enclosing the body from the front and back.

Step 2: Positioning of the Sensors and Motors

1. Mount the DIY H-bridge onto the

Arduino R3 board.

2. For the MPU sensor, attach it

to the bottom part of the
Barcas, Maevie-lyn B. 05/31/2019
Mendoza, Hillary G. BS ECE 4-1

4. The two servo motors are attached

3. The ultrasonic sensor with the arm into the top part of
positioned at the middle the body.
part of the body for a
better spot of detection.

Step 3: Programming

#include "PID_v1.h"
#include "LMotorController.h"
#include "I2Cdev.h"
#include "MPU6050_6Axis_MotionApps20.h"


#include "Wire.h"

#define MIN_ABS_SPEED 30

MPU6050 mpu;

// MPU control/status vars

bool dmpReady = false; // set true if DMP init was successful
uint8_t mpuIntStatus; // holds actual interrupt status byte from MPU
uint8_t devStatus; // return status after each device operation (0 =
success, !0 = error)
uint16_t packetSize; // expected DMP packet size (default is 42 bytes)
uint16_t fifoCount; // count of all bytes currently in FIFO
uint8_t fifoBuffer[64]; // FIFO storage buffer

// orientation/motion vars
Quaternion q; // [w, x, y, z] quaternion container
VectorFloat gravity; // [x, y, z] gravity vector
Barcas, Maevie-lyn B. 05/31/2019
Mendoza, Hillary G. BS ECE 4-1

float ypr[3]; // [yaw, pitch, roll] yaw/pitch/roll container and

gravity vector

double originalSetpoint = 180;
double setpoint = originalSetpoint;
double movingAngleOffset = 0.1;
double input, output;
int moveState=0; //0 = balance; 1 = back; 2 = forth
double Kp = 50; // First adjustment
double Kd = 0.2 ; // Second adjustment
double Ki = 0; // Third adjustment
PID pid(&input, &output, &setpoint, Kp, Ki, Kd, DIRECT); // kp = 55,kd=0.9

double motorSpeedFactorLeft = 0.6;

double motorSpeedFactorRight = 0.6;
int ENA = 3;
int IN1 = 8; //a
int IN2 = 10; //b
int IN3 = 11; //a
int IN4 = 9; //b
int ENB = 6;
LMotorController motorController(ENA, IN1, IN2, ENB, IN3, IN4,
motorSpeedFactorLeft, motorSpeedFactorRight);

long time1Hz = 0;
long time5Hz = 0;

volatile bool mpuInterrupt = false; // indicates whether MPU interrupt pin

has gone high
void dmpDataReady()
mpuInterrupt = true;

void setup()
// join I2C bus (I2Cdev library doesn't do this automatically)
TWBR = 24; // 400kHz I2C clock (200kHz if CPU is 8MHz)
Fastwire::setup(400, true);

// initialize serial communication

// (115200 chosen because it is required for Teapot Demo output, but it's
// really up to you depending on your project)
while (!Serial); // wait for Leonardo enumeration, others continue
Barcas, Maevie-lyn B. 05/31/2019
Mendoza, Hillary G. BS ECE 4-1

// initialize device
Serial.println(F("Initializing I2C devices..."));

// verify connection
Serial.println(F("Testing device connections..."));
Serial.println(mpu.testConnection() ? F("MPU6050 connection successful") :
F("MPU6050 connection failed"));

// load and configure the DMP

Serial.println(F("Initializing DMP..."));
devStatus = mpu.dmpInitialize();

// supply your own gyro offsets here, scaled for min sensitivity
// make sure it worked (returns 0 if so)
if (devStatus == 0)
// turn on the DMP, now that it's ready
Serial.println(F("Enabling DMP..."));

// enable Arduino interrupt detection

Serial.println(F("Enabling interrupt detection (Arduino external
interrupt 0)..."));
attachInterrupt(0, dmpDataReady, RISING);
mpuIntStatus = mpu.getIntStatus();

// set our DMP Ready flag so the main loop() function knows it's okay
to use it
Serial.println(F("DMP ready! Waiting for first interrupt..."));
dmpReady = true;

// get expected DMP packet size for later comparison

packetSize = mpu.dmpGetFIFOPacketSize();

//setup PID

pid.SetOutputLimits(-255, 255);
// 1 = initial memory load failed
// 2 = DMP configuration updates failed
// (if it's going to break, usually the code will be 1)
Serial.print(F("DMP Initialization failed (code "));
Barcas, Maevie-lyn B. 05/31/2019
Mendoza, Hillary G. BS ECE 4-1

void loop()
// if programming failed, don't try to do anything
if (!dmpReady) return;

// wait for MPU interrupt or extra packet(s) available

while (!mpuInterrupt && fifoCount < packetSize)
//no mpu data - performing PID calculations and output to motors

motorController.move(output, MIN_ABS_SPEED);

// reset interrupt flag and get INT_STATUS byte

mpuInterrupt = false;
mpuIntStatus = mpu.getIntStatus();

// get current FIFO count

fifoCount = mpu.getFIFOCount();

// check for overflow (this should never happen unless our code is too
if ((mpuIntStatus & 0x10) || fifoCount == 1024)
// reset so we can continue cleanly
Serial.println(F("FIFO overflow!"));

// otherwise, check for DMP data ready interrupt (this should happen
else if (mpuIntStatus & 0x02)
// wait for correct available data length, should be a VERY short wait
while (fifoCount < packetSize) fifoCount = mpu.getFIFOCount();

// read a packet from FIFO

mpu.getFIFOBytes(fifoBuffer, packetSize);

// track FIFO count here in case there is > 1 packet available

// (this lets us immediately read more without waiting for an
fifoCount -= packetSize;

mpu.dmpGetQuaternion(&q, fifoBuffer);
mpu.dmpGetGravity(&gravity, &q);
mpu.dmpGetYawPitchRoll(ypr, &q, &gravity);
Serial.print(ypr[0] * 180/M_PI);
Barcas, Maevie-lyn B. 05/31/2019
Mendoza, Hillary G. BS ECE 4-1

Serial.print(ypr[1] * 180/M_PI);
Serial.println(ypr[2] * 180/M_PI);
input = ypr[1] * 180/M_PI + 180;
#include <Servo.h>
#include <NewPing.h>
Servo myservo1; //Left servo
Servo myservo2; // Right Servo


#define TRIGGER_PIN1 5
#define ECHO_PIN1 7 // ECHO PIN
#define MAX_DISTANCE1 100


float distance1;

void setup()

myservo1.attach(12); //SERVO 1
myservo2.attach(13); // SERVO 2
delay(1000);//wait for a second
Serial.begin (9600);

void punch ()
myservo1.write(30);//goes to 30 degrees
myservo2.write(30);//goes to 30 degrees
myservo1.write(120);//goes to 30 degrees
myservo2.write(120);//goes to 30 degrees

void loop() {

distance1 = sonar1.ping_cm();

if ((distance1 <= 25 && distance1 >= 2)) {

Serial.println("Go Punch");

else {
Barcas, Maevie-lyn B. 05/31/2019
Mendoza, Hillary G. BS ECE 4-1

Serial.println("Out of Range");


Step 4: Finish Product

Barcas, Maevie-lyn B. 05/31/2019
Mendoza, Hillary G. BS ECE 4-1

Final Thoughts

For better balancing results, the different values for PID should be tried.
Also, keep in mind that the build, size and weight, of the robot matters when
it comes to the robot stability in balancing. Finding the PID and offset
values for the robot will take time, so make sure to finish all connections
and circuitry needed as soon as possible to be able to test your robot

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