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Reported by: May Flor G. Ortega

What is an
An interjection is a word or phrase
used in a short exclamation.
Interjections are often used to express
sudden bursts of emotion such as
anger, shock, joy, or confusion.
Interjections are not considered to be
complete sentences and often lack any
major parts of speech.
Examples of Interjections
Here are some examples of interjections to show you
how they can be used in sentences effectively.
Hurray! We won the match.
Ouch! That really hurt badly.
Wow! That is a beautiful dress indeed.
Oh my God! That was unexpected.
Whoa! That guy is unbelievably huge.

How and When to Use Interjections?
When using interjections, there are some very important
punctuation rules that you should keep in mind. Given
below are the points you have to remember.
When a short interjection is used in the beginning of
a sentence, it should be followed by a comma.
When an interjection forms a sentence by itself, the
interjection can be followed by a full stop, a question
mark or an exclamation mark.
When an interjection is used in the middle of a
sentence, the interjection has to be preceded and
followed by a comma.
In a conversation, interjections are sometimes
allowed to stand alone.
It is better if you do not use too many or any
interjections in a formal context.
Interjections are six different types.
1. The Interjection of greeting
2. The Interjection of joy
3. The Interjection of attention
4. The Interjection of approval
5. The Interjection of surprise
6. The Interjection of sorrow.
#1. The Interjection of greeting:
The Interjection of greeting expresses the
emotion of warmth to meet with any person.
Hello!, hi!, etc.
1. Hi! How are you?
2. Hello! I’m Adam, your new professor.
#2. The Interjection of Joy:
The Interjection of joy is used to express the
instantaneous pleasure and happiness on a
particular occasion.
Wow!, Congratulations!, Good!, etc.
1. Good! Now we are going to the next level.
2. Wow! You look so beautiful!
3. Congratulations! I wish you a happy married life!
#3. The Interjection of Attention:
The Interjection of attention is used to
get someone’s attention towards us.
Listen!, Look!, shhh, etc.
1. Look! I’m so tired today, and I won’t
come anywhere with you.
2. Shh! keep the mouth shut.
#4. The Interjection of Approval:
The Interjection of approval used to express
approval or any agreement in a sentence.
Bravo!, Well done! etc.
1. Well done! You have completed the task
2. Bravo! You spelled it correctly.
#5. The Interjection of surprise:
The Interjection of surprise used to express the feeling of
surprise for any incident that has happened.

Oh!, what!, Ah! etc.

1. Ah! I got my first salary.
2. What! Are you serious?
3. Oh! I met him yesterday.
#6. The Interjection of sorrow:
The Interjection for sorrow is used to express
the emotion of sadness, that something terrible
happened in a sentence.
Alas!, Ouch!, etc.
1. Ouch! It’s hurting a lot.
2. Alas! He got fractured in his right hand.
3. Oops! Sorry. It was mHelp! I’m in big trouble.
Interjection are classified into three types with respect to the
meaning and use in a sentence,

1.A volitive interjection is used as an imperative/direct

expression or demand for something to someone. “Shh!= Be
2.An emotive interjection is used to show emotion like fear
and disgust behaviour.
“Yuck!= Disgust!”

3.A cognitive interjection is used to express feelings related to

“Wow! = Surprise!”
When should you use an interjection?

You can use interjections at any time, to

add an extra touch of meaning. Lots of
different kinds of words can act as an
interjection, from words like “yes” or
“no”, to more emotive words such as
“ouch”, “hurray”, or “hey”.

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