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Departments of Biology; and 2Health Sciences and Human Performance, The University of Tampa, Tampa, Florida; 3School of
Human Movement, Sport and Leisure Studies, Bowling Green State University, Bowling Green, Ohio; and 4Department of
Nutrition, IMG Performance Institute, IMG Academies, Bradenton, Florida

ABSTRACT scores. These changes are partly explained by a rise in serum

Sikorski, EM, Wilson, JM, Lowery, RP, Joy, JM, Laurent, CM, indices of muscle damage. Moreover, free testosterone seems
Wilson, SM-C, Hesson, D, Naimo, MA, Averbuch, B, and to have a positive relationship with PRS.
Gilchrist, P. Changes in perceived recovery status scale KEY WORDS creatine kinase, overtraining, testosterone,
following high-volume muscle damaging resistance Exercise. soreness, cortisol
J Strength Cond Res 27(8): 2079–2085, 2013—Currently no
research has investigated the relationship between muscle INTRODUCTION

damage, hormonal status, and perceived recovery scale
t is important that an athlete train at the optimal train-
(PRS). Therefore, the purpose of this study was to determine
ing volume to achieve maximum performance gains.
the effects of a high-volume training session on PRS and to Training below this level will cause failure to achieve
determine the relationship between levels of testosterone, cor- the proper physical and psychological adaptation for
tisol, and creatine kinase (CK) and PRS. Thirty-five trained maximum performance, whereas training above may lead to
subjects (21.3 6 1.9 years) were recruited. All subjects par- a condition referred to as overtraining or burnout (1–4). One
ticipated in a high-volume resistance training session consist- important aspect of successful training is the level of recov-
ing of 3 sets of full squats, bench press, deadlifts, pullups, dips, ery for an individual before resuming training (1–4). Not
bent over rows, shoulder press, and barbell curls and exten- permitting athletes with adequate recovery time is detrimen-
sions. Pre-PRS and post-PRS measurements (0–10), sore- tal to obtaining peak performance (5,6). Over the years,
ness, CK, cortisol, and testosterone were measured before research has demonstrated that programmed rest and vari-
and 48 hours after training. Perceived recovery scale declined ation in volume and intensity is probably the best mecha-
nism for recovery (1–3).
from 8.6 6 2.3 to 4.2 6 1.85 (p , 0.05). Leg, chest, and arm
Despite the importance of recovery time, the methods of
soreness increased from pre- to postexercise. Creatine kinase
measuring recovery that do exist use time consuming,
significantly increased from pre- to postworkout (189.4 6
invasive, and/or potentially taxing techniques that typically
100.2 to 512 6 222.7 U/L). Cortisol, testosterone, and free lead to low compliance by the subjects and may cause
testosterone did not change. There was an inverse relationship adverse side effects (1,5,7,8). However, Laurent et al. (9) pro-
between CK and PRS (r2 = 0.58, p , 0.05). When muscle posed a perceived recovery status scale, which is similar but
damage was low before training, cortisol and free and total opposite to a perceived exertion scale (10–12). Both scales
testosterone were not correlated to PRS. However, when dam- are based on the subjective physical and mental feelings of
age peaked at 48 hours postexercise, free, but not total, tes- the athlete, as it pertains to their body either before or after
tosterone showed a low direct relationship with PRS (r2 = 0.2, a training session. The perceived recovery scale (PRS) dem-
p , 0.05). High-volume resistance exercise lowers PRS onstrated itself as an effective mechanism to determine the
performance in a particular training session before a subject
commences training (9). Furthermore, research suggests that
Address correspondence to Dr. Eric M. Sikorski, the PRS may be well suited for the determination of over-
27(8)/2079–2085 training syndrome and the prevention of overtraining (9).
Journal of Strength and Conditioning Research Damaging skeletal muscle tissue is one of the outcomes of
Ó 2013 National Strength and Conditioning Association high-intensity exercise. One mechanism for determining the

VOLUME 27 | NUMBER 8 | AUGUST 2013 | 2079

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Percieved Recovery Status

The second goal of this study

was to determine the relation-
TABLE 1. Subject characteristics and lifting volume.
ship between resting testoster-
Age Lean body mass, kg Relative strength Total lifting volume, kg one and cortisol levels and an
individual’s perceived readiness
216 1.9 76.7 6 8.8 5.2 6 0.52 16,353 6 3,900
to train, as determined by the
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PRS. Therefore, we specifically

assayed for the levels of CK,
cortisol, testosterone, and CRP.
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level of damage is by the examination of various blood METHODS

markers such as creatine kinase (CK), lactate dehydrogenase, Experimental Approach to the Problem
fast myosin, and myoglobin to name a few (13–15). Inflam- This investigation was designed to determine the effects of
mation is another side effect of muscle damage and leads to a high-volume muscle damaging training session on PRS. Our
increases in the levels of proteins such as C-reactive protein secondary purpose was to determine the relationship between
(CRP), prostaglandin E2, tumor necrosis factor-alpha (TNF-a), resting serum levels of testosterone and cortisol on PRS. All
platelet activating factor, and interleukin 6 (16–20). These subjects were tested on 3 separate days. On day 1, subjects’ 1
proteins may be used as indirect markers as part of the repetition maximum (1RM) performance on the full squat,
evaluation of damage to muscle tissue (21–24). Finally, the bench press, and deadlift were assessed. In addition, lean body
various catabolic and anabolic hormones play a significant mass was assessed using dual x-ray absorbtiometery (iDXA; GE
role in recovery from muscle damage. The levels and expres- Lunar Corp., Madison, WI, USA). On day 2, which occurred 7
sion of these hormones, cortisol, and testosterone, for exam- days after day 1, all subjects performed a high-volume resis-
ple, vary with not only the level of damage but also with the tance training protocol designed to elicit a large amount of
level of hydration of the individuals (21–24). Both these fatigue and muscle damage. Before the resistance training bout,
direct and indirect markers for muscle damage have been baseline blood, soreness, and PRS status were assessed. Forty-
used to corroborate perceived exertion among training and eight hours after the muscle damaging bout, subjects returned
competing athletes (25,26). to the laboratory for postblood and PRS scores.
The goal of this study was to examine and determine if
there is a correlation between the perceived recovery status Subjects
scale used by the subjects and the presence of blood markers Thirty-five highly resistance-trained subjects aged 21.3 6 1.9
and other indices of muscle damage and readiness to train. years with an average squat, bench press, and deadlift of
1.7 6 0.2, 1.38 6 1.9, and 2.07 6 2.7 times their bodyweight
were recruited for the study (Table 1). All subjects had
a minimum of 3 years of resistance training experience. An
TABLE 2. Resistance training protocol.
institution review board approved the study for human sub-
Rest, RM load and jects, and written informed consent was obtained from each
Exercise s repetitions subject before any testing.
Full Squat 60 8–12 Repetitions Resting Blood Draws
(8-12 RM) Resting blood draws were obtained via venipuncture by
Bench Press 60 8–12 Repetitions
a trained phlebotomist at pretraining (day 2) and at 48 hours
(8-12 RM)
Deadlift 60 8–12 Repetitions after the resistance training bout (day 3). Whole blood was
(8-12 RM) collected and transferred into appropriate tubes for obtaining
Pull-ups 60 8–12 Repetitions serum and plasma and centrifuged at 1500g for 15 minutes at
(8-12 RM) 48 C. Resulting serum and plasma was aliquoted and stored
Dumbbell shoulder 60 8–12 Repetitions
at j808 C until subsequent analyses.
press (8-12 RM)
Bent over rows 60 8–12 Repetitions
(8-12 RM) Diet Control. Two weeks before and throughout the study,
Parallel dips 60 8–12 Repetitions subjects were placed on a diet consisting of 25% protein, 50%
(8-12 RM)
carbohydrates, and 25% fat by a registered dietician, who
Barbell curls 60 8–12 Repetitions
(8-12 RM) specialized in sport nutrition (RD, LDN, and CISSN).
Lying triceps 60 8–12 Repetitions
extensions (8-12 RM) Biochemical Analyses
Samples were thawed one time and analyzed in duplicate for
each analyte. All blood draws were scheduled at the same
time of day to negate confounding influences of diurnal
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moderately recovered and

expected similar performance,
and 8–10 representing high
perceived recovery with ex-
pected increases in perfor-
mance. Muscle soreness was
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assessed using a scale of 0–10

for the legs, chest, and
arms. On the scale, 0–1
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represented little to no
pain, 2 represented slight pain,
3–4 represented mild pain, 5–6
represented moderate pain,
and 7–8 and 9–10 was indica-
tive of severe to the worst pain,
Figure 1. Changes in serum creatine kinase and perceived recovery scale. All changes occur from prior to and
after a high-volume muscle damaging resistance exercise session.
respectively, that the subject
had experienced in their lives.
Statistical Analyses
Means and SDs were gener-
hormonal variations. Serum total testosterone, cortisol, and ated for all subject characteristics, including strength rela-
CRP were assayed via enzyme-linked immunosorbent assay tive to body weight (combined 1RMs for the squat, bench
kits obtained from Diagnostic Systems Laboratories (Webster, press, and deadlift divided by subject’s body weight), age,
TX, USA). All hormones were measured in the same assay on and total volume lifted during the resistance training pro-
the same day to avoid compounded interassay variance. Intra- tocol ([weight] 3 [repetitions] 3 [total sets of each exer-
assay variance was less than 3% for all analytes. Serum CK cise]). A repeated measures analysis of variance was used to
was measured using colorimetric procedures at 340 nm determine differences in PRS, soreness, and blood markers
(Diagnostics Chemicals, Oxford, CT, USA). of muscle damage and hormone status. Finally, correlation
Resistance Training Protocol
coefficients were calculated for all variables by using a cor-
All subjects participated in a high-volume resistance training relation matrix from raw scores to determine which varia-
session consisting of 3 sets of 10- to 12-repetition maximum bles were related to PRS scores. A Tukey HSD post hoc
loads for each of the following exercises: full squats, bench test was used to locate significance between time points if
press, deadlifts, pullups, bent over rows, dips, shoulder press, there was a main group or time effect. All significance was
barbell curls, and triceps extensions. Rest periods were 1 minute accepted at p # 0.05. All statistical procedures were carried
between sets and 2 minutes between exercises (Table 2). out on Statistica (StatSoft, Tulsa, OK, USA).

Perceived Recovery Status Scale and Muscle Soreness

Perceived Recovery Status scale consists of values between Average total weight lifted in the training session was
0 and 10, with 0–2 being very poorly recovered and with 16,353 6 3,691.8 kg (Table 1, p , 0.05). Perceived Recov-
anticipated declines in performance, 4–6 being low to ery Status declined from 8.6 6 2.3 to 4.2 6 1.85 (p , 0.05)
(Figure 1). Leg (0.58 6 0.84 to
6.3 6 2.3 cm, p , 0.05), chest
(0.29 6 0.53 to 3.7 6 2.1 cm,
TABLE 3. Changes in blood hormone, inflammatory factors, and muscle soreness. p , 0.05), and arm soreness
Pre exercise values Post exercise values (0.48 6 1.2 to 2.7 6 2.6 cm,
p , 0.05) increased from pre-
Total Testosterone (ng$dl21) 647 6 197.8 628.5 6 150.1 to postexercise (Table 3).
Free testosterone (pg$ml21) 101 6 32.6 99 6 24.2
Cortisol (mg$dl) 20.2 6 4.0 20.2 6 4.3 Serum CK significantly
C-reactive protein (mg$L21) 1.27 6 2.1 1.25 6 1.9 increased from pre- to post-
Leg soreness (0–10) 0.58 6 0.84 6.3 6 2.3* workout (189.4 6 100.2 to
Chest soreness (0–10) 0.29 6 0.52 3.7 6 2.1* 512 6 222.7 U/L, p , 0.05).
Arm soreness (0–10) 0.48 6 0.12 2.7 6 1.7* Cortisol, testosterone, and
*Indicates significantly different than preexercise. free testosterone did not
change from pre- to posttrain-
ing (Table 3, p , 0.05). There

VOLUME 27 | NUMBER 8 | AUGUST 2013 | 2081

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Percieved Recovery Status

was a significant moderate

and inverse relationship
between leg soreness and
PRS scores. There were also
significant low inverse rela-
tionships between chest and
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arm soreness and PRS scores.

There was a significant mod-
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erate inverse relationship

between CK and PRS
(Figure 2, p , 0.05). When
muscle damage was low
before training, cortisol and
free and total testosterone
were not correlated to PRS.
However, when damage
peaked at 48 hours postexer-
cise, free testosterone, but not
total testosterone, showed
a low direct relationship with
PRS (Figure 4, p , 0.05).
Figure 2. Relationship between perceived recovery scale and creatine kinase. PRS = 0.05221x3 + 7.24 3
1025x2 2 3.34 3 1028x + 14.45; x = creatine kinase (U/L); R2 = 0.5862, p , 0.05.

Figure 3. Relationship between muscle soreness and perceived recovery scale. A) PRS = 20.6402x 6 0.7276 + 8.801 6 0.3539; x = leg soreness; R2 =
0.5324, p , 0.05. B) PRS = 20.6844x 6 0.1296 + 7.932 6 0.2908; x = chest soreness; R2 = 0.2908, p , 0.05. C) PRS = 20.4371x 6 0.1414 + 7.251 6
0.4062; x = arm soreness; R2 = 0.1233, p , 0.05.

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of work. Therefore, studies are needed to further examine

specific markers that may influence an individual’s level of
readiness after training. The results from this study suggest
that the PRS may have extended utility in not only identifi-
cation of performance change, but may indicate the magni-
tude of damage done at the level of the muscle and/or the
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degree of recovery after a difficult bout of exercise. Clearly,

the ability of an individual to assess either the level of recov-
ery or degree of damage using a simple noninvasive percep-
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tual scale is attractive across a number of populations and

has tremendous potential in prescribing training loads on
a day-to-day basis. Indeed, Laurent et al. (9), in the design
of the PRS suggested that an individual may be able to use
this measure as a means to manipulate daily workloads and,
if done appropriately, could serve to not only maximize
Figure 4. Relationship between free testosterone and perceived
recovery scale. PRS = 0.03388 6 0.01286x + 1.074 6 1.321; x = free overload and training gains but also potentially avoid non-
testosterone; R2 = 0.1737. functional overreaching.
The second goal of this study was to examine testosterone
(total and free), cortisol, and C-reactive protein and to
determine any significant relationship between these bio-
DISCUSSION chemical levels and individual’s perceived readiness to train
The main goal of this study was to examine and determine if as determined by the PRS. Results demonstrated no signif-
there is a correlation between the perceived recovery status icant change in C-reactive protein or cortisol levels from pre-
scale used by the subjects and the presence of blood markers to postworkout (Table 3). Our results for C-reactive protein
and other indices of muscle damage and readiness to train as agreed with those of other researchers (18,28,29). Cortisol
verification of recovery and potential training performance. also displayed no significant level of change after the high-
Subjects (Table 1) noted a significant drop in their physical volume exercise, which was concurrent with results obtained
status following the high-volume resistance training session by others (24). Although some researchers have noticed
(Table 2). The subjects reported their level of recovery, using changes in levels of cortisol in blood and saliva after resis-
the PRS (Figure 1B), and on the level of muscle soreness tance exercise (30–33), samples in these studies were taken
both before and after the training session. Significant either immediately or shortly after (a few hours) exercise.
changes in muscle soreness in the legs, chest and arms were Changes in cortisol levels may have occurred at time inter-
reported by the subjects (Table 3) leading to a significant, vals different from the one chosen for our study. Further
inverse relationship between soreness and the PRS for each experimentation is needed to determine if these changes
subject (Figure 3). To determine if there was a correlation did occur. Our post exercise times for sampling were chosen
between muscle damage and the PRS, we decided to look at because this is when maximal concentrations of muscle dam-
a blood marker, which has been shown to be a muscle dam- age markers would be present.
age indicator. Creatine kinase levels were assayed through Finally, testosterone levels were assayed both pre- and
blood draws before the workout and 48 hours after the postworkout. There was no significant correlation in the
workout. Results demonstrated a 2.5-foldincrease in serum levels of total and free testosterone to the PRS when muscle
levels of CK 48 hours postexercise verifying potential muscle damage was low before training, however, there was a low
damage (Figure 1A). However, it must be mentioned that and direct correlation between free testosterone and the
tissue damage may have been compromised because of the subject’s perceived level of recovery 48 hours postexercise.
receptor complexes that are not functioning (27). Yet, on This result alludes to the role of testosterone in maintaining
statistical comparison between the PRS (Figure 1B) and readiness for physical exertion in the presence of muscle
CK levels (Figure 1A), the results demonstrated that there damage (34–36). While there was only a modest correlation
was a significant and moderate inverse relationship between shared between these 2 variables, this finding is still novel.
the two (Figure 2). This suggests that the PRS may be used The literature has clearly indicated that perceptual response
not only as a measure of readiness to train and potential during exercise (i.e., RPE) is influenced by a number of dif-
performance but also as a measure of potential muscle dam- ferent variables. Moreover, the degree to which a variable
age. The initial study investigating the potential utility of the will influence RPE is not constant, as its influence may
PRS was to investigate if individuals could subjectively assess change relative to the intensity of the exercise and/or the
their level of recovery relative to expected performance. duration of the exercise bout (37–39). Because the PRS was
Although novel, there are clearly a number of factors that created analogous to the RPE scale, our results may indicate
influence an individual’s performance during repeated bouts that different biochemical markers of damage and/or

VOLUME 27 | NUMBER 8 | AUGUST 2013 | 2083

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VOLUME 27 | NUMBER 8 | AUGUST 2013 | 2085

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