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I think we focus so much on our Founding Fathers because a group of men, the

Founders, came together, all with the idea of freedom, to declare independence against

a very large monarchy. Also, as Wood states, the United States was founded on a set of

beliefs, unlike other nations which were founded on a common ethnicity, language, or

religion. Furthermore, "Since we are not a nation in any traditional sense of the term, in

order to establish our nationhood, we have to reaffirm and reinforce periodically the

values of the men who declares independence from Great Britain and framed the

Constitution. As long as the Republic endures, in other words, Americans are destined

to look back to its founding." Moreover, they used examples from other civilizations to

design a new government to try and assure the people would have representation.

Alexander Hamilton was a man that would sacrifice his personal life to keep his career.

For example, he wrote the Reynolds Pamphlet admitting he had an affair with Reynolds'

wife but denied using treasury funds to pay him off. By doing this, he saved his political

career, but at the same time ruined his relationship with his wife. He believed in a very

strong central government. He believed that a government should be concentrated on

only a few men who had the intelligence and talent to govern properly for all people. He

also founded the Bank of the United States in 1791.

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