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At home 24/04/2020

Exercise N3 (P.116)
1. AJ
2. OW
3. OW
4. B
5. OW
6. AJ
7. OW

Jimm Carrey and Charlie Chapli

Jimm Carrey is a very famous actor and comedian. He is known for his
energetic slapstick performances. However, many people are unaware
that he had a difficult childhood. His father Percy was a musician, who
got a job as an accountant, and provided well for the family until he lost
his job when Carrey was a boy. That is when Carrey's life changed
dramatically. With no steady income, the family eventually lost their
home, and was living out of a van. Carrey quit high school at the age of
15 to take a job as a janitor to help support his family. Carrey described
himself as being very angry at his situation in life at that time. But now
he is one of the most famous and talanted actor.
was an English comic actor, filmmaker, and composer who rose to fame
in the era of silent film. He became a worldwide icon through his screen
persona, "The Tramp", and is considered one of the most important
figures in the history of the film industry. Chaplin's childhood in London
was one of poverty and hardship, as his father was absent and his
mother struggled financially, and he was sent to a workhouse twice
before the age of nine. When he was 14, his mother was committed to
a mental asylum.
As you can understand these are two comedians who started life in
very poor poverty, however they have achieved great success and
entered history.

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