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For many years it was believed that the name of the state of Kentucky was derived from an

Amerindian word meaning "dark and bloody hunting ground". The reason was that the first
tribes that populated the area were dedicated to hunting, a practice that they developed within
the ample forests of Kentucky, where they also carried out their fighting contests.
Over the years, it was determined that the word Kentucky, was attributed to the convergence
of several indigenous languages, which in turn led to several concepts, highlighting some as
the "land of cane and turkeys", the "land of tomorrow", or simply "prairie". Where the state
of Kentucky is located today, was initially inhabited by immigrants from a British colony,
originally from Pennsylvania in the years of 1774.

Starting in the 1840's, Kentucky diversified its economy by incorporating the production of
alcoholic beverages, especially bourbon whiskey. A determining factor in the boom in the
productivity of producers, farmers and other traders in the region was the geography of
Kentucky, which had a variety of rivers.
In 1861, the Civil War began in the United States, where Kentucky from the beginning took a
position, declaring its neutrality before the events, so it did not take the side of either the
Union or the Confederate States of America.
In spite of it and given that Kentucky was still legally part of the Union, the territory was
invaded by the Confederate troops for the year 1862, being later evicted by the forces of the
Union, in the month of October of that same year.
When the Civil War ended, Kentucky was still part of the Union, but the government of the
United States of that time, executed actions with which the inhabitants of the state mostly did
not agree and that created many annoyances.

The state of Kentucky is located in the South zone of the United States, with Southeast
Central division.

The type of climate of Kentucky is temperate, with its seasons of very hot summers and its
winters are relatively cold, counting on few features of variation from one region to another.
During the winter season, temperatures drop gradually as it moves northward across the state.
The highest temperatures occur in the West during the summer season, where the lowest
altitudes are found..

The capital of Kentucky is the city of Frankfort, which is located within Franklin County.
Based on the 2010 Census, the state capital had a population of 25,527 inhabitants, while its
population density is 674.24 people per square kilometers.

Kentucky is internationally known thanks to the breeding of its thoroughbred horses, the
celebration of popular horse races from which the sport of Derby derives, the creation of

distilleries that produce bourbon, the production and export of tobacco, bluegrass music and
its college basketball teams.

Much of the state of Kentucky belongs to the rural area, a factor that influences the fact that
the practice of agriculture is its main source of income, despite the fact that the bulk of its
economic activity is concentrated in the manufacture of industrialized products and tourism.
The primary sector accounts for 2% of Kentucky's GDP, consisting of agriculture and
The secondary sector of Kentucky's economy accounts for 34% of GDP, which is in line with
the total value of products produced within the state, at $34 billion.
Coal is the main resource of Kentucky's natural mineral state and ranks 4th in automobile and
truck assembly compared to the rest of the U.S. states.

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