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People of Grace Christian Schools Foundation, Inc.

S.Y. 2022-2023
Third Quarter Assessment
Number Skills – Kinder 2


I. Choose and encircle the correct letter of the answer

1. Which shape is half shaded?

a. b. c.

2. Which shape is half shaded?

a. b. c.

3. Which shape is half shaded?

a. b. c.

II. Add the following and write the correct answer in the box.




III. Solve the Word Problems and write the combination.

1. Mat has four cats while Max has three cats. How many cats do they
have in all?

2. There were five boys who have trucks. There were five girls who
have dolls. Have many boys and girls are there in all?
3. Len have six gummy balls. Her sister gave her one more. How many
gummy balls does she have now?

4. Jim picked eight flowers for her sister and mother. He picked two
more. How many flowers does he have now?

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