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Building Tall with Timber- Does it make Sense?

Timber which is primarily known as wood, has long been used as structural material
for centuries. In fact, it can be argued that its use as a structural material, dates back into
antiquity, predating the advent of steel and concrete.

Despite been one of the earliest construction materials, The tallest mass timber building
in the world is still the 18-storey Tallwood House at Brock Commons at the University of
British Columbia (UBC) in Canada, soon to be eclipsed by the 24-storey HoHo Tower in
Vienna, while steel and concrete have been used t construct far taller structures. Hence it
begs the question: Does it makes sense to build Tall with timber?

In this article, we will answer this question by exploring the advantages and Pitfalls of
building with timber.

Advantages of Building Tall with Timber


One of the main advantages of building tall with timber is its sustainability. Wood is a
renewable resource, which means it can be grown and harvested again and again.
Additionally, trees absorb carbon dioxide from the atmosphere, which helps to mitigate
climate change. When used in construction, timber can also store carbon dioxide,
making it a carbon-neutral building material. Therefore, building tall with timber can
help to reduce a building's environmental impact.

Aesthetic Appeal

Timber is a beautiful material that can enhance the aesthetic appeal of a building. Tall
timber buildings can have a striking appearance and can create a unique skyline.
Additionally, timber has a warm and natural look, which can create a cozy and inviting

Energy efficiency
Timber is a natural insulator, which means it can help to reduce energy consumption in
a building. Tall timber buildings can also be designed to maximize natural light and
ventilation, which can further reduce energy consumption.

Structural strength

Timber has excellent strength-to-weight ratio, which means it can support a significant
amount of weight. When engineered properly, timber can also meet the necessary fire,
seismic, and wind resistance requirements for tall buildings.

Pitfalls of Building Tall with Timber

Fire risk

One of the main disadvantages of building tall with timber is its fire risk. Timber is a
combustible material, which means it can ignite and spread fire quickly. However, there
are ways to mitigate this risk, such as treating timber with fire retardants, designing
timber structures with fire-resistant materials, and installing fire sprinkler systems.

Moisture damage

Timber is susceptible to moisture damage, which can lead to rot, mold, and insect
infestation. However, this risk can be mitigated by using treated timber, applying
waterproofing measures, and designing buildings with proper ventilation.

Structural limitations

While timber has excellent strength-to-weight ratio, it still has certain structural
limitations that may make it unsuitable for certain tall building types and designs. For
example, timber structures may not be able to support as much weight as steel or
concrete structures, which can limit their use in high-rise buildings. Additionally, tall
timber buildings may require more intricate and expensive engineering to ensure their
structural integrity.

Building tall with timber can be more expensive than traditional building materials
such as steel and concrete. While timber itself is relatively inexpensive, the cost of
engineering, fabrication, and installation can be higher due to the complexity of tall
timber building design and construction.

Does it make sense to build tall with timber?

After considering the advantages and disadvantages of building tall with timber, the
question remains: does it make sense to build tall with timber? The answer depends on
various factors, such as the building's intended use, location, and budget. Here are
some scenarios where building tall with timber may or may not make sense:

1. Residential buildings: Building tall with timber may make sense for residential
buildings such as apartment buildings and condominiums. The aesthetic appeal, energy
efficiency, and sustainability of timber can enhance the living experience for residents.
Additionally, tall timber buildings can be prefabricated off-site, which can reduce
construction time and costs.

2. Commercial buildings: Building tall with timber may make sense for certain
types of commercial buildings, such as offices

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