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Computer Science

Grade 7 Notes Breakdown

I. Foundation of computer science
1. Computer concepts
2. Evolution of computers
3. Generation of computers
4. Classification of computers
5. Physical Parts of computers
6. Hands On Skills Concepts
7. Computer user environment
8. Computer system overview
9. Computer Hardware concepts
10. Input devices
11. Central Processing Unit
12. Output devices
13. Ports and cables
14. Computer Setup
II. Computer and society
1. Physical and safety of computers
2. Health and safety
3. Repetitive Strain Injury RSI
4. Data safety in computers
5. Online safety concepts
6. Online Identity concepts
III. Computer Networks
1. Computer Networks concepts
2. Connecting computers to the network
3. Internet concepts
4. World Wide Web
IV. Computer Programming
1. Computer programing concept
2. Visual programming concepts
3. Visual programming features

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