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Objectives CODE Percentage No. of Items Item Placement

Analyze a story in terms of its elements 100% 15 1-15
Total 100 15 1 – 15
Name :____________________________________________________ Grade and Section:_________

I. Read the story. Answer the questions that follow.

Good Things Come to Good People

Liam came from a poor family. His parents work is to collect garbage. Despite their condition in life, he grew up
to be a very kind and industrious boy. He always helps his parent collecting garbage after he came home from school.
One Saturday morning, while Liam was helping his parents in collecting the garbage in a vacant lot, he found a bag that
contains lots of money. He looked around to see if there is someone who’s looking for the bag. Liam did not hesitate to
find the owner of the bag. It never crossed his mind that what he found was interesting even though he knew it would be
a big help to them.
Liam went to the police station to report what he has found and taught that the owner might be looking for it.
When he reached the station and as he was talking to the police, suddenly a rich businesswoman came to report her
missing bag. Liam immediately gave the bag to the woman and explain where he got it. The woman was thankful to
Liam for returning the bag. She was very glad for the little boy’s honesty. When the woman knew the situation of the
child’s life, she felt even more amazed by the child’s character. Because of this, the woman promises Liam that she will
help the little boy in his studies as a return of the good did.

Write the letter of the correct answer.

_____1. Who is the main character of the story?

a. the parents b. the woman c. Liam
_____2. When did the story happen?
a. One Sunday morning b. One Saturday morning c. One Saturday afternoon
_____3. Where did the story happen?
a. in a vacant lot b. in the forest c. in the classroom
_____4. Where did Liam bring the bag that he found?
a. He gave it to his parents.
b. He brought it to the police station.
c. He brought it to the market to buy some food.
_____5. What did you learn from the story?
a. There is a good reward for every good deed.
b. Perseverance has good fruit.
c. There is money in the trash.

II. Read the story. (10PTS.)

Lesson Learned
Once there was a child named Bell. She is a child with unusual behavior. She did not want to clean her body,and
she is lazy in taking a bath. Bell likes to play in the mud so, her clothes are completely dirty. She often fell asleep
without cleansing her body and brushing her teeth. Aling Jenny, Bell’s mother always telling her to clean her body, but
she does a lot of excuses.
One day, she went to her playmates to play. Instead of playing with her, they avoided Bell because of her smell.
No one wanted to play with her so, she just went home and play alone. While playing in the backyard, Bell felt the
irritation of her body and excessive itching of her skin. She cried for help because she cannot take the feeling anymore.
Aling Jenny quickly went to her daughter as she heard it crying and shouting for help. She told Bell to immediately take
a bath and clean her body.
Bell took a bath and clean her body. She felt the comfort in her body. She was now started liking that feeling and seeing
her body clean. Her playmates begin playing with her again.
Bell realized the importance of cleaning her body and taking a bath every day. She learns from the experience and since
then she makes sure to keep her body clean always.

Copy the graphic organizer in your answer sheet. Write the elements of the story. Study these phrases and sentences.
Which of these are appropriate for the boxes in the graphic organizer? Copy the graphic organizer in your answer sheet
and write the missing parts.
1. Backyard
2. Bell felt the irritation of her body and excessive itching of her skin.
3. Aling Jenny
4. Bell took a bath and clean her body.
5. Playmates
6. Bell learns from the experience and since then she makes sure to keep her body clean always.
7. One day
8. Bell


I. II.

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