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Date: 09/26/2022

Task 1: Accident investigation 1

(a) Why is it important to secure the scene of the accident?
Note: You should support your answer, where applicable, using relevant information
from the scenario.

Answer: Securing the accident scene is very importance for the following factors.
1: To protect the evidence: It is the important to preserve the evidence at the scene of an
accident so that it can be used to determine what happened and who may be liable. The scene
is not secured, but maybe impact the outcome of any potential legal action.
2: the accident scene is not altered. It is expected from emergency crews, if possible, to leave
Lose material where they found it.
3: securing the scene of an accident is very important for a stuff morals. Don’t let the stuff feel
that we don’t care about health and safety.
4: securing the accident scene is also important for any enforcement action to take place. This
not avoid enforcement action, but it can put a good impact on them.
5: secure the scene of the accident, can prevent future accident. In the scenario as a worker
of TL regularly scored and investigated accident scenes.
6: The scene of the accident has been secured in legal law, according to ILO.

(b) Based on the scenario only, what immediate actions were taken following the
accident to gather information for the investigation?
Answer: Based on the scenario following immediate steps were taken to investigate the

1: After the accident, the accident site should be visited. Based on the scenario, TL
representative visited the accident site and got some photographs of the accident site.
2: first aid should be provide immediately after the accident. As stated in the scenario, there
was a receptionist at the accident site. Who was also the first aider, An he gave first aid to the
experience worker.
3: After the accident we should go and investigation. As told in the scenario, TL workers
investigate the accident from the trainee.
4: according to scenario, The TL worker called an ambulance immediately after the accident.
and TL also provided medical aid.
5: according to the scenario, TL representative checks that the first aider is able to stay with the
unconscious worker until help arrives. They also reassure the worried trainees and calmly take
them to the office.
6: The TL representative asked him what happened.

They record what is said on their mobile phones (with the trainee's permission). The trainee
explains. that they have not received any general health and safety, or manual handling training;
training has been organized and postponed on several occasions.
(c) What communications could have helped prevent the accident?
Answer: The following conversation can help prevent an accident.
1: This interactions could helped to prevent accident. Informative It tells employees what they need
to know to work safely under the all condition.
2: It focuses on the exchanges of ideas and information to improve workplace safety and prevent
accident and illness.
3: helps to avoid accidents in safe workplace. The organization should be provide the workers on safe
work palace. Which reduce the risk of accident.
4: Danger signs should be provided around the roller, they can prevent the accident.
5: Provide a visible leadership in the organization. To train the workers about health and safety to
prevent accidents. And who listen to workers problem and solve them.
6: First aid training should be given to all the workers in the organization. So that they can take care of
health and safety themselves. And by they can prevent the accident from occurring.

Task 2: Health and Safety Culture 2 Based on the scenario only, other than insufficient
communication, what are the indicators of a negative health and safety culture at SC?
1: In the scenario, a side manager organize a side meeting on the last working day of week,
WS asks the contractor are asked to plan for next week, and both contractor to attend, but the
SC contractor to not come. This is a negative indicator.
2: according to scenario, the SC experience worker that the told trainee worker that is no need
for training in this work. That’s a negative indicator.
3: Regarding the scenario, the attitude of SC experience workers was not good. this is a
negative indicator.
4: According to the scenario, when the TL workers asked the SC worker what was the reason
for the accident, he said that we were not given the training about the health and safety training.
That’s a negative indicator.
5: In the scenario, the risk assessment SC contractors was 4 year old. This is a negative
6: In the based scenario, SC workers ware inexperienced and had no idea about health and
safety training, this is a negative indicator.
7: according to scenario, SC workers not trained about the first aid. This is a negative indicators.
SC had not given manual handling training to the workers and when was asked by experienced
to help me. The trainee worker said I have not experience but experience work to don’t need
training. Negative indicator.
8: According to the scenario, experience worker tells to trainee worker that all health and safety
culture is common sense anyway. That’s a negative indicators
9: according too scenario, the workers of SC vulnerable and untrained. This is a negative
10: according to scenario, The experience worker is a walking and the does not make not make
any health and safety requirement for himself due to some king of error which leads to injury.
This a negative indicator.
Task 3: Assessing the application of risk assessment
3 What control measures could have been used to prevent or reduce the severity of the
1: A key question for any risk assessment is, how exactly you are going to control the risks? After
all, a risk assessment isn't just a list of the risks. It's an assessment. You are assessing the risk and
deciding whether or not it is safe enough to proceed.
2: Once you have spotted the hazards involved and calculated the risks, you now need to get those
risks under control. A successful risk assessment should check the existing precautions you have in
place, and then decide if you need more to prevent harm.
3: The things you do to reduce the risk are known as control measures. Control measures are
needed in risk assessment, because what good is assessing risk if you don't reduce it? And what's
the point in a risk assessment if it doesn't make the job safe.
4: the elimination should always be the first control measure you consider. Ask yourself, can this
risk be removed entirely from this activity. Example Use extendable tools to eliminate work at height
5: Substitution is the second-best control measure you could use. Maybe could it be reduced by
replacing the material, substance or process with something less dangerous?
6: The engineering controls - usually fixed temporary, or permanent controls. Engineering controls
could be collective (protecting all workers e.g. edge protection for work at height
7: we have administrative controls. While this type of control is lower down in priority, it will often be
an essential part of your control measures. These are the rules and systems you put in place to
carry out the work safely
8: personal protective clothing and equipment (PPE). PPE is the last line of deference against a
hazard, so while it shouldn't be your first choice when controlling risks.
9: someone said (your employer, your supervisor or your health and safety representative) about
hazards you can't fix yourself, especially if the hazard could cause serious harm to anyone.
10: Make the changes it is your employer's responsibility to fix hazards. Sometimes you may be
able to fix simple hazards yourself, as long as you don't put yourself or others at risk.
11: hazard is to get rid of it altogether. This is not always possible, but your employer should try to
make hazards less dangerous by looking at the following options (in order from most effective to
least effective).
12: The Sometimes a less hazardous thing, substance or work practice can be used. (E.g. Use a
non-toxic glue instead of a toxic glue.)
13: Isolation - Separate the hazard from people, by marking the hazardous area, fitting screens or
putting up safety barriers.
14: areas where forklifts operate near pedestrians in the workplace. Safeguards can be added by
modifying tools or equipment, or fitting guards to machinery. These must never be removed or
disabled by workers using the equipment.
15: ask your supervisor for instructions and training before using equipment. This factor to be a
used to prevent or reduce the severity of the accident.
16: ask for help moving or lifting heavy objects. This factor used to prevent or reduce the severity.
17: tell your supervisor if you think a work practice could be dangerous this factor used to prevent
or reduce the severity.
18: Changing high-level vibrating equipment with newer equipment with less vibration exposure.
This factor to be a used to prevent or reduce the severity of the accident.
19: Enclosing dangerous items of machinery or moving parts by doing the severity of the accident
can be prevented or reduced.
20. Use of the personal protection equipment PPE.
21. Should have been applied to make the flouring fit properly.

Task 4: Workers’ responsibilities in the workplace?

4 The injured worker, and the trainee worker, may have contravened some of their
responsibilities as workers within International Labour Organisation Convention C155 –
Occupational Safety and Health Convention, 1981 (No.155) Article 19 and associated
Recommendation R164 – Occupational Safety and Health Recommendation, 1981 (No.164)
recommendation 16. Comment on the extent to which SC workers may have contravened
Article 19 of C155 and recommendation 16 of R164. (8) Note: You should support your
answer, where applicable, using relevant information from the scenario.

Answer: Following are their responsibilities as workers in the international labor organisation.

1. Article 19 of c155 occupational safety and health convention 1981 (no 155)

 Worker to the course of performing their work co-operate to the fulfilment by their employer
of the obligation placed upon him.

 Representative of worker to the undertaking co-operate with the employer to the field of
occupational safety and health.

 Workers or their representative in the undertaking are given appropriate training in the
occupational safety and health.

2. Recommendation 16 of R 164 occupational safety and health recommend 1981 (no


 Comply with instruction given for own their health and safety are those of other procedure to
the health and safety.

 To be use a safety device and protective equipment correctly and do not render them

 Take a reasonable care for their own health and safety of other person who may be affected
by their acts or omission at the work.

 To the report any work-related accident or ill health.

 To make organisation arrangement concerning occupational safety and health and the
working environment suitable for the size of the organisation and the nature of activities.
 Report any Accident or injury to health and safety which arises to the course of or the
connection to the work

 Report forth to their immediate supervision any situation which are reason to believe could
present a hazard and which they cannot themselves correct.

Task 5: Role and responsibilities

5. In a health and safety management system, workers are given specific health and safety
roles and responsibilities. Within SC what needs to be done to make sure these roles and
responsibilities are carried out effectively by the managers? (10) Notes: You should focus on
roles and responsibilities and not the health and safety management system. You should
support your answer, where applicable, using relevant information from the scenario.

Answer: The following factors should be in place to ensure a health and safety management
system within the SC

1: The manager of SC should provide appropriate training to the workers to improve the health and
safety management system.
2: The management should provide facilities to the workers as in the scenario that the SCs who
were the workers did not have any special facilities. This is a negative point for such an
3: The management of SC should keep a strict check and balance on the workers in terms of health
and safety as in the scenario that the management was not serious about health and safety.
4: The workers should have proper communication with their management SC in the scenario that
the workers had no proper communication with the management.
5: There should be appropriate penalties for workers not complying with health and safety.
6: The management should motivate the workers according to the work, should provide them
bonus, should give them short training about safety.
7: Management should provide its workers with a suitable work environment in which they feel
comfortable and work.
8: It is imperative for the management to regularly check the work of the workers and maintain a
balance between health and safety.
9: The manager must be listen the complaint in the workers about health and safety rules, that’s
management responsibility.
10: the manager must be provided training about the health and safety to the workers, that’s
management responsibility.

Task 6: Managing contractors:

6: What health and safety induction information is the WS site manager likely to give to the
contractors before they are allowed to start their work?
Answer: The following factors responsibility of site manager must be checked before allowing the
contractors to start work.
1: An organization should be informed of the organization's health and safety policy before being
allowed to start work, That’s site manager responsibility.
2: The site manager responsibility should brief the contractors on fire and other emergency
procedures and what to do in these situations before allowing the contractors to start work.
3: Before allowing contractors to begin work, the site manager should detail specific workplace
hazards and controls and provide training to contractors, that’s a site manager responsibility.
4: The SC site Manager should inform and provide first aid facilities and personnel to the
contractors before commencing work. That’s site manager responsibility.
5: The SC site manager should inform the contractors about the welfare facilities before starting
the work and inform them about the location of the welfare facilities. That’s manager responsibility.
6: The site manager should provide contractors and workers with safe movement around the work
area. This is a manager responsibility.
7: The SC site manager responsibility, should be inform the contractors before starting work about
the place where they can report accidents and incidents, i.e. the procedure for reporting accidents
and incidents.
8: The responsibility of SC site manager responsibility, should be inform the contractors about the
worker consultation arrangements i.e. who the worker can consult in case of any problem before
allowing the contractors to start work.
9: The site manager should provide the contractors with personal protective equipment (PPE)
requirements before them start work.
10: The SC site manager should familiarize the contractors with the safe work permit system
before starting the work. That’s site manager responsibility
11: The SC site manager should inform the contractors about the responsibilities of the persons
before starting the work, which person is correct for which responsibility.
12: The SC site manager should make the contractors aware of their disciplinary procedure
before starting the work. That’s manger responsibility.
13: Before starting the work, the SC site manager should introduce the system of risk
assessment system to the contractor. That’s manager responsibility.
14: The site manager should provide to the contractor with the general safety rules such as not to
smoke, such as providing sing boards. This is a site manager responsibility.

Task 7: Determining individual human factors that negatively influence behavior

7: What individual human factors might have negatively influenced the behavior of the
SC workers? Note: You should support your answer, where applicable, using relevant
information from the scenario.
Answer: SC has a negative effect on the behavior of individual human factor due to the
following action of the workers.
1: Incompetent staff has a negative impact on individual human factors as in the scenario that
the SC workers were incompetent for the job.
2:According to the scenario, the SC worker lacked training, which adversely affects individual
human factors', as in the scenario, when the trainee worker told the experience worker that he
was not trained for the job, he said, No manual training required. It is a negative human
individual process.
3: A negative attitude towards safety and health also has a negative impact on individual and
human factors, according to the scenario when the WS manager invited the contractor from
both sides to a meeting, the TL contractor came and the SC contractor did not come, This
confirms that human factors have a negative effect on behavior.
4: According to the scenario, lack of commitment of SC management to safety and health also
adversely affects human factors behavior.
5: SC also negatively affects the behavior of individual human factors due to lack of skills of
6: Negative peer pressure also has a negative effect on the behavior of individual human
factors, as in the scenario where the SC experience worker told the trainee worker to do manual
handling, then the trainer said I trained on manual handling. Didn't get it, so he laughed and
said manual handling doesn't require any training.
7: The SC worker had an unfavorable attitude at the workplace due to which the individual
human factors had a negative impact
8: A lack of employee courtesy also has a negative impact on the behavior of individual human
factors, as in the scenario where a train worker was unhappy with his senior worker.
9: The scenario shows that poor treatment of service providers also negatively affects the
behavior of individual human factors.
10: Taking personal credit for a worker's work also negatively affects individual human factors
11: Acting aggressively or bullying others also has a negative impact on the behavior of
individual human factors
12: Violation of the law also negatively affects the behavior of individual human factors as in the
according to the scenario, side closes at 4pm while SC workers arrive there at night to stock up
while they arrive at 10:30 AM.
13: Lack of personal protective equipment in the workplace also adversely affects the behavior
of individual human factors.
14: Lack of involvement of workers in decision-making is negatively affects the behavior of
individual human factors.
15: According to the scenario, the SC worker's lack of seriousness about health and safety has
a negative impact on the behavior of individual human factors.
16: According to the scenario, non-attendance of the SC contractor’s meeting has a negative
impact on individual human factor for SC workers.
17: In the scenario, the experience worker does not need training in working of manual handling
to force the trainee worker on this, even though the individual human behavior of the SC worker
is adversely affected.
18: According to the scenario, the site manager telephone the SC to find out why he was absent
and is told that he will be in the office after the weekend, who is not happy about this, SC worker
behavior has negative effects on the behavior of individual human factors.
19: According to the scenario, health and safety is common for the experienced SC worker, the
individual human factor are negatively affected by the SC worker’s action.

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