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Task 5: Health and safety culture

5 Based on the scenario only, what are the negative indicators of health and safety culture in this

Answer: After evaluate the whole scenario, there can be seen many negative indicator of health and
safety culture in this organisation some of negative indicator are listed below.

 Worker on workload:

It can be seen from scenario that after the six month closure of pandemic, the line manager imposed
great workload on sales people to overcome that loss. This aggressive workload is a negative indicator.

Peer pressure:

The scenario depicts that, when sale person does not meet target then line manager prefer putting
suppression on him unofficially which is negative indicator.

Stuff turnover:

It’s being exposed by scenario that harsh behavior of line manager and continuous performance review
of a sale person mostly make him to give resign rather than facing second and third review.

Hiring incompetent staff:

According to scenario that although you have some experience regarding health and safety responsible
yet it is essential to have relevant knowledge also, thus hiring an incompetent stuff is a negative

Uncommitted leadership:

Scenario revealed that while having conversation with MD he said inspection and audit both are some
more he said directors are busy so you have to arrange audit by yourself it show lack of committed to
work which is negative indicator.

Uninterested Behavior:

Scenario show the uninterested behavior of senior management as managing director rejected the plan
of action for audit and left that to you that if it seems appropriate to be done then we trust you, this is
negative indicator.

Unexperienced Attempt:

It can be observed by scenario that it is first attempt for doing the process of auditing and upper
management is also not involved, clearly it is an unexperienced attempt is a negative indicator.

Untrained worker:

While proceeding the audit having conversation white salespeople detected that they all are untrained
and don’t know about their involvement in health and safety, it is a negative indicator.

Negligence in listening complains:

Another negative indicator that scenario explained is that the directors mostly neglect their duties while
hearing to complains of salespeople and they are tend to remain on third floor.

Communication barrier:

Communication barrier is considered to be worse entity in declining the work of on organisation same in
this scenario, there is a communication barrier between director and salespeople, which is a negative

Invisible leadership:

It can be concluded from the scenario that director mostly remain on their third floor, so they personal
did not visit their salespeople, it is also negative indicator.

Reputation of organisation:

Scenario exposed that when a person left he went to court also newspapers to highlight bed work
practices in organisation, which negative indicator the health and safety culture of organisation.

Maintenance of equipment:

As scenario tells that at work place one PCs has a frayed power lead which can be hazardous, it notify
the negative indicator.

Lack of reporting:

In case faulty equipment, the worker there don’t know how to report and to whom to report, it
illustrates the negative cultural indicator for health and safety because reporting is essential.

Risk Assessment:

Scenario explained that the risk assessment documentation were irrelevant and out of dated as it covers
manual control and working on height, more report were 5 year old.

Third party involvement:

While investigating risk assessment reports it’s been know that general policy and procedures were
owned by third party and still not specific to this organisation it is a negative indicator.

Non- compliant organisation:

In scenario while hosting a meeting to directors on risk assessment it is being discussed that
organisation is still lagging in covering legal organisation, it is negative indicator.

Sickness Rate:

Worker Z who left organisation due to injury show the ill health ratio increment in organisation it is
negative indicator.
Task 5:

1. Article 19 of c155 occupational safety and health convention 1981 (no 155)

 Worker to the course of performing their work co-operate to the fulfilment by their employer
of the obligation placed upon him.

 Representative of worker to the undertaking co-operate with the employer to the field of
occupational safety and health.

 Workers or their representative in the undertaking are given appropriate training in the
occupational safety and health.

2. Recommendation 16 of R 164 occupational safety and health recommend 1981 (no


 Comply with instruction given for own their health and safety are those of other procedure to
the health and safety.

 To be use a safety device and protective equipment correctly and do not render them

 Take a reasonable care for their own health and safety of other person who may be affected
by their acts or omission at the work.

 To the report any work-related accident or ill health.

 To make organisation arrangement concerning occupational safety and health and the
working environment suitable for the size of the organisation and the nature of activities.

 Report any Accident or injury to health and safety which arises to the course of or the
connection to the work

 Report forth to their immediate supervision any situation which are reason to the believe
could present a hazard and which they cannot themselves correct.
1: An organization should be informed of the organization's health and safety policy before
being allowed to start work.
2: The site manager should brief the contractors on fire and other emergency procedures and
what to do in these situations before allowing the contractors to start work.
3: Before allowing contractors to begin work, the site manager should detail specific workplace
hazards and controls and provide training to contractors.
4: The Side Manager should inform and provide first aid facilities and personnel to the
contractors before commencing work.
5: The side manager should inform the contractors about the welfare facilities before starting
the work and inform them about the location of the welfare facilities.
6: The side manager should provide contractors and workers with safe movement around the
work area.
7: The side manager should inform the contractors before starting work about the place where
they can report accidents and incidents, i.e. the procedure for reporting accidents and
8: The site manager should inform the contractors about the worker consultation
arrangements i.e. who the worker can consult in case of any problem before allowing the
contractors to start work.
9: The side manager should provide the contractors with personal protective equipment
(PPE) requirements before them start work.
10: The side manager should familiarize the contractors with the safe work permit system
before starting the work.
11: The side manager should inform the contractors about the responsibilities of the persons
before starting the work, which person is correct for which responsibility.
12: The side manager should make the contractors aware of their disciplinary procedure
before starting the work.
13: Before starting the work, the side manager should introduce the system of risk
assessment system to the contractor.
14: The side manager should provide to the contractor with the general safety rules such as not
to smoke, such as providing sing boards.
Indicators Of Poor Safety Culture
 High sickness, ill-health and absentee rate among the workforce.
 Adoption of blame culture.
 Lack of compliance with relevant health and safety laws and safety
rules and procedures of the organization.
 Weak health and safety management structure.
 Widespread, routine procedural violations.
 Management decisions that appear consistently to put production or
cost before safety, etc.

Indicators Of A Good Safety Culture

 Visible leadership commitment at all level.
 Clear and defined goal that the organization wishes to achieve.
 There is all-inclusive involvement in health and safety.
 Regular detailed audit of the organizational health and safety
management system.
 There is no conflicting interest between production goal with health and
 Safety issues are addressed promptly, etc.

Factors That Affect Health And Safety Culture

 Human factors: Experience, perception, skills, attitude, etc
 Organisational factors: Leadership, commitment, staff welfare, work
design and schedule, etc.
 External factors: Societal expectation, market, legislation, etc.

How To Improve Safety Culture 

Improving safety culture is necessary if compliance is to be achieved.

Safety culture can be achieved by taking these simple steps:

 Show committed in achieving said objectives: Management

commitment is very essential in achieving a good safety culture. When
management staff live by example, they are leading the way for the
achievement to a good safety culture.
 Employee involvement: Consulting with employees before taking
decision with regards to health and safety will give them the sense of
importance in the scheme of things. They will tend to believe that
health and safety is theirs; they own it.
 Communicate your goal: Communicate what you want to achieve.
Make is clear for good understanding.
 Ensure competence: An employee might not do what you expect from
them if they do not have the skill to do so. There, you will give them
the necessary training required to deliver on their different task

How To Improve Safety Culture 

Improving safety culture is necessary if compliance is to be achieved.

Safety culture can be achieved by taking these simple steps:

 Show committed in achieving said objectives: Management commitment is very

essential in achieving a good safety culture. When management staff live by
example, they are leading the way for the achievement to a good safety culture.
 Employee involvement: Consulting with employees before taking decision with
regards to health and safety will give them the sense of importance in the scheme
of things. They will tend to believe that health and safety is theirs; they own it.
 Communicate your goal: Communicate what you want to achieve. Make is clear
for good understanding.
 Ensure competence: An employee might not do what you expect from them if
they do not have the skill to do so. There, you will give them the necessary
training required to deliver on their different task.
For more understanding of health and safety culture, Watch SHP Safety Talks with Tim

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