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Skills are most likely used in the context of a trade, occupation, or vocation, with the goal
of putting what is taught and learned into practice. Practical skill acquisition is a process of
acquiring knowledge of a technical and practical nature that equips an individual in living and
making life better (Ubong and Oguzor, 2013). Furthermore, learning theories and concepts is
insufficient as there is a need to have skills to do things; technical; and livelihood programs may
assist students and graduates in becoming skilled workers of the future (Garduque,2012).
21st century skills are a diverse set of understanding, skills, work habits, and personal
attributes that are essential for today's success (Abbott, 2015). It includes learning and innovation
abilities such as creativity, innovation, and problem solving. Communication and collaboration,
as well as life and career skills such as flexibility and adaptability, as well as leadership and
responsibility (21Framework Definition,2015). This skill prepares individuals for modern life by
requiring them to analyze information, make decisions, and collaborate on ideas daily
According to Canter et al, (2012), preparation skills refer to an individual's ability to
prepare things before performing an activity or task. It was believed that these skills are what
make it a success, as a quote states, "if you fail to prepare, you prepare to fail." Preparation skills
are essential in bread and pastry production to ensure quality products. However, students
nowadays have little knowledge on the importance of preparation due to a lack of food
preparation experience at home, which has resulted in unequip individuals of food preparations.
Food preparation can be improved and developed through a school program or
curriculum that involves individuals in practical or hands-on activities in preparing the
ingredients or the food itself (Hartmann et al, 2003; Lichtenstein & Ludwig, 2010; Pendergast &
Dewhurt, 2012). It was determined that the provided opportunities resulted in a significant
improvement in perception of baking skills and knowledge of preparation techniques (Beets et
al,2015). To fully manifest the skills, basic food preparation skills must be taught as part of a
long-term solution (Lichtenstein & Ludwig, 2012).
Cleaning and maintaining tools and equipment are essential food safety practices. It is a
type of sanitation management that entails following all necessary procedures to ensure clean,
functional, and safe tools, equipment, and areas for food production and illness prevention
(McConville, 2014). According to some studies, customers prefer cleanliness when deciding
where to shop or eat food (McSwane et al, 2016). It was hypothesized that cleaning and
maintenance of tools and equipment are essential for attracting customers and increasing product
patronage. The various studies discussed aided the researcher in gaining a better understanding
of the variables under investigation. The cited studies and literature aided in substantiating the
study's findings.
Janacsek et al. (2014) demonstrated that the most effective time for learning new skills is
from childhood until early adolescence in terms of general skills acquisition. This principle has
been demonstrated to be effective in other areas, such as education, where early acquisition of
learning-related skills has been shown to improve academic trajectories in math and reading.
Given this background in other life skills, it is necessary to investigate whether early CS learning
has a positive dietary impact in later life.
Technical proficiency is becoming increasingly important. Technical skills are the
abilities and knowledge required to complete specific tasks. They are useful and frequently relate
to mechanical, information technology, mathematical, or scientific tasks. Knowledge of
programming languages, mechanical equipment, or tools are a few examples. Technical skills
can refer to the ability to complete tasks that require the use of specific tools, whether tangible or
intangible, and technology. In this regard, knowledge in a technical skills area is considered
practical in nature because it enables a person to complete a designated task in a real, rather than
theoretical, manner. Given the advancement of technology in the economy, the demand for
technical skills is expected to rise further.
Garduque (2012) stated in his study that learning theories are insufficient; we must have
skills to do things. Technical skills and livelihood programs may assist students and graduates in
becoming skilled workers of the future.
Hands-on learning activities contribute to the creation of opportunities for valuable and
memorable personal learning. Individuals will become absorbed in the task as themselves if the
ideal activity engages, stimulates, and challenges them. It will not involve traditional artificial
role play. All activities must be carefully designed, managed, and facilitated so that they have an
impact while not being so memorable that these 'activity memories' override the impact and
memory of the learning. If this occurs, the lasting memory may be an aspect of the activity rather
than the realized learning. (Thompson, Martin, 2015)
Technical skills are defined as a specific skill that a person can acquire through learning
and practice. Technical skills are a source of learning for students that can be acquired through
study and application. It can also refer to a person's talent and expertise in performing a specific
job or skill. Teachers and students can now identify these abilities. Technical skills are also
referred to as hard skills or skills that require more practice than theory. All people can learn
technical skills through experience or by pursuing a specialization in it. (Juan Serpa, 2014)
Technical proficiency is becoming increasingly important. Technical skills are the abilities and
knowledge required to complete specific tasks. They are useful and frequently relate to
mechanical, information technology, mathematical, or scientific tasks. Knowledge of
programming languages, mechanical equipment, or tools are a few examples. Technical skills
can refer to the ability to complete tasks that require the use of specific tools, whether tangible or
intangible, and technology. In this regard, knowledge in a technical skills area is considered
practical in nature because it enables a person to complete a designated task in a real, rather than
theoretical, manner. Given the advancement of technology in the economy, the demand for
technical skills is expected to rise further.
Technical skills are the ability to complete tasks that require the use of tools, whether
tangible or intangible, and technology. In this regard, knowledge in a technical skills area is
regarded as practical in nature because it enables a person to complete a specified task in a real,
rather than theoretical, manner. Given the advancement of technology in the economy, the
demand for technical skills is expected to rise further. (Investopedia, 2016). People require
specific skills and knowledge for their education and employment. However, they also require
assistance in developing as individuals, which has many external benefits. In this fast-paced
global industry, skilled workers are required.
It is supported by R.A. 7796- An Act establishing the Technical Education and Skills
Development Authority, providing for its proofs, structure, and other purposes. The Act states
that it strengthens technical skills, develops those skills, as well as moral character, work ethics,
and nationalism.
For the high school, the DepEd Order No. 31 s. 2012 K to 12 curricula has already been
implemented. The program aims to focus not only on the learners' academic fields, but also on
their technical and livelihood skills. “Products/Performances" refers to the student's performance
of authentic tasks as evidence of real-life application of understanding. That is why modules for
exploratory courses and specialization are designed to simultaneously develop the student's
technical skills and academic standard.

Bread and Pastry Production requires a variety of skills that can be honed with proper
training. Preparation, baking product production, and cleaning and maintenance are three of
them. It was thought that a competency-based curriculum would make it easier for students to
learn and acquire skills because it uses a demonstration approach (TESDA,2014).
Other skills in the production of baked goods that address market demand, the greater the
demand, the greater the output. It was argued that the production of baked goods should ensure
food safety, which necessitates knowledge and skills at all levels of the food chain to prevent a
wide range of health problems. To ensure high quality bake products, it must use appropriate
ingredients, tools, and equipment, as well as appropriate mixing and baking methods
Food preparation can be improved and developed through a school program or
curriculum that involves individuals in practical or hands-on activities in preparing the
ingredients or the food itself (Hartmann et al, 2003; Lichtenstein & Ludwig, 2010; Pendergast &
Dewhurt, 2012). It was determined that the provided opportunities resulted in a significant
improvement in perception of baking skills and knowledge of preparation techniques (Beets et
al,2015). To fully manifest the skills, basic food preparation skills must be taught as part of a
long-term solution (Lichtenstein & Ludwig, 2010).
According to the statement of JT Nisay, (2017) the laudicos have always beenardardent
advocates of Filipino cuisines since entering the cooking and catering business 17 years ago.
Owners of the popular Filipino buffet restaurant Guevarra’s in San Juan, the two have always
been about promoting the traditional way of cooking Pinoy dishes and inspiring more people to
do so. The statement of Nisay proves that the skills of the Filipinos with regards in the food
industry. It further fascinates the other countries on the traditional ways in cooking here in the
Philippines. Many foreign countries would agree on the spectacular places here in the Philippines
that showcase different traditional culinary techniques that are used in the country. The
Philippines have much of things to be proud of most especially in the food industry.

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