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31. the children are playing games, ?

32. all the lights went out, ?

33. the computer has broken down, ?
34. Lan learnt to read as a child, ?
35. he seldom goes to church, ?
36. your father has bought a bicycle, ?
37. nothing is wrong, ?
38. it is a nice Sunday, ?
39. Tom and You can run very fast, ?
40. it never works very hard, ?
41. I have not got a picture of him, ?
42.she smiled to him beautifully, ?
43. the doors were locked, ?
44. let’s start this exercise, ?
45. he does not keep his promise, ?
46. Jane did not want any dinner, ?
47. you have not seen this film before, ?
48. they are going home, ?
49. everything is OK, ?
50. I am not having lunch, ?
51. Linh started working 6 months ago, ?
52. Laura had hurt her leg, ?
53. she wasn’t at home, ?
54. my grandmother loved music, ?
55. they found themselves in the forest, ?
56. I think you have seen this once before, ?
57. this picture was taken to Paris, ?
58. that must be John’s house, ?
59. you have had your hair cut, ?
60. today is not Monday, ?
61. we took this one last year, ?
62. she looks just like Mary, ?
63. you can deliver this good to my house, ?
64. she is still working there, ?
65. there is a tree in front of my house, ?
66. Stand up, ?
67. Mai is talking with me, ?
68. I spend three hours doing my homework, ?
69. your bike is stolen, ?
70. their dog is over there, ?
71. tomorrow will be Saturday, ?
72. let’s have a look at my new shoes, ?
73. we should collect the trashes on the streets, ?
74. nothing is impossible, ?
75. I will try my best, ?
76. I am not late for school, ?
77. you did not live in HCM City, ?
78. there will be a building here, ?
79. my parents are going to Dalat, ?
80. Tom arrived late, ?
81. I don’t love you, ?
82. I’ve no idea for it, ?
83. I think you should come early, ?
84. the film was made in Thailand, ?
85. I can play a few simple tune, ?
86. my secretary sent the bill to me, ?
87. the president makes the important decisions, ?
88. this steak tastes delicious, ?
89. wait for me, ?
90. that is your car, ?
91. Andrew has not got many friends, ?
92. I do not know, ?
93. it was in 1988, ?
94. my friends come from USA, ?
95. you can see it clearly, ?
96. you should not drive too fast, ?
97. I have never seen him before, ?
98. I am waiting for my love, ?
99. the story was boring, ?
100. come and join with us, ?

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