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Assessment front sheet and feedback record AET Level 3

Assignment No: 3

Candidate name TazeenSafqat

Enrolment number
Date issued
Date submitted 10.01.22
I confirm that the evidence for this assessment is authentic and a true representation of my
own work.

Signature of candidate ……………………………………………..Date …………………

Tazeen, this is a good start to assignment 3. You have outlined different types of
assessments, described how these methods are used in lifelong learning and how
to involve learners in the process. You have also shown awareness of the
requirement for keeping assessment records in lifelong learning.As for your
academic writing, referred to theory and added quotations to support your
argument; well done.

However, to meet the criteria of this assignment, kindly revisit the assessment unit

on Moodle to clarify the purpose of each assessment type. Initial assessments are

done before the course to see if student is ready for the course and to outline their

learning plan, summative assessments are done at the end of the course and no

further amends can be made to their learning plan. Kindly see my notes, and let

me know if I can help you with anything.

Marker’s name: Emese Dobszai Grade: resubmit Date: 13.01.2022.

Resubmission date (if referred): 20.01.22 Grade: Date:


IV’s name (if sampled):

(a separate IV record must be completed for each assessment sampled)

Assignment 3

1. Describe 2 waysyou could, or do, initially assess your learners. Identify the strengths
and weaknesses of these methods.

The way I can assess my learners understanding is by doing interview before start of the
course assesses a different aspect of the student understand being able to define if the
student is suitable for the course or if the student needs to be moved or higher depending
on the results given during the interview.
The strengths and weakness of doing interviews is that it is good to examine what is the
understanding of the student and they can be put in the right course . The strengths and
weaknesses of doing minitests in class is that some students might panic and don’t
remember some of the key point from the previous lesson/topic, it is also time consuming
for me as a teacher to prepare mini tests for every topic, the strengths of this is the
students will be able to stay on track and remember every topic key points very well also
they will be able to revise easily from the mini tests for their final exams.

2. Describe 2 ways you could, or do, formatively assess your learners (include peer and
self-assessment). Reflect on how you can make sure formative feedback is effective for
all your learners.

Formative assessment is more diagnostic than evaluative. It is used to monitor students

learning style and ability, to provide ongoing feedback and allow students to improve and
adjust their teaching methods and for students to improve their learning.

Peer and self-assessment, where students assess each other and themselves, can

encourage students to take greater responsibility for their learning, for example, by
encouraging engagement with assessment criteria and reflection of their own
performance and that of their peers. Through this, students can learn from their previous
mistakes, identify their strengths and weaknesses and learn to target their learning
accordingly. Getting students to become more active in their learning in this way can help
to alter the perception of learning as being a passive process whereby students listen to
you and absorb the information in order to regurgitate during a subsequent assignment. If
students are participants rather than 'spectators', they are more likely to engage with
their learning.

Me as a teacher has the distinct responsibility to nurture a student’s learning and to

provide feedback in such a manner that the student does not leave the classroom feeling
defeated or sad. Feedback should be educative in nature, Providing feedback means
giving students an explanation of what they are doing correctly and incorrectly. However,

the focus of the feedback should be based essentially on what the students is doing right.
It is most productive to a student’s learning when they are provided with an explanation
and example as to what is accurate and inaccurate about their work.Consider using the
concept of a ‘feedback sandwich’ to guide my feedback: Compliment, Correct, and

Feedback should be given in a timely manner when feedback is given immediately after
showing proof of learning; the student responds positively and remembers the experience
about what is being learned in a confident manner. If we wait too long to give feedback,
the moment is lost and the student might not connect the feedback with the action.
Students may not understand why assessment is taking place so often (formative);
therefore it is important that I as a teacher have open conversations about assessment
plans with my students.

3. Describe 2 summative assessments you could, or do you use, and identify the strengths
and weaknesses of these methods.

Summative assessmentaims to evaluate student learning and academic achievement at

the end of a term, year or semester by comparing it against a universal standard or school
benchmark. Summative assessments often have a high point value, take place under
controlled conditions, and therefore have more visibility.

 End-of-term or midterm exams.

 End-of-unit or chapter tests.

The strengths of final exams are that Final exams are a great way to assess the overall
learning done in the course. Schools/college can better understand if their provided class
actually benefited its students.
They may also use final exams to evaluate their teachers and the actual impact they have
on increasing a student’s learning in a given subject. Additionally, final exams allow
teachers to gather the quality of their course syllabus and teaching style for future
classes. The weakness of final exams is that The use of final exams has been widely
debated, primarily if the stress and overall anxiety they cause students is worth the pros
they provide schools in terms of evaluating courses. That being said, there are several
cons to final exams. The first being obvious; finals put extreme pressure on students.

The strengths of end of unit/chapter testsThis allows for progress to be checked.

Summative (usually an exam and at the end of the year or course) confirms achievement
and allows for improvements and changes to be made. These provide students with the
chance to remain focussed, motivated and determined to succeed/reach their highest
potential. Additionally, we have holistic assessments, which allow teachers to understand
their learners not just from an assignment focus, but also understand their learning styles,
trends and anything to help students do better.The weakness of unit/chapter tests is that
Everything has to be taught beforehand can be time consuming.
4. Explain why and how you keep records of assessment and why your organisation may
require you to keep records of assessment.

It is very important to keep Records of Assessments to give a checkable record of

students’ progress and achievement from start to completion of a course or programme.
The assessments record should be kept as a back-up if a student loses their work to show
what was assessed and what was achieved from me as an assessor.
Full, accurate and factual records are required in case a student appeals against an
assessment decision or in the case of plagiarism. Other reasons to keep records of
assessment are for accidents, equal opportunities or funding purposes. In the case of my
absence from the class, a cover teacher with access to my records will be able to take
over the class and students learning when I am not there. The organistaion will require
me to keep records of the assessment to see how well students are doing in the course I
am teaching and how well I am doing to teach the course and if the feedback I have given
is fairly done so it is important for students and teachers as well to keep records safe of
References Date: 10/01/22
Date: 10/01/22

Word count: 1,197.

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