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AIC Points

Priestley’s mouthpiece / catalyst

Position the audience in direct opposition to Mr Birling
Structure of questioning
Attitudes between the older and younger generation
Dismissive attitude of Socialism
Open minded attitude
Breakdown of society
The family represents anxiety and fear of new society
Eva is a manifestation of the family’s wrongdoings
Destructive consequences of wealth
Capitalism turns people and forgiveness as something that can be bought
Priestley is using the Inspector to criticise and reveal to the upper classes their sins
Sheila evolves as a character when she voices her opinion and opposes her father
Reflects Priestley's idea of gender equality
Sheilas use of dramatic language shows her indefinite acceptance of guilt
Juxtapose (shy and assertive) tells the audience that he is flawed and an outsider / creates
Drinking suggests he wants to escape capitalism
Eric corrupted the innocence of ‘Eve’
Eric adopts a socialst persona / demeanour / outlook
Upper class ideals revolve around money
Gerald does not value Eva as a human being and instead objectifies her as he only describes
her physical appearance

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