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Idioma Extranjero

Inglés 7th Grade

7th LEVEL (Healthy Habits)


Teacher: Pablo Avalos Torres Date:_____________________ Grade: 7th grade

Objetivo: Relacionar el vocabulario relativo a vida saludable con su rutina diaria, a través de actividades
de observación, asociación y compleción.

Nota: Se toma como referencia el OA8 y OA9 de la Priorización Curricular de las Bases Curriculares del
Curriculum Nacional Chileno de 7° Básico.

a) Unit II refers to food and drinks that are healthy or unhealthy for our body.

Read the descriptions about food and match them with the corresponding name.



b) Classify the following words into HEALTHY or UNHEALTHY food as it corresponds.

Banana – pizza – French fries – orange juice – chocolate – pineapple – candy –

lettuce – pear – hamburger - rice – egg – milk – popcorn – ice-cream

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c) Write the name of the categories in the food pyramid.

Reading time:

d) Sergei’s daily routine: Read the text below and underline all the food items you
can find.

My Daily Routine
My name is Sergei. I´m fourteen years old. I always wake up at 7 o'clock every day except
Sunday. I do morning exercises. I wash, clean my teeth, and comb my hair. Then I have
breakfast. In the mornings I like to eat fried eggs or omelette, cheese sandwich and to drink tea.
It takes me 10 minutes to get to school.
My lessons begin at 8.30. At 2 o´clock the lessons are over. I usually have six or seven lessons
a day. I return home at 2 o'clock and have rest. I watch TV and play computer games. I have
lunch at 3 o'clock. For lunch, I usually eat some soup, fried or mashed potatoes with cutlets and
a piece of cake with a cup of tea for dessert. Occasionally, after doing my homework I go for a
walk with my friends. In the evening, I go to the gym. My training lasts for an hour. Dinner consists
of fish, meat or chicken, vegetables or some salad and an apple pie. After dinner I read books,
newspapers and magazines, chat with friends on the phone. At 10 o´clock I take a shower, brush
my teeth, and go to bed.

e) Read the text again and complete the table below with the food Sergei eats for the
different meals of the day.

El cuadro se llena
con lo que Sergei
come al
almuerzo y cena.

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f) Sergei’s daily routine includes time and different activities. Complete the table
below and follow the example.

Time Activity

7:00 Wake up

Let’s practice:
g) Daily Routine Complete the 15 sentences with the words on the left.

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Final task:

h) STUDY THE VOCABULARY about daily routine. Then, write your own ROUTINE
using the examples presented.


▪ I wake up at 8:00 o’clock in the morning.

▪ I take a shower at 8:15 in the morning
▪ I get dressed at 8:30 in the morning
▪ I have breakfast at 9:00 o’clock in the morning.

Si te fijas, cada oración tiene un sujeto (en este caso “I”), luego agregas la rutina.
Luego, agregas la preposición AT que se encuentra marcada en rojo para decir la hora.
Y al final agregas:
In the morning (si es en la mañana)
In the afternoon (si es en la tarde)
In the evening ( si es en la tarde – noche, generalmente después de las 18:00 horas)
In the night (para antes de ir a dormir, generalmente después de las 22:00 horas)

Ahora te toca a ti, en tu cuaderno escribe al menos 6 oraciones con tu rutina diaria. No
olvides que tus dudas serán resueltas durante la clase por el docente.

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