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Name: ____________________________________________

Period: _________
Due Date: Wednesday, April 12, 2023 _________/ 30 process

Chapter 9: Elections
{286} 1. Identify three campaign promises that candidate Trump made.

2. Identify three campaign promises that candidate Clinton made.

{286–288} 3. Identify which candidate won the majority of electoral votes in the 2016 election.

4. Identify which candidate won the majority of popular votes in the 2016 election.

{288} 5. Identify the three main functions of elections.

6. Define “incumbents” and “challengers.”

7. Define “representative democracy.”

{289} 8. Explain how retrospective evaluations influence a voter’s choice in selecting for whom to vote.

9. Identify the two steps for House and Senate candidates running for office.

10. Explain how open primaries work.

11. Explain how semi-closed primaries work.

12. Explain how closed primaries work.

13. Define “general election.”

{289–290} 14. Identify which offices are up for election in midterm elections.

{290} 15. Identify the minimum age for voting.

16. Other than age, identify the level of government that determines restrictions on voter eligibility.

17. Define “single-member districts.”

18. Identify the institution that draws congressional district lines in most states.

19. Define “plurality voting.”

20. Define “majority voting.”

21. Define “runoff election.”

{291} 22. Explain the purpose of the Help America Vote Act of 2002.

{292} 23. Identify three characteristics of individuals most likely to be negatively affected by voter ID laws.

24. Define “primaries.”

25. Define “caucuses.”

26. Explain the role that delegates play in the nominating conventions.

27. Identify two different ways that delegates to the nominating conventions are selected.

28. Identify two requirements for being president of the United States.

29. Identify two requirements for being a member of the Senate.

30. Identify two requirements for being a member of the House of Representatives.

31. Explain why the age requirement is lower for the House of Representatives than for the Senate.

{293} 32. Define “proportional allocation.”

33. Describe the one way that delegate seats are divided among the candidates in Democratic primaries.

34. Describe the two ways that delegate seats are divided among the candidates in Republican primaries.

35. Define “winner-take-all.”

36. Explain one advantage for a state of holding primaries or caucuses early in the nomination process.

37. Explain a disadvantage of holding primaries or caucuses early in the nominating process for candidates.

{294} 38. Define “superdelegates.”

39. Explain the purpose of having superdelegates at the Democratic convention.

40. Identify two purposes of the national convention.

41. Explain how the number of electors for each state is determined.

42. Explain the purpose of the Electoral College.

43. Describe how most states allocate electoral votes.

{294–295} 44. Describe how Maine and Nebraska allocate electoral votes.

45. Identify the two types of states on which candidates focus most of their attention.

46. Identify the number of electoral votes a candidate needs to become president.

47. Describe two peculiarities of the Electoral College.

{296} 48. Identify whom people are actually voting for when they vote for a presidential candidate.

{297} 49. Identify the four core states.

50. Define “core states.”

51. Explain why the Trump campaign did not focus on New York or California.

{298} 52. Describe the procedure that is used if no candidate receives a majority of the Electoral College votes.

53. Define “popular vote.”

54. Identify the election and the candidate in which the Electoral College most magnified the winning candidate’s
margin of victory.

55. Identify the election and the candidate in which the Electoral College least magnified the winning candidate’s
margin of victory.

{299} 56. Define “election cycle.”

57. Define what political scientists call “fundamentals.”

58. Identify three fundamentals in the electoral process.

{300} 59. Identify three factors that help determine which congressional and Senate races will draw attention in
terms of support.

60. Define “open seat.”

61. Explain the importance of open seats.

{301} 62. Describe the positions of Hillary Clinton and Donald Trump on three important campaign issues of
the 2016 election.

{302} 63. Define the permanent campaign.

64. Identify five functions of campaign staff.


65. Describe the difference between retail politics and wholesale politics.

66. Explain what the importance of name recognition is to congressional campaigns.

67. Identify two basic campaign strategies.

68. Define “voter mobilization.”

69. Explain two purposes of voter surveys.

70. Identify three factors that affect a candidate’s political platform.

71. Explain what the silent primary is.

72. Identify the three times a candidate has to campaign in an election cycle.

73. Explain why candidates take extreme positions before the general election.

74. Explain why candidates take more moderate positions during the general election.


75. Identify which campaign spent the most money in the 2016 presidential election.


76. Explain one advantage of negative ads.

77. Explain one disadvantage of negative ads.


78. Describe two benefits of campaign ads.

79. Describe one drawback of campaign ads.


80. Define “campaign finance.”

81. Describe what the Federal Election Commission does.

82. Describe the outcome of the Citizens United v. Federal Election Commission (2010) case.

83. Describe the outcome of the McCutcheon v. Federal Election Commission (2014) case.

84. Define “hard money.”

85. Describe the outcome of the Buckley v. Valeo (1976) case.

86. Define “soft money.”

87. Explain the principal difference between 527s and 501(c)(4)s.

{312} 88. Identify four actions a party committee cannot take in order to be considered independent.

89. Identify one restriction presidential candidates must abide by in order to accept federal funds.

90. Explain an advantage of presidential candidates accepting federal funds.

91. Explain a disadvantage of presidential candidates accepting federal funds.

92. Describe the two “simple truths” that campaign finance regulations reflect.
93. Explain two major concerns surrounding campaign spending.

94. Explain one reason why campaign contributions do not alter legislators’ behavior.

95. Explain one reason why campaign contributions do not necessarily lead to more access.


96. Describe the paradox of voting.

97. Compare the electoral turnout in presidential election years and midterm election years.

98. Explain why the electoral turnout is different in presidential elections years and midterm election years.

99. Explain three possible reasons why voter turnout, in general, is relatively low.


100. Describe the difference in voter turnout between presidential and midterm elections.

101. Explain one reason why turnout is different between presidential and midterm elections.

102. Describe the difference in voter turnout between presidential elections and primaries or caucuses.

103. Identify three groups for whom voter turnout is usually higher.

104. Explain three factors that affect voter turnout.

105. Describe the characteristics of issue voters.

106. Explain three reasons why most citizens are not interested in politics.

107. Define “voting cues.”

108. Explain how voting cues affect voting decisions.

109. Identify three types of voting cues.


110. Identify three characteristics of candidates that usually attract voter support.

111. Identify three characteristics of candidates that matter the least to voters.


112. Identify three characteristics of candidates that usually detract from voter support.

113. Explain what “all politics is local” means with regard to congressional elections.

114. Define “coattails.”

115. Define “split tickets.”

116. Explain the relationship between coattails and split tickets.

117. Define “straight tickets.”

118. Identify which elections are wave elections.

119. Explain how incumbency affects a candidate’s likelihood of reelection success.


120. Identify three causes of wave elections


121. Explain three factors that lead to high reelection rates for members of Congress.


122. Identify two reasons why Mitt Romney won the 2012 Republican nomination.


123. Explain why President Obama did not campaign with many Democratic candidates in the 2014 election.

124. Identify three factors that favored Republican victory in the 2014 congressional elections.


125. Identify and explain three factors that made it more likely that Donald Trump would receive the Republican

126. Identify and explain two factors that should have been challenges to Donald Trump in the general election.

127. Identify three strategies that candidate Trump used to motivate his core supporters.

128. Identify three factors that led to a drop in the polls for Donald Trump by mid-October 2016.


129. Although Clinton won far fewer states than Trump, explain why Trump only won 64 more electoral votes
than Clinton.

130. Using evidence from Table 9.6, explain the degree to which polarization exists between the Democrats and

{326} 131. Identify two factors relating to voter turnout that contributed to Hillary Clinton’s defeat.

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