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Practical File

Information Systems Management

Bachelor of Commerce (Hons.)
B.Com (Hons)-V
(Paper Code-307)
Guru Gobind Singh Indraprastha University, Delhi

Submitted To: Submitted By:

Ms. Ankita Gupta Student Name: Yash kumar

(Assistant professor) Enrollment No:05013788820

Institute of Information Technology & Management,

New Delhi – 1100 58
Batch (2020-2023) Assignment Date Signature
1. What do you mean by Data, Information, Database, 12.09.22
2. Write steps to Open Microsoft Access. Write steps 12.09.22
to create a database. What are the various
elements/objects of a database? What are the steps
to create table in database?
3. What do you mean by Field name, Data type, Field 12.09.22
size & Description?
4. Create a student database with 12.09.22
containing the field name as
• ID
Insert 5 records using the design view in
Create another table using datasheet view as
STUDENT_COURSE with the field name as
• ID
Enter records.
5. Create an EMPOYEE database with the following 17.09.22
fields as
 Emp_code
 Emp_ssn
 Emp_name
 Emp_design
 Emp_dept
 Years of experience
For the above created database set the following
fields properties:
1. Employee names should be in upper case
with field size equal to10
2. Set the default value of Emp_design as

3. Date of joining should be set to the current

date by default.
4. E_SAL should be in dollars.
6. Create an EMPOYEE database with the following 17.09.22
fields as:
 Emp_code
 Emp_ssn
 Emp_name
 Emp-dob
For the above created database set the input mask
for the field property for Emp_ssn and Emp_dob
using the input mask wizard.
7. Create a local template of ‘FACULTY’, insert 5 19.09.22
records and perform the following queries on
mplate table:
Insert 5 records using ‘new faculty’ tab in
faculty template.
Faculty Name should be in ascending
faculty order.
te Department should be in descending
i. ii. order.
iii. Generate report for: All faculty category
iv. and Faculty by department category.
8. Create a database named as 19.09.22
STUDENT_DETAILS with the given fields as
 stu_id
 Stu_roll
 St_name
 St_age
 St_dob
 St_course
 St_address
 St_contact
Add at least 10 records in the table. Answer the
A. What is a primary key? Make a field stu_roll
as the primary key in the table. Also write
down the steps for the same.
B. In the table STUDENT_DETAILS, make
stu_roll no and stu_name as a composite key
also write the steps for the same.
9. Create a table as STUDENT_DETAILS with the 24.09.22

following fields
 S_id
 S_name
 S_course
 S_marks
 S_dob
Make S_id as the primary key and apply the
following validations:
1. S_name should start with A and end with
2. S_course can have only BBA OR MBA as
its values.
3. S_marks, it can be NULL or should be > 50.
4. S_dob should be less than the current date.
Enter at least 10 entries in the table.
10. Write steps to put password on the database and
convert it into the required format.
11. Explain in brief about the query object in 26.09.2022
MSACCESS 2007. Write steps to execute queries
using the query wizard. Create an ACCOUNT table
with the following fields:
• Acc no
• Act type
• Do_opening
• Transaction_type
• Balance
• Account H_name
• Transaction ID
Enter 10 records in the table and perform the
following queries on it.
• Display the Acc no, Tranasction_Type in
ascending order.
• Display the details of account where Acc
no is 104.
• Display the details of account table where
Acc no is 101 and name is niket.
• Display the Acc no, Acc type, account
H_name and balance where balance is
greater than 10,000.
12. Create a table named as STUDENT with the 01.10.2022
following fields as:  Roll_no
• S_name
• S_city
• age
• marks
Execute the following queries using query
wizard after entering 10 records in the table.
 Display all the details of the given table
 Display the names in alphabetical order
 Display the name along with the marks where
marks are greater than 60
 Display the name of students whose name
starts with letter ‘A’.
 Display the details of students who live in
 Display the details of students who are older
than 10 years.
 Display the details of students who live in
‘Pune’ and age should be greater than 18.

13. Create a table named as STUDENT_MARKS with 01.10.2022

the following fields as:
• S_no
• Name
• Marks
Execute the following queries after entering 10
records in the table.
 Display the S_no of those students whose
names starts with L and ends with A or marks
less than 70
 Display the name and S_no of those students
who have scored marks equal to 95
 Display the names and marks of all those
students who have scored marks between 75
and 90.
14. Create a table employee with the following fields: 03.10.2022
• Emp_id
• Emp_name
• Contact no.
• Gender
• Salary
• Emp_grade

• Designation
• Address
Execute the following queries on the table created:
 Display the details of the employees
 Display the employee id of employee whose
name is siddharth.
 Display the name of the employee whose
contact no. is 98454863011.
 Update the employee details, set
EMP_GRADE equal to A whose salary is
greater than 50000.
 Delete the record of the employee whose
gender is male and designation is manager
15. Create the following table CUSTOMER having the 08.10.22
columns, data types.
Field Name Data Type
Customer_ID Number
Customer_Name Text
Designation Text
City Text
Country Text
Phone Number
Insert the data into table Customer. And apply the
 Display customer details having designation
Sales Representative.
 Retrieve customer who is living in Canada.
 Show details of the customer whose name is
 Show detail of the customer who lives in
 Show detail of the customer who is
 Count customers who live in America.
16. Create a table EMPLOYEE either the following 08.10.22
 Emp_id
 Emp_name
 Dept_name
 Designation
 Grade
 Salary
 Address
Perform the following queries on it.
 Display the name, designation, and salary of
all the employees whose names begins with
 Update the employee designation to assistant
manager where designation is trainer.
 Display the employee id, name, salary and
designation for the employees having grade
 Delete the record of the employee whose
name begins with S or salary >10000.
17. Create a table employee with the following fields: 10.10.22
• Emp_id
• Emp_name
• Contact no.
• Gender
• Salary
• Emp_grade
• Designation
• Address
Execute the following queries on the table created:
 Display the details of the employee whose
address is D-29, IITM-JANAKPURI.
 Display the name of the employees having
salary between 10,000 and 30,000.
 Update the employee details, set salary
increased by 10% having grade A.
 Display the name, designation, and salary of
all the employees whose names contains
‘as’ as a substring.
 Calculate the maximum salary

 Delete the record of female employees.

18. Define All Aggregate function with its work 15.10.22

defined in SQL.
19. Create a table Student with following fields 15.10.22
• Enrollment_no
• Sname
• Course_id
• Batch
• Semester
• Marks
• percentage
Execute the following queries after entering 10
records in the table.
• Display the Enrollment_no of fourth
semester students.
• Display the list of students of batch
‘2017-2020’ and course_id is 17.
• Display the number of students in
course_id 44.
• Update the semester by 6 those having
percentage above 60%.
• Calculate the Sum, Avg of total marks
• Calculate the MAX, MIN percentage of
student table.
• Delete the records of students having
batch ‘2018-2021’.

20. Create a company database with the following table 17.10.22

EMP_DETAILS with the fields as:
And make EMP_ID as the primary key. Create
another table as DEPT_DETAILS with the fields
Also create a table as PROJECTS with fields as:
Designate primary key in all the tables. Establish a
relationship between the table EMP-DETAILS
AND DEPT_DETAILS as 1:1 and 1: M. Also,
establish a relationship between the tables EMP-
referential integrity constraint on it and write down
the steps for the same.
21. Create table course with following fields 17.10.22
 Course_id
 Course_name
 Duration
Execute the following queries after entering 10
records in the table.
 Create a relationship of Course table with
Student table which is created in previous
exercise (Practical no. 19).
 Display all students enrolled in B.Com and
BBA course.
 Update the course name to having
course id 208.
 Display the course id of those students
enrolled in batch ‘2020-2023’.

22. Discuss All DDL Commands with its syntax. 29.10.22

23. Discuss All DML Commands with its syntax. 31.10.22
24. Create a table named as B.Com_M with the 31.10.22
following fields:
• E_no
• Student name
• Address
• Phone no
• Grade
Now create another table named as B.Com_E
with the same fields. Add at least 10 records to
the table B.Com_M (with first 10 enrollment
no’s and B.Com_E with next 10 e_no) and then
perform the following queries on it. Create a
make table query which contains the A grade
students from B.Com_M
Append the A grade holders from B.Com_E to
the newly created table in the above query.

25. Create a table employee with the following fields: 07.11.22

• Emp_id
• Emp_name
• Dept_name
• Salary
• Address
• Dob

1. Find the employee ids of the employees

having same salary.
2. Find the details of the employee working in
the same dept.
3. Find employee id, emp-name of the employee
having same dob.

26. Create 2 tables as 07.11.22

with the following table structure.
Employee should have the following fields:
• F_name
• L_name
• E_id
• Dob
• Add
• Salary
• D_no ()
The fields for dept table are:
• Dept_no
• D_name
• Mgr_no
 Mgr_doj
Perform the following queries on it:
 Select the employee’s f_name, d_no and
d_name from the above table.
 Select the f_name, l_name and add of the
employee who works in the research dept.
 Select the f_name, l_name, d_no, d_name for
all the employees having salary>40000

27. Create two table EMPLOYEE and 14.11.22

DEPARTMENT with the following fields:
• E_ID
Create the forms for the employee as well as the
dept table in tabular form and write the steps to
create the forms. Also provide the suitable title to
both the forms and insert the page no’s to it.
28. Create a table named STUDENT_DETAILS with 26.11.22
the following fields: 28.11.22
• R_no
• Name
• Course name
• Attendance
• Address
Course will have values either BBA, BCA or
B.Com. Enter 5 records. Create a form for the above
table in design view. Add text box and the following
buttons to it:
 Go to first record
 Go to last record

 Go to previous record
 Go to next record
Add a label student form to it.
29. Create a database named as 28.11.2022
following table and the fields.
• R_no
• Name
• Course_ name
• Dob
• Marks
• Address
• Attendance
Course name field will have values as ISM, ITLP or
ED. Enter 5 records.
Create a report named as RESULT_REPORT using
the report wizard which shows the marks obtained
by students in different courses. The report should
have the following:
• Student name, course name and marks.
• Provide a suitable title to the report
which should be right aligned with a
suitable logo and date and time at the
extreme right of the report.
• In the current report add another
column as
• The report should be grouped
according to the course name.
Create a report as ATTENDANCE_REPORT using
reports in MS-ACCESS.
30. Create a database named as 12.12.2022
PAYROLL_MANAGEMENT with the following
table and the fields.
1. Employee:
• Emp_no
• Ename
• Department
• Designation
• Salary
Department field will have values as ‘HR’,
“Marketing’ and ‘Finance’.
Enter 5 records.
Create a report named as PAYROLL_REPORT
using the report wizard which shows the salary of
employees in different departments. The report
should have the following:
• Emp_no, Employee Name, Department,
Designation and Salary.
• Provide a suitable title to the report which
should be right aligned with a suitable logo and
date and time at the extreme right of the report.
The report should be grouped according to the

31. Create an ER Diagram for E-Commerce website 19.12.22

who sells the product online.
32. Create an ER Diagram for University Management 19.12.22
33. Create an ER Diagram for Airlines Reservation
34. Create an ER Diagram for Library Management

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