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Passive Voice in the Present Perfect Tense

Formula: Object + have / has + been + verb3 (past participle)

The day after my 19th birthday, during the afternoon, I was surprised with a party that have
been organized by my family and friends for me. I have finished my Saturday afternoon
class when I saw my friends arriving at my house and when I saw them I knew what was
going on. Actually, these surprise parties have been done by them for me for a couple of
years now and I like them a lot. I said “hi” to each of my friends and then we sat down and
started to catch up with our lives. Since the party was at night, they all agreed to have
dinner. The dinner have been made by my mom and my sister, I helped to serve the food to
everyone and once they had their plate we kept talking while we were eating, also the ice
have been bought by my dad since we didn’t have any. After all of us finished our dinner
we kept on talking about college, how it was going for each of us, our classes, our courses
among other things like that now that we have graduated and entered college it’s getting
more and more difficult to keep in touch regularly.. At 9 o’clock it was time to sing happy
birthday, and a fun fact it’s that they got me a Lionel Messi cake and it have been made by
Jorge’s mom, he is one of my friends. They all sang happy birthday to me and then we ate
the cake. I served the cake along with my girlfriend and one of my friends and it was
delicious. After this we all kept talking until little by little they all had to go. It was a
beautiful night and I’m lucky to have people like them in my life.

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