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Annotated Bibliography #9

Karandish, David. “7 Benefits of AI in Education.” THE Journal, 23 June 2021,

The article discusses the benefits of using artificial intelligence and machine learning in education. The
pandemic has accelerated the adoption of technology in education, making it clear that technology should be a
core part of education. AI can streamline the education process by providing access to personalized learning
programs, AI tutors and chatbots, quick responses to questions, and universal 24/7 access to learning. For
educators, AI can analyze student performance, personalize lesson plans, answer questions, and automate
administrative tasks, leaving more time for teaching core competencies. As AI technology continues to develop,
we can expect to see further improvements in learning outcomes and the overall education experience.

The author, David Karandish, is qualified to discuss artificial intelligence and its role in education because their
credentials and experience includes founding, which he sold at almost a billion dollar valuation.
He then founded and now leads another company called Capacity, which integrates Artificial Intelligence into
platforms to help companies be more productive.

Written 2 years ago, this source is current on the topic of artificial intelligence in education.

The author of this article thoroughly evaluated all sides of the issue. For example, they acknowledge that the
education industry has been slow to adopt AI-powered solutions, but that he believes that AI is the future of
education. They then address that opposing viewpoint by saying that the pandemic really accelerated this
because of how quickly everybody was forced to adapt to technology. This inclusion shows that the article’s
author acknowledges alternative viewpoints because he considered a fault in AI in education, but he counters it
by explaining how it is already and will continue to help.

The information contained in the source can be verified elsewhere. For example, the author says that AI can
provide a personalized approach to learning programs based on students’ own unique learning preferences,
which can be corroborated by Lasse Rouhiainen in his/her publication “How AI and Data Could Personalize
Higher Education”. This article talks about how personalized learning experiences can be created to address
issues like disengagement and high dropout rates, with AI-based systems being used to determine individual
student needs and suggest tailored teaching methods.

The purpose of this article is to inform the reader of current and potential implementations of artificial
intelligence in education. The audience is professionals and experts in the fields of education and artificial
intelligence, as well as administrators, educators, and other individuals who are interested in the potential
applications of AI in higher education. The article is appropriate for this purpose and audience because it
provides a comprehensive overview of the benefits of using AI-powered solutions in education. For example,
the article highlights how AI can help educators personalize learning and automate repetitive tasks, which can
help them focus more on teaching core competencies and improving student engagement. Additionally, the
article explains how AI can help students access high-quality education at any time and from anywhere, and
how it can provide personalized learning experiences based on each student's unique experiences and

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