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Complete the questions by using the words in the box, then answer the questions.

job what who x2 when have

living where English free

a) ____________ is your name?

b) ____________ is your birthday?

c) ____________ are you from?

d) ____________ do you live with?

e) Do you ____________ a big family?

f) ____________ is your best friend?

g) What do you like to do in your ____________ time?

h) What do you do for a ____________ ?

i) Do you like your ____________?

j) When did you start learning ____________?

What’s your favourite? Say your favourite thing related to each subject, explain why.

1. Sport.

2. Social media platform.

3. Genre of music.

4. Streaming service.

5. Snack.

6. Time of year.

ESL Pals 1 General English

Match the words from the box to the pictures.

stretch leave the house take a shower eat breakfast

wake up brush teeth get dressed comb hair

1. ________________________ 2. _________________________ 3. _________________________

4. ________________________ 5. _________________________ 6. _________________________

7. ________________________ 8. _________________________

ESL Pals 2 General English

What is your morning routine? Put the actions below into the order you do them.

stretch leave the house take a shower eat breakfast

wake up brush teeth get dressed comb hair

1. ___________________________________.

2. ___________________________________.

3. ___________________________________.

4. ___________________________________.

5. ___________________________________.

6. ___________________________________.

7. ___________________________________.

8. ___________________________________.

Answer the following questions.

1. What time do you wake up in the morning?

2. Are you more productive in the morning or at night?

3. What do you eat for breakfast?

4. What time do you start work / school?

5. Do you prefer to shower in the morning or at night?

6. Do you meditate in the morning? If not, would you like to start?

ESL Pals 3 General English


Match the types of holidays from the box to the pictures.

Beach Skiing Safari Camping Backpacking

Cruise Spa break Sailing Road trip

1. ________________________ 2. _________________________ 3. _________________________

4. ________________________ 5. _________________________ 6. _________________________

7. ________________________ 8. _________________________ 9. _________________________

ESL Pals 4 General English

Complete the following dialogue using the words in the box.

South Africa safari favourite cruise fun skiing

Beth: What's your _____________ type of holiday?

Amy: I love going on _____________ holidays and seeing all the wild animals.

Beth: I prefer _____________ holidays because I love the oceans.

Amy: I've never been on a cruise before. How is it?

Beth: It's relaxing and _____________ . Have you tried skiing?

Amy: Yes, I love _____________ because I like the mountains and snow.

Beth: That's cool. Maybe we should go skiing together someday.

Amy: Sure, that sounds like fun. But first, let's plan a safari trip.

Beth: Sounds like a plan! Let's start researching.

Amy: I think we should go on a safari in _____________.

Decide if the following statements are true or false.

1. Amy does not like safari or cruise holidays.

2. Beth likes cruise holidays.

3. Beth thinks cruise holidays are relaxing and fun.

4. Amy does not like skiing because it is dangerous.

5. Amy thinks they should go to South Africa.

Answer the following questions.

a) What is your favourite type of holiday?

b) Where is your favourite holiday destination?

c) Do you go on holiday every year?

d) If someone went to your city on holiday, what would you recommend that they do?

e) Rank the types of holidays from 1-9 with 1 being the type of holiday you like the
most and 9 being the type of holiday you like the least.

ESL Pals 5 General English


Match the words from the box to the pictures.

gym ball treadmill junk food kettlebell rowing machine

boxing healthy food dumbbell cycling

1. ________________________ 2. _________________________ 3. _________________________

4. ________________________ 5. _________________________ 6. _________________________

7. ________________________ 8. _________________________ 9. _________________________

ESL Pals 6 General English

Read the following text aloud.

John wanted to improve his health and fitness, so he decided to join the local gym. He
began by walking on a treadmill for 30 minutes every day. After a few weeks, he noticed
that he had more energy and felt better.

Next, John decided to change his eating habits. He stopped eating junk food and started
eating more vegetables and protein. His new favourite meal is paella.

John also started weight training. He used a kettlebell, rowing machine, and dumbbell to
work different parts of his body. At first, it was difficult, but he practised every day so he
became stronger quickly.

John is proud of his progress. He feels healthy and confident. He is happy that he made
these changes in his life. He is going to encourage his friends to do the same.

Decide if the following statements are true or false.

1. John had more energy and felt better after joining the gym.
2. John's new favourite meal is pizza.
3. John only used a treadmill for exercise.
4. John found weight training difficult at first.
5. John regrets making changes in his life.
6. John plans to motivate his friends to make healthy changes in their lives.

Answer the following questions.

a) Do you like going to the gym?
b) What is your favourite form of exercise?
c) How can you avoid eating too much junk food?
d) Is exercising part of your daily routine?
e) Do your friends and family go to the gym / exercise often?
f) What is the biggest challenge you face when it comes to maintaining a healthy

ESL Pals 7 General English


Answer the following questions.

a) Why is learning English important to you?
b) What are your biggest weaknesses and strengths in relation to the language?
c) What are your short, medium and long-term language learning goals?

Decide if you agree or disagree with the following statements.

1. Learning English is essential for ESL students to achieve academic success.

2. The best way to learn English is by immersion in an English-speaking country.

3. ESL students should prioritise learning English grammar over vocabulary.

4. It is more important for ESL students to be able to communicate in English than to

have perfect grammar.

5. Learning English online through apps is just as effective as attending classes.

6. ESL students should focus on learning American English over British English due
to its widespread usage.

7. The most effective way to learn English is by practising with native speakers.

8. The use of slang and informal language should be avoided when learning English.

ESL Pals 8 General English

Read the extract below, then complete the exercise.

Hobbies are an essential part of our lives. Hobbies allow people to take a much-needed
break. Whether it's reading, painting, or gardening, hobbies help us relax and express
ourselves. In this writing task, you are going to write about your favourite hobby. Use the
questions below to help guide your answer. Write 250-300 words.

● What is your favourite hobby?

● When did you start this hobby?
● Has the hobby changed over time?
● Who do you do the hobby with?
● When do you do it? During the week or at the weekend?
● What benefits do you feel from the hobby?
● Does the hobby cost money?
● What advice would you give to someone who wanted to start a new hobby?

ESL Pals 9 General English

Watch the video, then write a detailed description of what happens.

ESL Pals 10 General English

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