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Eversince the decrease in CoVid cases, restrictions have been easing throughout parts of
the nation. Due to this, everyone is expecting their lives greatly affected by the pandemic to
return to the old normal. But the onset of CoVid brought in what we call as the “new normal”.
The careful and timely lifting of restrictions definitely is welcome news to everyone.
Things seem to be finally looking up as we hope and seek for the pandemic to ultimately end.
Business establishments are already being opened for the economy to recover. Tourist
destinations are being reopened once again. Pilot implementation of face-to-face classes is
being conducted now in low risk areas.
But upon relaxing the restrictions, some can’t control their eagerness and excitement in
trying to go places especially to malls and tourist sites. Take for example the exodus of bay
watchers to see the dolomite sand of Manila Bay. Social distancing measures have been
blatantly violated.
What we’re trying to avoid here is for people not to have a false sense of normalcy.
Normalcy in the sense that they might think they can still do the things they do before the
onset of the virus without considering the possibility of another outbreak due to the negligence
and carelessness of some.
It is but understandable that since it’s almost 2 years since the first confirmed case of
CoVid in the Philippines, the overeagerness and overexcitement are there. Likened to a bird
caged for a considerable period of time, we long to finally be free to meet our friends, relatives
and acquaiantances again in a face-to-face setting.
The use of online platforms certainly helped us to still connect with people although it
has its limitations. This enabled us to socially interact with others without being exposed to the
dreaded virus. Social connections united us as an archipelago like our country since there is a
saying that “no man is an island”.
For the time being, we must guard our desires and urges since we’re still adjusting to a
life living with the dangers of the said virus. Vaccination against the virus certainly boosted our
confidence in trying to face an uncertain world posing risks not just to our health and safety but
to our lives. But as we carefully thread the path towards recovery, let us be vigilant and
continue observing the health protocols because the mistake of one can cause the loss of our
gains in the fight against CoViD-19!

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