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Jezrud tabago

SSP 121

1. Which of the following statements defines religion?

A. belief in a supernatural power that creates the world and everything in it
B. belief in the importance of physical aesthetics for personal contentment
C. belief in the authority of the world powers to control the future of the world
D. belief in the uniqueness of everybody in preferences, interests, and thoughts
2. In the context of social sciences, what are the two ways of defining religion?
A. substantive and functional
B. collective and fundamental
C. relative and practical
D. substantive and contextual
3. Which of the following is not a dimension of religion?
A. beliefs
B. hierarchy
C. experiences
D. rituals
4. Which is an example of a ritual?
A. Erni regularly goes to the Philippine Kiu Siao Grand Taoist Temple.
B. Carlo follows and exemplifies The Four Noble Truths all the time.
C. Kristine wears a hijab when going out of their house or in public.
D. Karen engages in lifelong sannyasa (monastic practices) to achieve moksha.
5. Which type of definition is this? Christianity is a religion that believes in an Almighty God who sent His only son,
Jesus, to redeem the world.
A. substantive
B. functional
C. contextual
D. practical
6. Which dimension of religion is demonstrated in this statement? Christianity is a religion that believes in an
Almighty God who sent His only son, Jesus, to redeem the world.
A. ritual
B. belief
C. experience
D. community
7. Which dimension is exemplified here? Shintoism is an indigenous Japanese religion that believes in the way of
the kami (sacred or divine power).
A. belief
B. ritual
C. experience
D. community
8. Which of the following statements is true?
A. A cult is a classification of churches.
B. The Philippines has a state religion.
C. Atheism is not considered a religion.
D. Judaism is a monotheistic religion.
9. Which of the statements is not true?
A. It is important for any religion to have sacred texts and doctrines.
B. Religion, in any form, always possesses the four dimensions.
C. Animism is an indigenous belief before the spread of major religions.
D. Any charismatic leader with a religious background can form a religion.
10. What is the difference between the United Methodist Church of the Philippines and Buddhism in Cambodia?
A. The United Methodist Church of the Philippines is a denomination while Buddhism in Cambodia is an
B. The United Methodist Church of the Philippines is a cult while Buddhism in Cambodia is a sect.
C. The United Methodist Church of the Philippines is a church while Buddhism in Cambodia is a religion.
D. The United Methodist Church of the Philippines is a church while Buddhism in Cambodia is a cult.
11. Which concept refers to one’s personal integrative view of life?
A. theology
B. spirituality
C. religion
D. philosophy
12. Which of the following events created a significant distinction between religion and spirituality?
A. introduction of early Christian theology
B. establishment of the philosophy of religion
C. rise of secularism in the 20th century
D. economic growth of Western countries
13. Which are the two kinds of spirituality?
A. traditional and modern
B. philosophical and theological
C. religious and secular
D. radical and conservative
14. Who among the following is demonstrating secular spirituality?
A. Ben prays before he goes to bed.
B. Grace attends Mass every Sunday.
C. Ana reads the Bible regularly.
D. Mike confesses his sins to a priest.
15. If you were a philosopher of religion and you were examining the existence of God, which of the following
questions would you not ask?
A. Does God know everything?
B. What does God look like?
C. Does belief make God exist?
D. Where did God come from?
16. Which among the following is not a sign of spirituality?
A. asking deep questions about one's life and death
B. experiencing compassion and empathy for others
C. seeking inner peace deep within
D. finding happiness in material thing
17. Which of the following is a theological statement by Christians about hell?
A. Hell is an eternal suffering for the purpose of punishing those who refuse to repent from sins.
B. Those who died from sin are already dead and will no longer be conscious to suffer from hell.
C. It seems morally wrong that a loving God would allow people to suffer in hell forever.
D. If God will throw people into hell, then it means He does not really wish to save everyone.
18. Which statement does not describe people who are “spiritual but not religious”?
A. They find it difficult to connect and relate with other people in the community.
B. They doubt religion’s capacity to help people find peace and meaning in life.
C. They reject the religious laws and rituals that are too controlling.
D. They see spirituality as a private and personalized form of religion.
19. Which of the statements is true about theology?
A. It originated from the Latin word theos, which means “god.”
B. It is often described as faith seeking understanding.
C. Its methods are applicable to both theistic and nontheistic religion.
D. It attempts to invalidate religious ideas that are not based on reason.
20. How is philosophy of religion different from theology?
A. Philosophy of religion examines ideas using reason; theology uses emotion.
B. Philosophy of religion criticizes a belief; theology defends a belief.
C. Philosophy of religion assumes a religious idea is true; theology does not.
D. Philosophy of religion applies to specific religions; theology examines all.
21. Which of the following is a reflection of an effort to elevate oneself to a higher dimension or existence?
A. reflecting on a text from the Holy Scripture
B. attending religious services
C. joining religious festivals
D. giving alms to the poor
22. Which of the following is an expression of belief in the existence of a supreme being?
A. children attending a Bible study class
B. children praying the rosary every day
C. children being given Confirmation
D. children attending a birthday party
23. In what way does praying inside a sacred place make one feel closer to his or her god?
A. The person is able to focus on the pictures inside the sacred place.
B. The person is able to avoid talking to his or her friends of relatives.
C. The person is able to communicate with his or her god without the distraction.
D. The person is able to make the right decisions in life.
24. Which of the following is an example of a monotheistic worldview or belief system?
A. Christianity
B. Hinduism
C. Taoism
D. atheism
25. In what way is monotheism similar to monism?
A. Both teach that life comes from one source.
B. Both teach that there is only one God.
C. Both teach that the universe follows only one set of laws.
D. Both teach that God is a powerful being.
26. Which of the following is true about the ancient polytheistic religion?
A. Each god grants the same favor.
B. The gods are all major gods.
C. The gods share a common divinity.
D. Each god grants a different favor.
27. Why do some people go on a spiritual quest?
A. They want to know who the supreme being is.
B. They want to have more knowledge.
C. They want to be successful in life.
D. They want to discover the true meaning of life.
28. How does being close to one’s god nurture his or her spirituality?
A. One finds peace amidst the trials of life.
B. One finds more time to pray.
C. One becomes strong in body and spirit.
D. One does not get bored with life.
29. In what way does reading the scriptures contribute to one's self-reflective existence?
A. One is able to deepen the knowledge of his or her religion.
B. One is able to understand the teachings of the sacred scriptures.
C. One is able to find out how a god expects him or her to live life.
D. One is able to know how the world was created and how will it end.
30. What is meant by “holistic spirituality”?
A. It refers to the spirituality of both body and soul.
B. It refers to being one with one’s god or supreme being.
C. It refers to the soul being one with the universe.
D. It refers to both body and soul being one with nature.

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