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Chapter 15 starts off with Dill being allowed to stay in Maycomb after he managed to sneak

there. Shortly after that Mr. Heck Tate and some other men were at the front door of their home. There
Mr. Tate told Atticus that they are moving Tom Robinson to the county jail tomorrow. The next day on
Sunday Scout noticed that the men that don’t usually go to church such as Mr. Tate and the man behind
the Maycomb Tribune Mr. Underwood were at the church, So she knew something important must have
been happening for them to be there. Later at night Atticus left home and drove to where Tom Robinson
was staying in the small jailhouse at the center of town. Jem decided to sneak out and go to Atticus’s
office but Scout caught him and he decided to bring her along because there was no point in arguing with
her. They also woke up Dill and brought him along. They went to Atticus’s office in the courthouse but he
was not there so they decided to go back into the square where they spotted Atticus sitting by the door of
the jailhouse with a newspaper. From there they watched as four cars got off the highway and stopped in
front of the jailhouse. A group of men then got out the cars and told Atticus to move aside from the door
so they could take Tom Robinson out and possibly lynch him. Scout then decided that it would be a good
idea to come out from hiding and surprise all of them with a hello, Jem and Dill later followed. Scout was
surprised that none of the men there were known to her except for Mr. Cunningham. Scout then decided
to make small talk with him with subjects such as his son, and the topic of entailments but it was still
tense. Shortly after Mr. Cunningham then made it less tense by talking to her back (in a polite way) and
then told all the other men they should clear out and they all left without any sort of incident.

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