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1) Define the scope of the project: Determine the specific areas of inventory management

that you want to focus on. For example, track inventory levels, monitor usage patterns,
or identify opportunities for cost savings.
2) Identify stakeholders: Identify the people or groups who will be affected by the project
and will need to provide input, such as inventory managers, teachers, administrators,
and IT staff.
3) Gather information: Collect information about the current inventory management
system, including any existing data sources, processes, and software applications. We
can also review any relevant policies or regulations that impact inventory management in
your school.
4) Conduct a needs assessment: Identify the specific needs and requirements of the
stakeholders by gathering feedback through surveys, interviews, or focus groups. Use
this information to develop a list of goals and objectives for the project.
5) Identify potential solutions: Research and evaluate different options for improving
inventory management in your school. Consider the feasibility, cost, and potential impact
of each solution.
6) Develop a project plan: Based on the information gathered in the previous steps, create
a detailed project plan that outlines the specific tasks, timelines, and resources required
to complete the project. This should include a detailed budget for the prototypes, a list of
project deliverables, and a timeline for completion.

A list of questions to incorporate into the survey to get an idea of the current situation of the
system and get an insight on the strengths and weaknesses:

1) How satisfied are you with the current inventory management system in the school?
2) What are the biggest challenges you face when managing inventory?
3) What improvements would you like to see in the inventory management system?
4) How often do you encounter issues with inventory levels?
5) Do you feel that the current inventory management system is efficient in terms of time
and resources?
6) How important is real-time data to your inventory management process?
7) Would you be interested in incorporating AI and data science functionalities into the
inventory management system?
8) Are there any other suggestions or feedback you would like to provide regarding
inventory management in your school?

A list of practical questions that can help identify the specific functions that should be
incorporated into the inventory management app:

1) What are the most commonly used items in the inventory? Can the app help identify
these items and provide insights on their usage patterns?
2) Are there any items that are frequently out of stock or overstocked? Can the app help
with optimizing inventory levels for these items?
3) What is the typical lead time for replenishing inventory? Can the app provide real-time
notifications when inventory levels fall below a certain threshold?
4) How often do inventory items expire or become obsolete? Can the app provide alerts
and recommendations for removing these items from the inventory?
5) Are there any trends in the usage patterns of certain inventory items? Can the app
provide insights on these trends and help with forecasting future demand?
6) How do inventory levels affect overall operating costs? Can the app provide insights on
cost savings opportunities based on inventory data?
7) What is the typical lifecycle of inventory items? Can the app help with tracking the status
of each item (e.g. in transit, in stock, sold, etc.) and provide insights on the average time
it takes for items to move through the lifecycle?
8) Are there any security or regulatory requirements that must be met when managing
inventory? Can the app help with tracking compliance and ensuring that inventory items
are properly secured and accounted for?
9) How important is ease of use for the inventory management app? Can the app provide a
user-friendly interface that allows for easy data entry, reporting, and analysis?
10) How important is mobile access to the inventory management app? Can the app provide
mobile compatibility and allow for on-the-go access to inventory data and functionality?

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