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The future of people matters

The purpose of this report is to explain to you a little bit about the idea that we have
had among all the students of PD1 for CAS since the school is supporting the schooling
of a group of 10 refugee children. PD1 has raised the equivalent of $1000 and we have
been told we can spend the money on clothes or English classes for the children.
Personally, I will tell you throughout this report what would be the best option.

Situation analysis.
First of all, it is important to analyze the situation of these refugees, since thanks to
our help we will be able to make them happier and take away the displeasure that I
suppose some of them will have, due to the fact that they are immigrants and have to
leave their country and their whole family. It is also important to know that money
does not grow on trees, so it is important to analyze the situation and see what would
be the best option.
Clothes are necessary because in winter it is very comfortable to wear many layers or
at least have a coat, it is true that clothes depend on what brand and what you buy, it
is more expensive or cheaper. You can live perfectly well without clothes, but it is true
that it is not the same to say it from the point of view of well-off girls who have
everything, then from one who has no clothes at all and really values having something
in winter. Having said all that, it's important to look at this in the long term and how
this decision will change the lives of these 10 refugees. So having to think about this is
a double-edged sword, as it depends a lot on the primary need.
On the other hand, English is spoken by (1.452 million) and is the most spoken
language in the world, including native and non-native speakers, this is important to
take into account when making the decision, this means that if you invest money in
English classes for these, they will have more chances to find a job anywhere because
they will know English, on the other hand now it is quite valued when hiring people
who know English.

Advantages and disadvantages

One advantage of spending those 10000 dollars on clothes is that in winter they will
not be cold, since the cold in summer in Spain does not exist, on the other hand having
clean and new clothes makes you feel better and with more motivation and desire to
do things.
The disadvantage of buying clothes for them is that not knowing exactly how old they
are, we may not get the sizes right. We will have spent $10,000 on clothes that will
only last them 1 year. Children grow very fast and may prefer food or other things.
If we look at all the advantages of investing that kind of money in English classes for
children, it would open up a whole range of advantages as there are more advantages
than the number of stars that can be counted in the constellation.
Before saying the disadvantages of investing in English classes, the advantages fall
from the sky, such as, they will have a better future, will be able to get ahead in the
future thanks to the English course, raise a family since they will have gotten a job
where English will have helped them, at the time of traveling, they will be able to
communicate and avoid being swindled.
As I mentioned before, English is the most spoken language in the world along with

In a nutshell, after reading this, I would like you to please make the right decision
regardless of what I have told you in this report, because as you know, choosing with
your heart is really the right way to go. The last thing I would like to tell you is that
sincerely investing that money in English classes would help them a lot, and who
knows, maybe thanks to this decision some of those kids will become the super boss of
a company in the future.

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