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 Lead line: “…restore yourself at the city center of culture and heritage.”
 Market Image: Unpretentious luxury and charm, integrating the best in technology and comfort.
 8 years old
 Book value: Building $20M + FFE $11.25M = $31.25M or $125K per room.
 Full service
 City Center - waterfront site
 3-4 Star
 Servicing business, leisure, tour, contract, large group, and small group segments
 Very similar footprint, facilities, and services as competitors.


 250 guest rooms: 50 premium and 200 standard

 One restaurant – 125 seats with adjoining 50-seat bar lounge section
 2,000 square feet of conference and event space in flexible configurations for up to 200 persons
 One bay exercise room
 Small pool and outdoor recreation area.


 For-fee parking ramp

 Digital national and international telephone service
 Guest laundry and dry cleaning
 Guest room digital entertainment
 Room Service.


With the exception of general upkeep and maintenance, the hotel facilities have not been refurbished
since opening. The refurbishment planned for two years ago had to be postponed due to the softening
economy and subsequent lack of funds.

At the present time, none of the 3-4 star properties in the area has any advantage in facilities or
refurbishment. While there have been some minor refurbishment projects at other hotels in the
competitive set, the quality of all the properties is very similar.

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