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Madarsa Homework- Worksheets: Steps & Meaning of Salah and Greed

By Aliza


I. Describe the meaning of the following Arabic transliterations:

a. As-salāmu ʿalaynā wa ʿalā ʿibādil-lāhiṣ-ṣāliḥīn

Peace be upon is and upon the righteous servants of Allah

b. Alḥamdulillāh (part of tasbīḥ)

All praise is for Allah

c. Samiʿal-lāhu liman ḥamidah (when standing after rukūʿ)

Allah hears and accepts the praise of one who praises

d. Subḥāna rabbiyal-aʿlā wa biḥamdih (sajdah)

Glory and praise be to my Lord, the High

e. Subḥāna rabbiyal-ʿaẓīmi wa biḥamdih (rukūʿ)

Glory and praise be to my Lord, the Supreme

II. Write down all the wājib steps of ṣalāh from beginning to end.
● Niyyah
● Takbīrat ul-Iḥrām
● Qiyām
● Qirāʾah
● Rukūʿ
● Dhikr
● Sajdatayn
● Tashahhud
● Salām
● Tartīb
● Muwālāt

III. What is mustaḥab to recite when ṣalāh ends (after the salām) ?
Tasbīḥ of Sayyidah Fāṭimah az-Zahrāʾ (ʿa)

IV. In which sūrah and which line do we ask Allah to guide us to the straight path?
Sūrah al-Fātiḥah- Ayat 6:
Ihdinaṣ-ṣirāṭ al-mustaqīm: Keep us on the straight path
I. What does greed mean?
The desire and want of anything more than you need.

II. What is the difference between good greed and bad greed?
Good greed is when you want more of something for other people or a bigger problem.
Bad greed is when you want more of something only for your selfish wants/needs.

III. Give two specific examples of good greed and two specific examples of bad greed.

Good Greed: At a party, there is a cake. Although the cake has been cut into pieces, the pieces are
really small and you want to take more. However, you want to take more than one piece so that you
can save it for your mother or your grandmother.

Bad Greed: When you want more pieces of cake just for yourself. Although everyone is getting the
same share, it is your favourite cake and you think that you deserve to have some more without
caring about if other people get it or not.

IV. Give one example of how you are sometimes greedy and how you can turn that worldly greed into
a good type of greed.
If you find yourself wanting more of something you should stop yourself and think if you need that
thing. You should think about who it would be impacting if you go through with your greed. You
should remember what Allah has given you and think about if you really need to listen to your
greediness or is what you have enough.

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