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UME 2001 Type: U

1. Water fleas, wood lice and barnacles belong
to the group I
A) insecta
B) chilopoda II
C) crustacea
D) arachnida.
2. Which of the following organisms does not III
exist as a single free living cell?
A) volvox
B) amoeba 7. In ferns, the structure above is equivalent
C) chlamydomonas to the
D) paramecium. A) gametophyte generation of a moss
3. An association between the root nodule of B) sporophyte generation of a moss
a leguminous plant and Rhizobium sp. is C) sporangium of a moss
known as D) zygote of a moss.
A) parasitism 8. The structures labeled II and III respectively
B) symbiosis are
C) commensalism A) sporophyte and sori
D) mycorrhiza. B) annulus and stalk of sporangium
4. Which of the following groups is the most C) female organs and rhizoid
advanced? D) male organs and rhizoid.
A) Thallophytes 9. Most monocots are easily recognized by
B) Pteridophytes their
C) Gymnosperms A) long and sword-like leaves
D) Bryophytes. B) long and palm-like leaves
5. The mode of feeding in Amoeba and Hydra C) short leaves with petioles
is D) short leaves with many veinlets.
A) autotrophic 10. Amphibians are normally found
B) heterotrophic A) in water
C) symbiotic B) on moist land
D) holophytic. C) in water and moist land
6. Viviparity occurs mainly in the D) on dry land and in water.
A) aves 11. The jointed structure in insects that bears
B) amphibians organs which are sensitive to touch, smell
C) mammals and vibration is the
D) reptiles. A) antenna
B) abdomen
Use the diagram below to answer questions 7 C) maxilla
and 8. D) labium.
12. The veins of the leaf are formed by the
A) spongy mesophyll
B) palisade tissue
C) cambium cells
D) vascular bundles.

13. When specimen X is mixed with few drops
of iodine solution, the appearance of a 20. The structure above represents a
blue-black colour confirms X is A) thoracic vertebra
A) sucrose B) cervical vertebra
B) glucose C) caudal vertebra
C) starch D) lumbar vertebra.
D) galactose. 21. Blood vessels usually pass through the
14. The enzyme invertase will hydrolyze structure labelled
sucrose to give A) II B) III C) IV D) V.
A) mannose and galactose
B) glucose and fructose Use the diagram below to answer questions
C) maltose and glucose 22 and 23.
D) glycerol and fatty acid.
15. Salts and water are absorbed in the roots IV
and transported to the leaves by
A) osmosis through the phloem tissues III
B) diffusion through the phloem tissues II
C) osmosis through the xylem tissues I
D) diffusion through the xylem tissues.
16. The transportation of oxygen and carbon 22. The part labeled IV is the
(IV) oxide in mammals is carried out by A) yolk
A) phagocytes B) air space
B) leucocytes C) albumen
C) erythrocytes D) germinal disc
D) thrombocytes. 23. The structure that holds the yolk in position
17. The gas produced during tissues respiration is labelled
can be identified by using A) I B) II C) III D) IV.
A) sodium hydroxide 24. A seedling grown in the dark is likely to be
B) calcium carbonate A) sturdy B) stunted C) dormant
C) copper sulphate D) etiolated.
D) calcium hydroxide. Use the diagram below to answer questions
18. When yeast respires anaerobically it 25 and 26.
converts simple sugars to carbon (IV) oxide
A) acid B) water
C) oxygen D) alcohol.
19. Urea formation occurs in the
A) liver B) kidney C) heart
D) lung. III
Use the diagram below to answer questions IV
20 and 21. VI
I 25. The part labelled II is the
II A) internal auditory meatus
III B) fenestra ovalis
C) ear ossicles
D) middle ear canal
26. The parts which function together to bring
about hearing are labelled

A) I, II and IV D) amount of sunlight.
B) I, II, III and IV 35. The number of plant species obtained from
C) I, II, IV and VI a population study of a garden is as follows;
D) IV, V and VI. Guinea grass (15), Ipomea spp. (5) Sida spp
27. The center for learning and memory in the (7) and Imperata spp. (23). What is the
human brain is the percentage of occurrence of Imperata spp.?
A) olfactory lobe A) 16% B) 23% C) 35%
B) cerebrum D) 46%.
C) medulla oblongata 36. The greatest influence on a stable
D) cerebellum. ecosystem in nature is excreted by
28. The physical space occupied by an organism A) rainfall B) animals
together with its functional role in the C) man D) pollution.
community can be described as 37. The factor the least affects food shortage in
A) niche B) environment sub-saharan Africa is
C) habitat D) biome. A) drought B) flooding
29. The hygrometer is used for measuring C) pests D mixed – cropping.
A) rainfall B) relative humidity 38. In man, the ability to roll the tongue is a
C) salinity D) specific gravity. variation classified as
30. The highest percentage of energy in an A) structural
ecosystem occurs at level of the B) morphological
A) producers C) anatomical
B) primary consumers D) physiological.
C) secondary consumers 39. Which of the following statements is true of
D) decomposer. blood groups and blood transfusion?
31. Carbon (IV) oxide content of the A) Group A can donate to group A only
atmosphere is least affected by B) Group B can donate to group B only
A) burning of fossil fuel C) Group O is the universal recipient
B) cutting down and clearing of forests D) Group AB is the universal recipient.
C) plant and animal respiration 40. A tall plant crossed with a dwarf one
D) forest fires. produces offspring of which half are tall and
32. A freshwater pond may contain half are dwarf. What are the genotypes of
A) pond skater, water lily, shark and the parents?
mosquito larva A) Tt, tt B) TT, tt C) Tt, Tt
B) water lily, fish water scorpion and D) TT, TT.
dragonfly larva 41. Both recessive and dominant characters are
C) tad pole, water boatman, leeches and found
crab A) at the same locus of a homologous
D) water beetle, shrimps, water snail and chromosome
water bug. B) at different loci of homologous
33. The epiphytic habitat can best be described chromosome
as C) on different chromosomes in the cell
A) aquatic B) terrestrial D) on the same chromatid in a
C) arboreal D) estuarine. chromosome.
34. The distribution of plants in a rain forest is 42. Which of the following is likely to encourage
governed mainly by inbreeding in plants
A) rainfall pattern A) monoecious
B) vegetation B) dioecious
C) soil types C) hermaphrodite

D) protandrous. 2001 Answers
43. The probability of a baby being a boy or a 1. Option C
girl depends on the contribution of the 2. Option A.
A) mother’s sex cell 3. Option B.
B) mother’s X chromosome 4. Option C.
C) father’s sex cell 5. Option B.
D) father’s somatic chromosome. 6. Option C.
44. The ability of an organism to live 7. Option A.
successfully in an environment is known as 8. Option D.
A) succession B) resistance 9. Option A.
C) adaptation D) competition. 10. Option C.
45. For heterotrophic organisms, competition is 11. Option A.
least caused by inadequacy of 12. Option D.
A) nutrients B) light C) space 13. Option C.
D) mates. 14. Option B.
46. The most important adaptation of 15. Option C.
xerophytes is the ability of the protoplasm 16. Option C.
to 17. Option D.
A) absorb water and swell 18. Option D.
B) resist being damaged by loss 19. Option A.
C) shrink from the cell wall 20. Option B.
D) store sugar and minerals in the 21. Option D.
vacuoles. 22. Option D.
47. The stem of a typical aquatic plant usually 23. Option C.
has many 24. Option D.
A) water cavities 25. Option C.
B) water-conducting cells 26. Option B.
C) air cavities 27. Option B.
D) intercellular spaces. 28. Option A.
48. A green snake in green grass is able to 29. Option B.
escape notice from predators because of its 30. Option A.
A) warning colouration 31. Option C.
B) disruptive colouration 32. Option B.
C) cryptic colouration 33. Option C.
D) countershading. 34. Option D.
35. Option D.
49. The role of the male adult honey bee is to 36. Option C.
A) mate with the queen 37. Option D.
B) care for the young 38. Option D.
C) clean the hive 39. Option D.
D) ventilate the hive. 40. Option A.
50. Darwin is considered the first scientist who 41. Option A.
correctly explained the theory of 42. Option C.
A) organic evolution 43. Option C.
B) use and disuse 44. Option C.
C) special creation 45. Option B.
D) spontaneous generation. 46. Option B.
47. Option C.

48. Option C. 7. The correct evolutionary sequence of the
49. Option A. organisms represented is
50. Option A. A) I  III  II  IV
B) II  III  IV  I
C) III  II  I  IV
UME 2002 (TYPE Y) D) IV  II  III  I.
Questions 8. Oviviparity is the type of fertilization
1. An amoeba and an unlaid chicken egg are exhibited by the organism labelled
A) animal tissues A) I B) II C) III D) IV.
B) organelles Use the diagram below to answer questions
C) single cells 9 and 10
D) organisms. Hawk
2. In corms, food is usually stored in the
A) leaves B) stems C) roots
D) buds.
3. The animals that move by means of Flagella
Grasshopper Mouse
A) Chlamydomonas and Euglena
B) Planaria and Amoeba Vegetation
C) Amoeba and Hydra 9. In the diagram, the hawk is
D) Paramecium and Planaria. A) an omnivore
4. The structures found only in plant cell are B) a primary consumer
A) cell membranes and cytoplasm C) a tertiary consumer
B) chromatin and nucleolus D) a scavenger.
C) cell wall and chloroplast
D) cell membrane and lysosome. 10. Examples of competitors are
5. A flower that has both stamens and pistil is A) lizard and mouse
said to be B) snake and lizard
A) Staminate B) pistillate C) grasshopper and mouse
C) perfect D) imperfect. D) rabbit and snake.
6. When oil is poured into the breeding site of 11. One of the adaptations to life on trees by a
mosquitoes, it monkey is its possession of digits which are
A) deprives the larvae of water A) extensible B) big
B) kills the adults C) opposable D) long.
C) suffocates the pupae 12. The community of plants in which the same
D) slows down egg development. species occur from year to year is the
Use the diagram below to answer questions A) annual species
7 and 8. B) pioneer vegetation
C) perennial species
D) climax vegetation.
13. The most common means of transmitting
the Acquired Immune Deficiency Syndrome
I II (AIDS) is
A) from mother to child
B) through blood transfusion
C) through sexual intercourse
III IV D) through the sharing of needles.

14. Plants tend to prevent overcrowding by D) an estuarine swamp.
means of efficient 22. In his theory of evolution, Darwin implied
A) water uptake that
B) seed germination A) the struggle for existence among living
C) pollination organisms is sporadic
D) seed dispersal. B) the most successful organisms are
15. The physical and climatic factors of a region those that best adapt to their
primarily determine the environment
A) kinds of animal inhabiting the area C) organs of the body which are not
B) types of plants found in the area regularly used by an organism will
C) nature of the soil in that region disappear.
D) community of organisms in the region. D) any traits acquired by an organism
16. A step in the movement of energy through during its lifetime can be passed on to
an ecosystem is a description that best fits its offspring.
the term 23. The carnassial teeth of a carnivorous animal
A) food chain consist of the
B) trophic level A) last upper premolar and the first lower
C) pyramid of numbers molar
D) food web. B) last upper molar and the last lower
17. In a field experiment, the frequency of molar
water leaf was observed to be 48 after 20 C) first upper premolar and the first lower
tosses of a 2m2 quadrant. What is the molar
density of the plant in the field? D) first upper molar and the first lower
A) 1.2per m2 molar
B) 2.4per m2 24. A feature of the caste systems of bees and
C) 4.8per m2 termites is that
D) 9.6per m2 A) the workers are sterile
18. The supporting tissue of xylem is most B) the kings are bigger than the queens
poorly developed in C) only the worker perform duties
A) mangrove swamp plants D) nuptial flight is performed by all
B) grassland plants members.
C) submerged water plants 25. The structure that is common in the
D) desert plants. embryos of mammals, amphibians, birds,
19. The addition of lime to clayey soil serves to fishes and reptiles and which is an evidence
A) aid water retention of their common ancestry is the
B) close up the texture A) eye B) chorion C) allantois
C) prevent water-logging D) gill-slits.
D) improve capillary action. 26. Animals aestivate when the environment in
20. The excessive use of agro-chemicals could which they live becomes
lead to the pollution of A) hot and dry
A) the lithosphere B) the atmosphere B) cold and wet
C) fresh water D) space. C) warm and humid
21. In a population study using the transect D) windy and snowy.
method, a student is likely to record the 27. Birds which are large with long straight
highest number of species in pointed beaks, long necks and long legs are
A) a tropical rain forest likely to be
B) a guinea savanna A) insect eaters
C) a sahel savanna B) fish catchers

C) nectar feeders C) The enclosed leaf will lose its green
D) fruit eaters. colour
28. Examples of organisms in which D) The leaves outside the flask serve as
extracellular digestion occurs are control.
A) Fungus, Loranthus and housefly 33. The experimental set-up can be used to
B) Rhizopus, sponges and earthworm demonstrate that
C) Round worm, tapeworm and hydra A) light is necessary for photosynthesis
D) Rhizopus, housefly and hydra. B) oxygen is necessary for photosynthesis
29. The mammalian erythrocytes differ from C) photosynthesis occurs in the leaves of
the leucocytes at maturity because the plants
erythrocytes are D) carbon(IV)oxide is necessary for
A) discoid and nucleated photosynthesis.
B) discoid and enucleated 34. When a marine fish was taken from the
C) amoeboid and nucleated ocean and put in a tank of fresh water, it
D) amoeboid and enucleated died after a short period because
30. The presence of endoskeleton is A) the tank was too small compared to the
characteristic of large ocean
A) invertebrata B) the body cells of the fish swelled and
B) vertebrata burst as a result of the hypotonic fresh
C) insecta water
D) coelenterata. C) the body cells of the fish shrank as their
31. The capture and digestion of insects by a sap was hypertonic to the fresh water
pitcher plant is a special form of nutrition D) there was no food in the tank, so the
termed. fish starved.
A) autotrophic 35. Which of the following pairs of organs is
B) heterotrophic located in the anterior half of the
C) chemosynthetic mammalian body cavity?
D) Saprophytic. A) Kidneys and lungs
B) Heart and ovary
Use the diagram below to answer questions C) Lungs and heart
32 to 33. D) Kidneys and heart.
36. The mode of nutrition exhibited by a
tapeworm is
A) symbiotic B) saprophytic
Live plant C) parasitic D) holozoic.
37. The organ located within the duodenal loop
in the mammal is the
conical flask A) spleen B) pancreas C) liver
caustic soda solution D) gall bladder.
Retort stand
38. In which of the following groups of fruits is
the pericarp inseparable from the seed
32. Which of the following statements is
A) Nut B) Follicle C) Cypsela
correct about the experiment?
D) Caryopsis.
A) The flask must be of the conical type
39. A person that is obese must avoid meals
B) Caustic soda can be replaced with
distilled water
A) carrots and oranges
B) margarine and butter

C) beef and beans D) pituitary.
D) rice and yam. 44. The hormone secreted at IV served to
40. Tissue respiration is important for the A) facilitate the development of facial
A) absorption of oxygen into the alveoli hairs
B) release of carbon(IV)oxide into the B) raise the level of calcium ions in the
lungs blood
C) release of energy for he body use C) lower blood glucose level
D) exhalation of carbon(IV)oxide from the D) make the body react to emergencies.
lungs. 45. To select and retain the desirable trait of
large body size which a farmer has observed
Use the diagram below to answer questions in his herd, the farmer needs to
41 to 42 A) feed the animals in the herd with more
B) cross-breed his animals with a
different herd
I C) inbreed the animals in his herd
II D) prevent diseases in his herd
III 46. In a population of living things, the
IV parameters of size, height, weight and
colour are examples of
41. The function of absorption is performed by A) discontinuous variations
the structure labelled B) continuous variations
A) I B) II C) III D) IV. C) physiological variations
42. The structure labelled I represents the D) non-heritable variations.
A) phloem B) xylem C) cortex 47. If XN is the dominant allele for normal vision
D) pericycle. and Xn the recessive allele for colour-
Use the diagram below to answer questions blindness, a boy with the genotype YXn will
43 and 44. A) Have normal vision
I B) Be colour-blind
C) Be totally blind
D) Be a carrier of colour-blindness.
II 48. The first four children of a couple were all
girls. The probability that the fifth will also
be a girl is
III A) 1/5 B) ¼ C) 1/3 D) ½
49. Genetic counseling is important when a
marriage is planned between a
IV A) Rh - woman and Rh + man
B) Rh - woman and Rh - man
C) Rh + woman and Rh + man
D) Rh + woman and Rh - man
50. What proportion of the offspring of a cross
between two heterozygous parents will
exhibit the recessive condition
43. The gland usually found in the position A) ¼ B) ½ C) ¾ D) 4/4
labelled I is the
A) adrenal B) thyroid C) pancreatic

2002 Answers 48. Option D.
1. Option C 49. Option A.
2. Option B. 50. Option A.
3. Option A.
4. Option C.
5. Option C. UME 2003 (TYPE B)
6. Option C. Questions
7. Option D. 1. In the egg of a bird, the embryo is located in
8. Option D. the
9. Option C. A) chalaza
10. Option C. B) yolk
11. Option C. C) albumen
12. Option D. D) embryo disc.
13. Option C. Use the diagram below to answer questions
14. Option D. 2 and 3
15. Option D. I II
16. Option B.
17. Option A.
18. Option C.
19. Option C. III
20. Option C. IV
21. Option A.
22. Option B.
23. Option A. 2. The structures that are common to both
24. Option A. plant and animal cells are labelled.
25. Option D. A) IV and I
26. Option A. B) III and IV
27. Option B. C) II and III
D) I and II.
28. Option D.
3. Food is stored in the structure labelled
29. Option B.
30. Option B. A) III B) I C) IV D)II.
4. One distinctive feature in the life history of
31. Option B.
liverworts is that they exhibit
32. Option D.
A) alternation of generation
33. Option D.
B) vegetative reproduction
34. Option B
C) asexual reproduction
35. Option C.
D) sexual reproduction.
36. Option C.
Use the diagram below to answer questions
37. Option B.
5 and 6.
38. Option D.
39. Option B.
40. Option C.
41. Option B.
42. Option D.
43. Option D. II
44. Option A.
45. Option C.
46. Option B. .
47. Option B.

5. A noticeable adaptation of the animal to its B) epidermis
aquatic habitat is the possession of C) phloem
A) a wide mouth D) parenchyma.
B) large eyes
C) webbed digits Use the diagram below to answer questions
D) four limbs 14 and 15.
6. The processes of water loss and intake
Glass tubing
indicated by the arrows labelled I and II are
A) exhalation and osmosis
Rubber tubing
B) urination and diffusion
C) osmosis and diffusion
D) evaporation and osmosis. Bell jar
7. The umbrella-shaped fruiting body of a fully
developed mushroom is the Rubber sheet
A) pileus B) mycelium C) basidium
D) stipe.
8. The similarity among organisms belonging 14. The aim of the experiment is to
to the same group will be least within each demonstrate
A) family B) order C) kingdom A) that in mammals gaseous exchange
D) species. takes place in the lungs
9. Hermaphroditic reproduction can be found B) the part played by the pleural cavity
among the and diaphragm in respiration
A) arthropods and nematodes C) that a large amount of oxygen is
B) pisces and amphibians absorbed by the lungs
C) annelids and molluscs D) the presence of carbon(IV)oxide in
D) coelenterates and platyhelminthes. exhaled air.
10. An insect whose economic importance is 15. In the experimental set-up, the rubber
both harmful and beneficial is the sheet represents the organ called
A) tsetsefly B) blackfly A) pleural cavity
C) mosquito D) butterfly. B) lungs
11. The cell component that is present in a C) diaphragm
prokaryotic cell is the D) intercostals muscle.
A) chloroplast 16. The dark reaction of photosynthesis
B) ribosome involves the
C) mitochondrion A) reduction of carbon (IV) oxide to
D) nuclear envelope. organic compounds
12. The stunted growth of a leguminous plant B) release of oxygen and the splitting of
suffering from nitrogen deficiency may be water
corrected by inoculating the soil with C) photolysis of water and the production
A) denifying bacteria of starch
B) saprophytic bacteria D) splitting of water into hydrogen ions.
C) rhizobium
D) nitrosomonas Use the diagram below to answer questions
13. If water that has been coloured red is 17 and 18.
poured at the base of a wilting plant, it will
appear as a red stain in the cell of the
A) xylem

Water drops I

Fresh leafy shoot

Fresh leafless shoot

Layer of oil 24. The structure can be found in the

Water in beaker
A) sympathetic and parasympathetic
nervous systems
17. The experiment is used to demonstrate that B) peripheral and central nervous systems
A) plants lose water through guttation C) peripheral nervous system only
B) transpiration occurs through the leaves D) central nervous system only.
C) water is necessary for photosynthesis 25. The point marked I is referred to as
D) leaves are important to photosynthesis. A) myelin sheath
18. In the experiment, the layer of oil B) dendrites
serves to prevent water loss by C) axon
A) transpiration D) node of Ranvier.
B) evaporation 26. Homologous pairs of chromosomes
C) osmosis separate during
D) guttation. A) cytolysis B) cleavage
19. Organisms I, II, III, IV have surface/volume C) mitosis D) meiosis.
ration of 1:2, 1:3, 1:4 and 1:5 respectively. 27. An example of a caryopsis is
The organism that is likely to have the most A) guava B) maize grain
complex transport system is C) coconut D) tomato.
A) IV B) III C) I D) II. 28. The response of plants to external stimuli in
20. The part of the mammalian digestive a non-directional manner is known as
system where absorption of nutrients takes A) tactic movement
place is the B) phototropism
A) ileum B) colon C) geotropism
C) oesophagus D) duodenum. D) nastic movement.
21. The best method of propagating sugarcane 29. The most important hormone that induces
is by the ripening of fruit is
A) seed sowing A) ethylene
B) layering B) indole acetic acid
C) grafting C) gibberellin
D) stem cuttings. D) cytokinin.
22. In mammalian males, the excretory and 30. A density-dependent factor that regulates
reproductive systems share the the population size of organisms is
A) ureter B) vas deferens A) disease B) sudden flood
C) urethra D) testes. C) drought D) fire outbreak.
23. Metabolic production of urea is carried out 31. One example of fossil is
in the A) limestone C) coral
A) urinary bladder and kidney C) coal D) firewood.
B) liver 32. The most effective method of dealing with
C) pancreas non-biodegradable pollutants is by
D) kidney and Malpighian tubule. A) dumping B) recycling
Use the diagram below to answer questions C) incineration D) burying.
24 and 25.

33. The correct sequence of biomes from A) Drosophila melanogaster
northern to southern Nigeria is B) Musca domestica
A) Guinea savanna  sudan savanna  C) Zea mays
tropical rain forest  sahel savanna  D) Homo sapiens
estuarine 42. A feature associated with the Y-
B) Estuarine  tropical rain forest  chromosome in humans is
guinea savanna  sahel savanna A) long eyelashes
C) Sahel savanna  tropical rain forest  B) prominent fingernails
estuarine  guinea savanna C) facial hairs
D) Sahel savanna  sudan savanna  D) enlarged breast.
guinea savanna  tropical rain forest 43. The type of reproduction that lead to
 estuarine. variation in animal and plant population is
34. Mycorrhiza is an association between fungi A) budding B) sexual
and C) vegetative D) asexual.
A) protozoans 44. An insect with a mandibulate mouthpart
B) roots of higher plants will obtain its food by
C) bacteria A) biting and chewing
D) filamentous algae. B) chewing and sucking
35. A limiting factor in a plant population near a C) chewing
chemical factory is likely to be D) sucking.
A) light B) humidity 45. An argument against Lamark’s theory of
C) wind D) pH. evolution is that
36. Soil fertility can best be conserved and A) disuse of body part cannot weaken the
renewed by the activities of part
A) earthworms B) man B) disused part is dropped off in the
C) rodents D) microbes. offspring
37. The pioneer organisms in ecological C) acquired traits cannot be passed onto
succession are usually the the offspring
A) mosses B) lichens D) traits cannot be acquired through
C) ferns D) algae. constant use of body parts.
38. If a DNA strand has a base sequence TCA, 46. The presence of sunken stomata and the
its complementary strand must be folding of leaves are adaptations to
A) ATG B) TAG A) prevent entry of pathogens
C) GAT D) AGT. B) reduce water loss
39. A man and his wife are both heterozygous C) remove excess water
for the sickle-cell trait. The likely percentage D) prevent guttation.
of their offspring that will be either carriers 47. Spines and shells on animals are
or “sicklers” is adaptations for
A) 75% B) 50% A) camouflage
C) 25% D) 100%. B) chemical defence
40. If the pairs of alleles for baldness is given as C) physical defence
Bb, a female carrier will be donated by D) mimicry.
A) XbY B) XBXB 48. An example of cryptic colouration is the
C) X Y B
D) XBXb. A) mottled colours on moths that rest on
41. An organism that has been extensively used lichen
to test the chromosome theory of heredity B) bright colour of an insect pollinated
is flower
C) green colour of a plant

D) bright marks on a poisonous tropical 33. Option D.
frog on variegated leaves. 34. Option B
49. Which of the following requires the use of 35. Option D.
carbon dating to prove that evolution has 36 Option D.
occurred? 37. Option B.
A) Comparative anatomy 38. Option D.
B) Biochemical similarities 39. Option A.
C) Molecular records 40. Option D.
D) Fossil records. 41. Option A.
50. The inactive state exhibited by an animal 42. Option C.
during hot dry season is termed 43. Option B.
A) aestivation B) dormancy 44. Option A.
C) resting D) hibernation. 45. Option C.
46. Option B.
2003 Answers 47. Option C.
1. Option B. 48. Option B.
2. Option C. 49. Option D.
3. Option C. 50. Option A.
4. Option A.
5. Option C.
6. Option D. UME 2004
7. Option A. Questions
8. Option C. Use the diagram below to answer questions 1
9. Option C. and 2.
10. Option D.
11. Option B.
12. Option C I
13. Option A.
14. Option A. II
15. Option C.
16. Option A.
17. Option B.
18. Option B.
19. Option A.
20. Option A. 1. The endoplasmic reticulum is represented
21. Option D. by the part labelled
22. Option C. A) I B) II C) III D) IV.
23. Option B. 2. The part labelled II is responsible for
24. Option D. A) photosynthesis
25. Option D. B) respiration
26. Option D. C) protein synthesis
27. Option B D) excretion.
28. Option D. 3. The rods in the retina of the eye are
29. Option A. examples of
30. Option A. A) cells B) tissues C) organs
31. Option C. D) systems.
32. Option B.

4. The absence of special food and water A) dicot stems and monocot stems
conducting systems restricts the body size B) dicot stems and monocot roots
in C) dicot roots and monocot roots
A) algae, liverworts and mosses D) dicot roots and monocot stems.
B) liverworts, mosses and ferns 12. The gall bladder of a mammal has a duct
C) the bryophytes ad the pteridophytes connected to the
D) the thallophytes and the pteridophytes A) liver
5. A plant-like feature in Euglena is the B) duodenum
A) pellicle C) small intestine
B) pigment spot D) pancreas.
C) large vacuole 13. All living cells require water because it
D) gullet. A) is a medium for all metabolic
6. The most common characteristic of the reactions
fungal hyphae is the possession of B) is a medium that neutralizes acids in
A) cell-like compartments with one cells
nucleus each C) is the main source of energy for the
B) cell walls that are both rigid and cells
chitinous D) prevents the development of diseases
C) a multicellular mycelium in the in cell.
substrate 14. The breakdown of fats and oils into simpler
D) cell-like partitions formed by cross-walls absorbable compounds is catalyzed by the
7. Insects are considered the most successful group of enzymes called
among the invertebrates because they A) lipases
A) possess exoskeletons B) hydrolases
B) survive in various environmental C) amylases
conditions D) peptidases.
C) have wings for flight
D) possess the ability to change their Use the diagram below to answer questions
forms. 15 and 16.
8. The larval stage of a mosquito is called
A) wriggler
Hollowed yam tuber
B) grub
C) maggot
D) caterpillar. Salt solution
9. The function of the long-winged
reproductives in a termite colony is to
A) disperse the population 15. Yam is used in this set-up because it
B) feed the young A) is permeable to the salt solution
C) participate in swarming B) is a plant material
D) protect the young. C) acts as a storage organ
10. A peculiar characteristic of mammals is that D) acts as a semi-permeable membrane
they 16. Which of the following results is to be
A) have teeth expected if the set-up is left for several
B) are warm-blooded hours?
C) have lungs A) Decrease in the size of the yam
D) have sebaceous glands. B) Movement of the salt solution into
11. In the internal structure of plants, a wide the water
pith in the center is common to

C) Decrease in the volume of water I II
inside the yam
D) Movement of water from the salt
solution into the yam.
17. The surface of an alveolus in a mammal is
well supplied with tiny blood vessels known
as 22. The bones labelled II are called
A) arterioles B) venules A) cervical vertebrae
C) arteries D) capillaries. B) sacral vertebrae
18. The anaerobic fermentation of a glucose C) thoracic vertebrae
molecule yields D) lumbar vertebrae.
A) 38 ATP molecules 23. The type of joint between adjacent bones in
B) 2 ATP molecules and alcohol the part labelled II is the
C) pyruvic acid and alcohol A) ball and socket joint
D) Water and carbon(IV)oxide. B) sliding joint
19. The opening of the stoma is controlled by C) hinge joint
the D) suture joint.
A) presence of a pore 24. The type of reproduction that is common
B) increase in solute concentration in to both Hydra and Yeast is
the guard cells A) conjugation B) binary fusion
C) presence of guard cells C) grafting D) budding.
D) decrease in solute concentration in Use the diagram below to answer questions
the guard cells. 25 and 26

Use the diagram below to answer questions

20 and 21. III

25. The part labelled II is the
A) style B) filament
C) stigma D) anther.
20. The sweat gland is the structure labelled 26. The process of pollination involves the
A) I B) II C) III D) IV. transfer of pollens from
21. The function of the part labelled III is to A) I to II B) II to III
A) contract to pull the hair erect C) III to IV D) IV to I.
B) conduct nervous impulses 27. The eggs of birds contain relatively larger
C) carry blood and nitrogenous waste quantities of yolk than those of amphibians
D) produce oil for the skin. and reptiles because
Use the diagram below to answer questions A) birds are generally bigger in size
22 and 23. B) embryonic development is longer in
C) those of birds are fertilized internally
D) birds lay shelled eggs.

28. Epigeal germination of a seed is 35. The association between termites and the
characterized by cellulose-digesting protozoans in their guts
A) more rapid elongation of the is an example of
hypocotyl than the epicotyl A) Saprophytism B) mutualism
B) more rapid elongation of the epicotyl C) parasitism D) commensalism.
than the hypocotyl 36. The progressive loss of energy at each level
C) equal growth rate of both the in a food chain leads to
hypocotyl and epicotyl A) an increase in biomass at each
D) lack of growth of the hypocotyl. successive level
29. Nervous control differs from hormonal B) a decrease in biomass at each
control in that the former successive level
A) involves only chemical transmission C) an increase in the number of
B) is a slower process organisms at each successive level
C) produces short-term changes D) an increase in the total weight of
D) has no specific pathway. living matter at each successive level.
30. If a nursing mother is not producing enough 37. One adaptation of reptiles to water loss is
milk, her hormonal system is probably in the presence of
deficient in A) keratinous scales
A) Prolactin B) testosterone B) claws on limbs
C) thyroxin D) insulin. C) long tails
31. The two key cations involved in the action D) long sticky tongues.
potential of nervous transmissions are 38. A state in Nigeria that is most susceptible to
A) Na + and Fe2+ desert encroachment is
B) Mg2+ and K+ A) Kwara B) Taraba C) Kaduna
C) Na + and K+ D) Kastina.
D) Fe2+ and Mg2+. 39. The scarcity of food causes a sudden
32. A caterpillar and an aphid living in different decrease in population size by
parts of the same plant can be said to A) decreasing the reproductive rate
A) occupy the same ecological niche B) bringing about immigration
B) be in different habitats C) raising the mortality rate
C) occupy different ecological niches D) minimizing the rate of competition.
D) be in similar microhabitats. 40. The soil type that will be most difficult to
plough in a wet season is one that is
Use the table below to answer questions 33 A) loamy B) clayey C) sandy
and 34. D) silty.
41. A farmer practice that results in the loss of
Ecological Temperature Rainfall soil fertility is
Zone (oC) (mm) A) mixed farming
I 45 300 B) bush fallowing
II 32 2000 C) shifting cultivation
III 30 2200 D) continuous cropping.
IV 15 800 42. Paternity disputes can most accurately be
33. High relative humidity will be expected in resolved through the use of
Zones A) fingerprinting
A) I and III B) I and IV B) blood group typing
C) II and III D) II and IV. C) DNA analysis
34. Which of the zones is likely to be a desert? D) tongue-rolling
A) I B) II C) III D) IV.

43. In a Mendelian cross of red and white C) comparative physiology
varieties of the four o’clock plant, F1 D) paleontology.
generation expresses incomplete
dominance by having flowers which are 2004 Answers
A) white B) red 1. Option D.
C) pink D) multicoloured. 2. Option B.
44. Identical twins inherit their genes from 3. Option A.
A) different eggs and sperms 4. Option A.
B) the same egg and sperm 5. Option A.
C) two eggs and a sperm 6. Option B.
D) one egg and two sperms. 7. Option B.
45. Sex-linked genes are located on 8. Option A.
A) Y – chromosome 9. Option C.
B) X – and Y – chromosomes 10. Option D.
C) homologous chromosomes 11. Option B.
D) X – chromosome. 12. Option B.
46. Which of the following is an example of 13. Option A.
intraspecific competition? 14. Option A.
A) a Lizard and an ant-eater chasing an 15. Option D.
insect 16. Option C.
B) a worker termite and a soldier in a 17. Option D.
limited space 18. Option B.
C) a hawk and an eagle targeting the 19. Option B.
same chicken 20. Option D.
D) yam and potato shoots growing out 21. Option C.
through the same window. 22. Option D.
47. Plants survive hot dry conditions by 23. Option B.
A) storing water in large parenchyma 24. Option D.
cells 25. Option D.
B) producing numerous leaves 26. Option B.
C) having numerous stomata 27. Option B.
D) having evergreen leaves. 28 Option A.
48. Rodents gnaw on food with their 29. Option C.
A) molar teeth 30. Option A.
B) strong jaws 31. Option C.
C) flat-ridged teeth 32. Option C.
D) chisel-like front teeth. 33. Option C.
49. The spot and stripes of the leopard and 34. Option A.
tiger are examples of 35. Option B.
A) cryptic colouration 36. Option B.
B) warning colouration 37. Option A.
C) disruptive colouration 38. Option D.
D) countershading. 39. Option C.
50. An evidence of the relationship between 40 Option B.
living organisms and their extinct relatives 41. Option D.
can best be obtained from 42. Option C.
A) embryology 43. Option C.
B) comparative anatomy 44. Option B.

45. Option D.
46. Option B. I
47. Option A.
48. Option D. II
49. Option C.
50. Option D. III

UME 2005
1. The organelle common to both plant and
animal cells is the IV
(A) centriole (B) plasmalemma
(C) cell wall (D) chloroplast
2. Which of the following is likely to have a 8. The angle between the parts labeled II and
higher concentration of mitochondria? III is the
(A) sperm cell (B) white blood (A) bud (B) node (C) internode
(C) egg cell (D) red blood cell (D) axil
3. The hyphal wall of fungi is rigid owing to the 9. The part of the plant where photosynthesis
presence of is least likely to take place is
(A) cell wall (B) lignin (C) cellulose (D) (A) I (B) II (C) III (D) IV
chitia 10. The stage in the life history of a moth
4. Angiosperms and gymnosperms belong to responsible for the destruction of
the class agricultural crops is the
(A) schizophyta (B) spermatophyte (A) nymph (B) imago (C) pupa
(C) pteridophyta (D) bryophyta (D) caterpillar
5. An example of a radially symmetrical 11. The blackfly is a vector of
organism is (A) malaria (B) trypanosomiasis
(A) planaria (B) hydra (C) tapeworm (C) onchocerciasis (D) yellow fever
(D) roundworm 12. The transition from amphibians to
6. The leech and the earthworm belong to the mammals involves the limbs becoming
(A) molluscs (B) crustaceans arranaged to support the weight more
(C) arachnids (D) annelids effectively requiring modifications in the
7. I. Ratttus rattus II. Agama agama (A) collar bones and coccyx
III. Bufo regularis (B) pectoral and pelvic girdles
IV. Tilapia zilli. (C) scapulae and clavicles
The order of evolutionary advancement of (D) vertebrae and sternum.
the above vertebrates is 13. The main function of the caudal fin in
(A) I, II, III, IV (B) I, IV, III, II (C) Tilapia is to
II, III, IV, I (D) IV, III, II, I (A) propel it forward in water
(B) steer it while changing direction
Use the diagram below to answer (C) balance it in water
questions 8 and 9 (D) enable it to float in water.
14. In the root vascular system, the stele is
directly surrounded by the
(A) pericycle (B) cortex
(C) endodermis (D) parenchyma

Use the diagram below to answer question (D) active transport and cytoplasmic
15 and 16 streaming.
22. excess water in plants is excreted as water
I vapour and droplets respectively through
(A) respiration and guttation
II (B) transpiration and guttation
(C) photosynthesis and guttation
(D) guttation and condensation
IV 23. when bacteria swim from cold to warm
15. The part labeled IV represents the regions, this is known as
(A) colon (B) ileum (C) caecum (A) negative chemotaxis
(D) duodenum (B) positive thermotaxis
16. The bile is stored in the part labelled (C) positive photoaxis
(A) I (B) II (C) III (D) IV (D)negative phototaxis
17. The only vein that carries pure oxygenated 24. Hydrostatic skeleton is the type of
blood is the supporting system found in
(A) renal vein (B) pulmonary vein (A) mammals (B) reptiles
(C) hepatic vein (D) sciatic vein (C) oligochaetes(D) arthropods
18. The function of the fluid-filled pericardium
is to Use the diagram below to answer questions 25
(A) reduce the friction caused by the and 26.
pumping movements of the heart I
(B) supply the heart with oxygen and
(C) prevent disease organisms from
attacking the heart II
(D) reduce the intensity of the pumping III
action of the heart
19. The mammalian lung is made alright by the IV
(A) pleural cavity
(B) mucous membrane 25. The structure labeled I originates from the
(C) pleural membrane (A) liver (B) kidney
(D) diaphram (C) small intestine (D) stomach
20. A test tube containing yeast in glucose 26. Birth control by vasectomy is achieved by
solution was suspended in a covered conical severing the structure labelled
flask containing alkaline pyrogallol. The (A) I (B) II (C) III (D) IV
bubbles of carbon (IV) oxide produced Use the diagram below to answer question
indicate that the yeast cells are 18 and 19.
(A) respiring in the absence of oxygen I
(B) liberating oxygen on their own
(C) living and consuming oxygen Soil
(D) being killed by the alcohol produced level
21. The urinary tubules of the kidney function
(A) osmosis and diffusion
(B) active transport and osmosis
(C) ultrafiltration and selective 27. The main function of the structure labeled I
reabsorption is to

(A) store food for the young plant Number of 500
(B) pull the young shoot above the ground cockroaches 0
400 24
(C) store water for the seedling
(D) protect the young plumule 300 19 C

28. The type of germination illustrated is 200 3

termed 100 15 0C
(A) hypogeal (B) epicotyl (C) epigeal
(D) hypocotyls 0 2 4 6 8 10 12 14 days

Use the diagram below to answer questions 29 32. The optimal temperature for breeding
and 30. cockroaches is
(A) 150C (B) 190C (C) 240C
(D) 33 C
33. At which temperature will cockroaches not
survive after 10days?
(A) 150C (B) 190C (C) 240C
(D) 33 C

29. The structure labeled I is the Use the diagram below to answer
(A) incus (B) malleus (C) hammer questions 34 and 35
(D) stapes
30. A function of the part labeled II is to Cloud
(A) equalize pressure on both sides of the
(B) conduct sound waves to the brain (C) II I
help the animal maintain balance or
posture III
(D) transform sound waves into electric IV
Ground level
31. Which of the following is a homeostatic ocean
Ground water
response in humans?
(A) Withdrawing and hand from a hot
34. Evaporation and transpiration are
(B) The mouth getting watery when food is
respectively represented by the
components labelled
(C) Yawning owing to tiredness
(A) I and II (B) II and III
(D) Shivering in a cold environment
(C) III and IV (D) IV and I
35. The main reservoir of water in the cycle is
Use the diagram below to answer question 32
and 33.
(A) cloud (B) groundwater (C) plant
(D) ocean
36. The Mambilla plateau is a unique Nigerian
biome located in
(A) Plateau state (B) Borno state
(C) Taraba state (D) Benue state
37. In Nigeria, the Guinea savanna belt borders

(A) mangrove swamps and the Sahel 45. A yellow maize is crossed with a white
savanna maize and the first filial generation produce
(B) rainforests and the sudan savanna (C) yellow maize only. The white trait is said to
deserts and sudan savanna exhibit
(D) rainforests and the desert (A) dominance (B) recessiveness
38. The population density of Tridax in an (C) codominance
abandoned square farmland of side 200m (D) incomplete dominance
was found to be 5plants per m2. The 46. The association in which one member
population size of the plant on the farm is benefits and the other is relatively
(A) 40 (B) 1000 (C) 40000 unaffected by the interaction is termed
(D) 200000 (A) symbiosis (B) parasitism
39. Secondary succession is much faster than (C) commensalism (D) mutualism
primary succession because 47. When a peacock displays its colourful
(A) pioneer colonizers are more in number feathers, it is
(B) soil is already present (A) ready for a fight
(C) secondary seres require less nutrients (B) protecting itself from predators
(D) species competition is increased (C) protecting its mate from predators (D)
40. which of the following is used to test for the courting a female
presence of lime in a soil sample? 48. When an animal has a dark-coloured dorsal
(A) H2SO4(aq) (B) NaOH(aq) (C)HCl(aq) surface and a light-coloured ventral surface,
(D)HNO3(aq) this is an adaptation called
41. The importance of practicing crop rotation (A) concealment coloration
in agriculture is to (B) countershading (C) colour blending
(A) maintain soil fertility (D) disruptive coloration
(B) improve the nutritional value of crops 49. The only caste in the termite colony whose
(C) control soil erosion members can feed themselves are the
(D) ensure the growth of crops (A) reproductives (B) workers
42. The recycling method of solid waste (C) nymphs (D) soldiers
disposal is unsuitable for 50. An evidence of a common ancestry for
(A) organic matter (B) glass fishes, amphibians, reptiles, birds and
(C) plastics (D) metal scraps mammals is the
43. A non-renewable alternative source of (A) possession of wings by birds and bats
energy is (B) cold-bloodedness of fishes, amphibians
(A) wind generators (B) solar panels and reptiles
(C) nuclear energy (C) presence of gill clefts in vertebrate
(D) hydroelectric power embryos
44. Which of the following is the best (D) possession of scales by fishes and
explanation for a child who is reptiles.
phenotypically short and born of two tall
parents? 2005 Answers
(A) the father possesses a gene for 1. Option B.
shortness 2. Option A.
(B) the mother possesses a gene for 3. Option D.
shortness 4. Option B.
(C) nature makes the child short 5. Option B.
(D) both parents possess genes for 6. Option D.
shortness 7. Option D.
8. Option D.

9. Option C. UTME 2010 - Type C
10. Option D. Questions
11. Option C. 1. Which Biology Question Paper Type is
12. Option B. given to you?
13. Option A. A. Type A
14. Option C. B. Type B
15. Option D. C. Type C
16. Option B. D. Type D
17. Option B.
18. Option A. 2. Which of the following characterizes a
19. Option C. matured plant cell?
20. Option A. A. The cytoplasm fills up the entire cell
21. Option B. space.
22. Option B. B. The nucleus is pushed to the centre
23. Option B. of the cell.
24. Option C. C. The cell wall is made up of
25. Option B. cellulose.
26. Option C. D. The nucleus is small and irregular in
27. Option A. shape.
28. Option C.
29. Option D. 3. Which of the following is NOT a
30. Option A. function of the nucleus of a cell?
31. Option D. A. It controls the life processes of the
32. Option C. cell.
33. Option D. B. It translates genetic information for
34. Option A. the manufacture of proteins.
35. Option D. C. It stores and carries hereditary
36. Option C. information.
37. Option B. D. It is a reservoir of energy for the
38. Option D. cell.
39. Option B.
40. Option C. 4. The dominant phase in the life cycle of
41. Option A. a fern is the
42. Option A. A. gametophyte
43. Option C. B. prothallus
44. Option D. C. sporophyte
45. Option B. D. antheridium.
46. Option C.
47. Option D. 5. Parental care is exhibited by
48. Option B. A. toads
49. Option B. B. snails
50. Option C. C. earthworms
D. birds

Use the diagram below to answer questions 9
Use the diagram below to answer questions 6 and 10.
and 7.

9. The main function of the feathers

6. With respect to their decreasing covering the part labelled I is to
dependence on aquatic conditions for A. prevent ectoparasites from
reproduction, which of the following is the attacking the animal
correct arrangement of the animals B. generate heat to keep the animal
represented? warm
A. I, IV, II and III C. provide some power for flight
B. IV, Ill, II and I D. serve as insulator to maintain body
C. I, ll, IV and III heat.
D. III, II, IV and I
10. Based on the shape and structure of the
7. Which of the animals represents the oldest beak and feet, the bird represented is
creature in terms of evolutionary history? likely to feed mainly on
A. III A. flesh
B. II B. fruits
C. I C. seeds
D. IV D. nectar.
8. Which of the following groups of cells is
devoid of true nuclei? 11. Which of the following is true of the
A. Viruses. transverse section of a dicot stem?
B. Algae A. The epidermis is completely
C. Monera encircled by the cortex.
D. Fungi. B. The xylem is more interiorly located
than the phloem.
C. The cambium lies between the
cortex and the vascular bundles.
D. The vascular bundles are randomly
scattered within the cortex.

Use the diagram below to answer questions 12

and 13.

D. amino acid.

17. The primary structure responsible for

pumping blood for circulation through the
mammalian circulatory systems is the
A. veins
B. right auricle
C. arteries
D. left ventricle.

18. Circulation of blood to all parts of the body

except the lungs is through
12. The movement of material in the xylem and
A. the pulmonary artery
phloem tissues of the plant is represented
B. systemic circulation
by the arrows labelled
C. the lymphatic system
A. III and IV respectively
D. pulmonary circulation.
B. II and I respectively
C. I and II respectively
19. Yeast respires anaerobically to convert
D. IV and III respectively.
simple sugar to carbon(IV) oxide and
A. alcohol
13. During photosynthesis, the arrow labelled II
B. acid
represents the
C. oxygen
A. escape of mineral salts
D. water
B. absorption of energy from the sun
C. release of carbon(IV) oxide
20. The sheet of muscle that separates the
D. release of oxygen as a by-product.
thoracic and the abdominal cavities is the
A. diaphragm
14. Which of the following is lacking in the diet
B. intercostal muscle
of a person with kwashiorkor?
C. pleural membrane
A. Vitamins.
D. pericardium.
B. Proteins.
C. Carbohydrates.
21. The oily substance that lubricates the
D. Minerals.
mammalian hair to keep it flexible and
water repellent is secreted by the
15. The mode of nutrition of sundew and
A. sweat glands
bladderwort can be described as
B. sebaceous glands
A. autotrophic
C. fatty cells
B. saprophytic
D. granular layer.
C. holozoic
D. chemosynthetic.
22. The outer layer of the kidney where the
Bowman's capsules are found is the
16. When a mixture of a food substance and
A. cortex
Benedict's solution was warmed, the
B. pelvis
solution changed from blue to brick-red.
C. medulla
This indicates the presence of
D. pyramid.
A. reducing sugar
B. fatty acid
C. sucrose

23. Which of the following stimuli is likely to 29. Mycorrhizae promote plant growth by
elicit a nastic response in an organism? A. absorbing inorganic ions from the
A. Touch. soil
B. Light intensity B. protecting it from infection
C. Chemical substances. C. helping it to utilize atmospheric
D. Gravity nitrogen
D. serving as a growth regulator.
24. In the male reproductive system of a
mammal, sperm is stored in the 30. The barrier between maternal and foetal
A. van deferens blood is the
B. urethra A. placenta
C. epididymis B. liver
D. seminiferous tubules. C. umbilical chord
D. uterine wall.
25. Chemosynthetic organisms are capable of
manufacturing their food from simple 31. The blood component that has the greatest
inorganic substances through the process of affinity for oxygen is the
A. oxidation A. lymphocytes
B. denitrification B. leucocytes
C. reduction C. erythrocytes
D. phosphorylation. D. thrombocytes.

26. The part of the human gut that has an acidic 32. Which of the following organisms is mainly
content is the found in the marine habitat?
A. stomach A. Achatina
B. duodenum B. Tilapia
C. ileum C. Dog fish
D. colon D. Tortoise.

27. I. Stomata → Spirogyra 33. The two halves of the pelvic girdle are
II. Alveoli → Earthworm joined together at the
III. Malpighian tubule → Mammal A. pubic symphysis
IV. Contractile vacuole → Protozoa B. ilium
C. pubis
Which of the above structures is correctly D. obturator foramen.
matched with the organisms in which it is
found? 34. I. Adoption of appropriate
A. III nocturnal habits
B. II II. Burrowing.
C. I Ill. Adjusting their internal body
D. IV temperature
IV. Possession of many sweat pores.
28. A food chain always begins with a
A. consumer Which of the above are ways in which
B. decomposer desert animals adapt to extreme heat of the
C. producer environment?
D. primary consumer A. I and IV only.
B. II and III only.

C. I and II only. 41. A dilute solution of phenylthiocarbamide
D. I, II and III only. tastes bitter to some people and is
tasteless to others. This is an example of
35. Low annual rainfall, sparse vegetation, high A. taste bud variation
diurnal temperatures and cold nights are B. discontinuous variation
characteristic features of the C. morphological variation
A. tropical rainforest D. continuous variation.
B. desert
C. montane forest Use the diagram below to answer questions 42
D. guinea savanna. and 43.

36. The average number of individuals of a

species per unit area of the habitat is the
A. population density
B. population frequency
C. population size
D. population distribution.

37. The activity of an organism which affects

the survival of another organism in the
same habitat constitutes
A. an edaphic factor 42. In which plantation are all the trees
B. an abiotic factor between the height of 2m - 4m?
C. a biotic factor A. III
D. a physiographic factor. B. II
C. I
38. The loss of soil through erosion can be D. IV
reduced by
A. watering 43. Which of the following is a true feature of
B. crop rotation plantation II?
C. manuring A. It has the highest number of trees
D. irrigation. of about 2m high.
B. It has the highest number of trees.
39. The vector for yellow fever is C. It has the highest number of tall
A. Aedes mosquito trees.
B. Anopheles mosquito D. The height of all its trees range
C. tsetse fly between 2m and 6m.
D. blackfly.
44. Thyroxine and adrenalin are examples of
40. The protozoan Plasmodium falciparum is hormones which control
transmitted by A. blood grouping
A. female Anopheles mosquitoes B. tongue rolling
B. female Aedes mosquitoes C. behavioural patterns
C. female Culex mosquitoes D. colour variation.
D. female blackfly.
45. A pair of genes that control a trait is
referred to as
A. an allele

B. recessive C. continuous variation
C. dominant D. convergent evolution.
D. a hybrid.
2010 UTME Biology
46. The chromosome number of a cell before Answers
and after the process of meiosis is 1. Option C
conventionally represented as 2. Option C
A. 2n 2n
3. Option D
B. n n
C. n 2n 4. Option C
D. 2n n 5. Option D
6. Option B
47. If both parents are heterozygous for a trait, 7. Option D
the probability that an offspring will be
recessive for that trait is 8. Option C
3 9. Option D
A. 10. Option A
1 11. Option B
B. 12. Option D
13. Option D
C. 14. Option B
D. 1 15. Option C
16. Option A
48. At what stage in the life history of a 17. Option D
mammal is the sex of an individual set? 18. Option B
A. At adolescence
19. Option A
B. At puberty
C. At birth 20. Option A
D. At conception. 21. Option B.
22. Option A
49. The main distinguishing features between
23. Option B
the soldier termite and other members of
the caste are the 24. Option C
A. presence of wings, possession of a 25. Option A
small head and large thorax 26. Option A
B. presence of wings, possession of a 27. Option D
large thorax and a small head
28. Option C
C. absence of wings, possession of
strong mandibles and a large head 29. Option A
D. absence of wings, possession of big 30. Option A
head and the absence of mandibles. 31. Option C
32. Option C
50. The flippers of a whale and the fins of a fish 33. Option A
are examples of 34. Option D
A. divergent evolution 35. Option B
B. coevolution 36. Option A

37. Option C
38. Option B
39. Option A
40. Option A
41. Option B
42. Option A
43. Option A
44. Option C
45. Option A
46. Option D 6. Which of the organisms represented are
47. Option C notable agricultural pests?
48. Option D A. II and IV B. I and IV
49. Option C C. II and III D. I and III.
50. Option D. 7. An economic importance of the organism
represented by IV is that
A. it transmits water-bore disease to
UTME 2011 Type C humans
Questions B. it is destructive to farm crops.
1. Which Question Paper Type of Biology is C. its faeces pollutes drinking water
given to you? D. It helps in the control of mosquito
A. Type A B. Type B larvae.
C. Type C D. Type D. 9. The adaptive importance of nuptial flight
2. The function of the red head in male Agama from termite colonies is to
lizards is to A. disperse the reproductives in order to
A. conceal and camouflage the animal establish new colonies
from predators. B. provide abundant food for birds and
B. scare other males from the territory. other animals during the early rains.
C. attract female lizards for mating C. ensure cross-breeding between
purposes. members of one colony and another.
D. warn predators of the distastefulness. D. expel the reproductive so as to provide
3. In which of the following species is the enough food for other members.
biomass of an individual the smallest? Use the diagram below to answer questions 10
A. Tilapia sp. B. Agama sp. and 11.
C. Bufa sp. D. Spirogyra sp.
4. Seed plants are divided into
A. tracheophytes and ferns
B. angiosperms and gymnosperms
C. monocotyledons and dicotyledons.
D. thallophytes and bryophytes.
5. In which of the following groups of
vertebrates is parental care mostly
A. Reptilia B. Amphibia 10. The gas evolved in the process is
C. Aves D. Mammalia A. carbon (IV) oxide B. nitrogen
Use the diagrams below to answer questions 6 to C. oxygen D. carbon (II) oxide.
8. 11. The experimental set-up above is used to

demonstrate the process of 19. In which of the test tubes will glucose be
A. diffusion B. photosynthesis detected after complete hydrolysis?
C. fermentation D. plasmolysis. A. I and II only B. II and III only
12. Which of the following can cause shrinkage C. I only. D. I, II and III.
of living cells? 20. The enzyme involved in the hydrolysis is
A. Hypotonic solution A. rennin B. erepsin
B. Isotonic solution C. sucrase D. maltase.
C. Deionized water 21. The part of the mammalian ear responsible
D. Hypertonic solution. for the maintenance of balance is the
13. Which of the following is true of leucocytes? A. cochlea B. pinna
A. They are respiratory pigments C. perilymph D. ossicles.
B. They are most numerous and ramify all 22. The path followed by air as it passes through
cells. the lungs in mammals is
C. They are large and nucleated. A. trachea → bronchi → bronchioles →
D. They are involved in blood clotting. alveoli
14. The conversation of a nutrient into a B. bronchi → trachea → alveoli →
molecule in the body of a consumer is bronchioles
referred to as C. trachea → bronchioles → bronchi →
A. digestion B. assimilation alveoli.
C. absorption D. inhibition. D. bronchioles → alveoli → bronchi →
15. The ability of a living organism to detect and trachea.
respond to changes in the environment is 23. The movement response of a cockroach
referred to as away from a light source can be described as
A. locomotion B. irritability A. positive phototaxism
C. growth D. taxis. B. negative phototaxism
16. in mammals, the exchange of nutrients and C. negative phototropism
metabolic products occurs in the D. positive phototropism.
A. lungs B. oesophagus 24. The vascular tissues in higher plants are
C. trachea D. lymph. responsible for
17. An example of an endospermous seed is A. the movement of food and water
A. maize grain B. cashew nut B. suction pressure
C. cotton seed D. bean seed. C. transpiration pull
18. I. Parasitism Sundew D. the transport of gases and water.
II. Autotrophism Amoeba 25. Which of the following organs regulates the
III. Saprophytism Alga levels of water, salts, hydrogen ions and urea
IV Heterotrophism Agama. in the mammalian blood?
Which of the above modes of nutrition is A. Liver B. Kidney
correctly matched with the organism that C. Bladder D. Colon.
exhibits it? 26. The sequence of the one-way gaseous
A. II B. III exchange mechanism in a fish is
C. IV D. I A. operculum → gills → mouth
Use the information below to answer questions B. gills → operculum → mouth
19 and 20. C. mouth → operculum → gills
I. Test tube containing cane sugar and water D. mouth → gills → operculum.
II. Test tube containing cane sugar and dilute 27. The type of asexual reproduction that is
acid common to both Paramecium and protists is
III. Test tube containing cane sugar and its A. budding B. sporulation
degrading enzyme. C. fragmentation D. fission.

28. In nature, plants and animals are A. biotic and abiotic
perpectually engaged in mutualism because B. aquatic and terrestrial
A. they are rivals C. aboreal and marine biomes
B. all animals rely on food produced by D. microhabitats and microhabitats.
plants 37. Drancunculiasis can be contacted through
C. they utilize respiratory wastes of each A. eating contaminated food
other B. drinking contaminated water
D. they are neighbours. C. bathing in contaminated water
29. In an experiment to determine the D. bites of blackfly.
percentage of humus and water in a soil 38. Which of the following groups of
sample, the following results were obtained. environmental factors are density-
Weight of the evaporating basin alone dependent?
= 80.5g A. Food, salinity, accumulation of
Weight of basin and soil = 101.5g metabolites and light
Weight after dying the soil in the oven B. Temperature, salinity, predation and
= 99.0g disease
Weight of basin and roasted soil = 95.5g. C. Food, predation, disease and
The percentage of humus in the soil sample accumulation of metabolites.
is D. Temperature, food, disease and light.
A. 16.7% B. 17.6% 39. Millet, sorghum, maize and onions are
C. 26.7% D. 16.2%. common crops grown in Nigerian in the
30. An example of a filter-feeding animal is A. tropical rainforests
A. shark B. butterfly B. Sudan savanna
C. whale D. mosquito. C. montane forests
31. Which of the following is a feature of the D. Sahel savanna.
population pyramid of a developing country? 40. In which of the following biomes is the south
A. Long lifespan B. low birth rate western part of Nigeria located?
C. low death rate D. short lifespan. A. Temperature forest
32. The interaction of a community of organisms B. Tropical rainforest
with its abiotic environment constitutes C. tropical woodland
A. a niche B. a food chain D. Desert.
C. an ecosystem D. a microhabitat. 41. Lack of space in a population could lead to
33. The vector of the malaria parasite is a an increase in
A. female Aedes mosquito A. water scarcity B. birth rate
B. female Anopheles mosquito C. disease rate D. drought.
C. male Culex mosquito 42. The inheritable characters that are
D. female Culex mosquito. determined by a gene located only on the X-
34. Which of the following instruments is used chromosome is
to measure relative humidity? A. recessive B. sex-linked
A. Hydrometer B. Thermometer C. homozygous D. dominant.
C. Hygrometer D. Anemometer 43. If the cross of a red-flowered plant with a
35. Exo-erythrocytic phase of the life cycle of white-flowered plant produces a pink-
malaria parasite occurs in the flowered plant, it is an example of
A. Liver of humans A. codominance
B. reticuloendothelial cells of humans B. incomplete of dominance
C. malphigian tubules of mosquito C. mutation
D. brain of humans. D. linkage.
36. Habitats are generally classified into 44. Which of the following theories was NOT

considered by Darwin in his evolutionary UTME 2011
theory? Answers
A. Variation
B. Survival of the fittest 1. Option C
C. Use and disuse 2. Option C
D. Competition. 3. Option B
45. The crossing of individuals of the same
4. Option B
species with different genetic characters is
A. cross breeding 5. Option D
B. polygenic inheritance 6. Option B
C. non-disjunction 7. Option B.
D. inbreeding. 8. Option D
46. The number of alleles controlling blood 9. Option A
groups in humans is 10. Option A
A. 3 B. 4
11. Option C
C. 5 D. 2.
47. During blood transfusion, agglutination may 12. Option D
occur as a result of the reaction between 13. Option C
A. contrasting antigens and antibodies 14. Option B
B. two different antigens 15. Option B
C. two different antibodies 16. Option D
D. similar antigens and antibodies. 17. Option A
48. The fallacy in Lamarck’s evolutionary theory
18. Option C
was the assumption that
A. traits are acquired through disuse of 19. Option B
body parts 20. Option C
B. acquired traits are heritable 21. Option A.
C. acquired traits are seldom formed 22. Option A
D. traits are acquired through the use of 23. Option B
body parts.
24. Option A
49. The brightly coloured eye spots on the hind
wings of a moth are an example of 25. Option B
A. warning colouration 26. Option D
B. distruptive colouration 27. Option D
C. crypsis 28. Option B
D. mimicry. 29. Option A
50. The wings of a bat and those of a bird are 30. Option C
examples of 31. Option D
A. convergent evolution 32. Option C
B. coevolution 33. Option B
C. continuous variation 34. Option C
D. divergent evolution. 35. Option A
36. Option B
37. Option B
38. Option C
39. Option B
40. Option B

2. The organelle responsible for heredity is
A. I

41. Option C
42. Option B
43. Option B
44. Option C
45. Option D
46. Option A 3. The part labeled IV is the
47. Option D A. mitochondrion
48. Option B B. cell wall
C. endoplasmic reticulum
49. Option A
D. nucleus
50. Option A
4. Which of the following is most
UTME 2012 advanced in the evolutionary trend of
Questions TYPE YELLOW animals?
A. Liverfluke
1. Which Question Paper Type of Biology as B. Earthworm
indicated above is given to you? C. Snail
A. Type Green D. Cockroach.
B. Type Purple
C. Type Red 5. Which of the following is the lowest
D. Type Yellow category of classification?
A. Class
Use the diagram below to answer questions 2 B. Species
and 3. C. Family
D. Genus.
6. Plants that show secondary growth are
usually found among the
A. thallophytes
B. pteridophytes
C. monocotyledons
D. dicotyledons.

7. The fungi are a distinct group of

eukaryotes mainly because they have

A. spores
B. no chlorophyll 14. In the mammalian male reproductive
C. many fruiting bodies system, the part that serves as a
D. sexual and asexual passage for both urine and semen is the
reproduction. A. urethra
B. ureter
8. An arthropod that is destructive at the C. bladder
early stage of its life cycle is D. seminal vesicle.
A. butterfly
B. mosquito 15. In plants, which of the following is
C. bee required in minute quantities for
D. millipede. growth?
A. Copper
9. An animal body that can be cut along its B. Potassium
axis in any plane to give two identical C. Phosphorus
parts is said to be D. Sodium.
A. radially symmetrical
B. bilaterally symmetrical 16. Which of the following organisms is
C. asymmetrical both parasitic and autotrophic?
D. symmetrical A. Sundew
B. Loranthus
10. Which of the following possesses C. Rhizopus
mammary gland? D. Tapeworm.
A. Dogfish
B. Whale
C. Shark 17. A function of hydrochloric acid
D. Catfish. produced in the human stomach during
digestion is to
11. The feature that links birds to reptiles in A. neutralize the effect of bile
evolution is the possession of B. coagulate milk protein and
A. feathers emulsify fats
B. beak C. stop the action of ptyalin
C. skeleton D. break up food into smaller
D. scales. particles.

12. Counter-shading is an adaptive feature 18. Which of the following is a

that enables animals to polysaccharide?
A. fight enemies A. Glucose
B. remain undetected B. Sucrose
C. warn enemies C. Maltose
D. attract mates. D. Cellulose.

13. Which of the following plant structures Use the diagram below to answer questions 19
lacks a waterproof cuticle? and 20.
A. Leaf
B. Stem
C. Root
D. Shoot.

C. bean
D. orange.

Use the diagram below to answer questions 24

and 25.

19. Transportation in the xylem is

represented by
A. I
D. IV Labelled Diagram to answer Questions 24 and
20. The arrow labeled II represents the
A. release of oxygen
B. intake of carbon(IV) oxide
C. movement of photosynthates
D. movements of nutrients.

21. In the kidney of animals, the site of

ultrafiltration is the
A. uriniferous tubule
B. Bowman’s capsule
C. loop of Henle
D. renal tubule.

22. Which of the following is involved in

secondary thickening in plants?
A. Collenchyma and xylem cells
B. Vascular cambium and
collenchyma cells 24. The developing embryo is usually
C. Vascular cambium and cork contained in the part labelled
cambium A. IV
D. Cork cambium and B. III
sclerenchyma. C. II
D. I
23. An example of a fruit that develops
from a single carpel is 25. The function of the part labeled III is to
A. okro A. produce egg cells
B. tomato

B. protect sperms during 31. The presence of slit roots,
fertilization pneumatophores, sunken stomata and
C. secrete hormones during coitus salt glands are adaptive features of
D. protect the developing embryo. plants found in the
A. tropical rainforest
26. Plant growth can be artificially B. mangrove swamps
stimulated by the addition of C. grassland
A. gibberellin D. montane forest
B. kinin
C. abscisic acid 32. Which of the following animals can exist
D. ethylene. solely on the water they get from food
and metabolic reactions?
27. The autonomic nervous system consists A. Forest arboreal dwellers
of neurons that control the B. Desert dwellers
A. voluntary muscles C. Forest ground dwellers
B. heart beat D. Rainforest dwellers.
C. tongue
D. hands 33. The most likely first colonizers of a bare
rock are
28. Plants of temperate origin can be grown A. mosses
in tropical areas in the vegetation zones B. ferns
of the C. lichen
A. rain forest D. fungi.
B. Guinea savanna
C. Sudan savanna 34. The carrying capacity of a habitat is
D. montane forest reached when the population growth
begins to
29. The water cycle is maintained mainly by A. increase slowly
A. evaporation of water in the B. increase exponentially
environment C. slow down
B. evaporation and condensation D. remain steady
of water in the environment
C. condensation of water in the 35. The abiotic factors that control human
environment population include
D. Transpiration and respiration in A. disease and famine
plants. B. space and rainfall
C. flooding and earthquake
30. Organisms living in an astuarine habitat D. temperature and disease.
are adapted to
A. withstand wide fluctuations in 36. An indigenous method of renewing and
temperature maintaining soil fertility is by
B. survive only in water with low A. clearing farms by burning
salinity B. planting one crop type
C. withstand wide fluctuations in C. adding inorganic fertilizers
salinity yearly
D. feed only on phytoplankton and D. crop rotation and shifting
dead organic matter. cultivation.

37. The diseases caused by water-borne 39. The largest number of cassava plants
pathogens include has an approximate height of
A. gonorrhea and poliomyelitis A. 1.4m
B. typhoid and syphilis B. 1.6m
C. tuberculosis and cholera C. 1.8m
D. typhoid and cholera. D. 2.0m

Use the diagram below to answer questions 38 40. Which of the following is true in blood
and 39. transfusion?
A. A person of blood group AB can
donate blood only to another
person of blood group AB.
B. Person of blood groups A and B
can donate or receive blood
from each other.
C. A person of blood group AB can
receive blood only persons of
blood group A or B.
D. A person of blood group O can
donate only to a person of
blood group O.

41. A yellow maize is planted and all the

fruits obtained are of yellow seeds.
When they are cross-bred, yellow seeds
and white seeds are obtained in a ratio
3 : 1. The yellow seed is said to be
38. The graph illustrates A. non-heritable
A. the highest frequency for B. sex-linked
height of 2 metres C. a recessive trait
B. a discontinuously varying D. a dominant trait
C. a continuously varying 42. When a colour-blind man marries a
character carrier woman. What is the probability
D. total yield in a cassava farm. of their offspring being colour blind?
A. 25%
B. 50%
C. 75%
D. 100%

43. The correct base pairing for DNA is

A. adenine → thymine and
guanine → cytosine
B. adenine → guanine and
thymine → cytosine
C. adenine → cytosine and
guanine → thymine

D. adenine → adenine and B. raise their body temperature to
cytosine → cytosine become active
C. fight to defend their territories
Use the diagram below to answer questions 44 D. attract the female for courtship.
and 45.
48. The significance of a very large number
of termites involved in nuptial
swarming is to
A. provide birds with plenty of
B. ensure their perpetuation
despite predatory pressure
C. search for a favourable place to
D. ensure that every individual
gets a mate.

49. The use and disuse of body parts and

44. The type of interaction shown is the inheritance of acquired traits were
referred to as used to explain
A. interspecific competition A. Darwin’s Theory
B. intraspecific competition B. Lamarck’s Theory
C. mutualism C. genetic drift
D. cooperation. D. gene flow.

45. Which of the following statements is 50. From his study of Galapagos finches,
true of the interaction? Darwin derived his Theory of evolution
A. P. aurelia is better adated for from
obtaining food than P. A. comparative anatomy
caudatum. B. comparative physiology
B. P. caudatum is better adated C. fossil remains
for obtaining food than P. D. comparative embryology.
C. Both organisms cannot co-exist. 2012 Biology Answers
D. Both organisms cannot 1. Option D
reproduce. 2. Option B
3. Option C
46. The short thick beak in birds is an 4. Option D
adaptation for
5. Option B
A. crushing seeds
B. sucking nectar 6. Option D
C. tearing flesh 7. Option B.
D. straining mud. 8. Option A
9. Option A
47. The basking of agama lizards in the sun 10. Option B
is to 11. Option D
A. change the colour of their body
12. Option B

13. Option C 2013 UTME Biology
14. Option A Questions – Type D
15. Option A
2013 UTME Biology
16. Option B
Questions – Type D
17. Option C
18. Option D 1. Which question paper Type of Biology is
19. Option D given to you?
20. Option A A. Type D
21. Option B. B. Type I
22. Option C C. Type B
23. Option C D. Type U
24. Option C
25. Option A 2. The process in which complex
26. Option A substances are broken down into
27. Option B simpler ones is referred to as.
28. Option D A. metabolism
29. Option B B. tropism
30. Option C C. anabolism
31. Option B D. catabolism
32. Option B
33. Option C
3. The organ which is sensitive to light in
34. Option D
Euglena is the
35. Option C
36. Option D A. chloroplast
37. Option D B. eyespot
38. Option C C. gullet
39. Option B D. flagellum
40. Option A
41. Option D 4. The organelles present in cells that are
42. Option B actively respiring and photosynthesizing
43. Option A are
44. Option A A. Nucleus and centrioles
45. Option A B. Mitrochondria and chloroplast
46. Option A C. Lysosomes and ribsomes
47. Option B D. Golgi apparatus and endoplasmic
48. Option B reticulum
49. Option B
50. Option A. 5. Taenia soluim can be found in
A. dog
B. pig
C. cow
D. goat

D. Both are active during the day

10. Which of the following types of feathers

is used for flight in birds?
A. Covert
B. Down
Use the diagram below to answer C. Quill
questions 6 and 7. D. Filoplume

11. The plants that grow in deserts or very

dry areas are referred to as
A. epiphytes
6. The structure labeled II is the
B. xerophytes
A. clitellum
C. mesophytes
B. chaetae
D. hydrophytes
C. spermathecal pore
D. cocoon 12. Which of the following is the simplest
living organism?
7. The organism is found in sounds in soils
A. Amoeba
rich in
B. Chlamydomonas
A. clay
C. Paramacium
B. sand
D. Virus
C. mud
D. humus 13. Proboscis is a structure that is mostly
found in
8. Which of the following describes a
A. Amphibians
characteristic of arthropods?
B. Molluscs
A. The body is not divided into a
C. Insects
number of segments
D. Tapeworms
B. The body is covered by chitin
C. The organism finds it easy to grow 14. The structural adaptation of desert
freely plants for water conservation is
D. The organism has a pair of jointed A. Spiny leaves
appendages B. Prominent stomata in leaves
C. Broad leaves with numerous
9. Which of the following distinguishes a
butterfly from a moth?
D. Spongy mesophyll
A. They have similar antennae
B. The abdomen of moth is fatter than 15. The long and sharp clawed feet of birds
that of butterfly is an adaptations for
C. The wings of butterfly rest A. Tearing flesh
horizontally but those of moth rest B. Grasping prey

C. Crushing seeds 21. Fungi are referred to as heterotrophs
D. Scooping mud because they
A. Have mycelium
16. During the manufacture of food by B. Lack roots
plants, which of the following C. Are filamentous
organisms use energy from the sun? D. Lack chlorophyll
A. Nitrospmonas sp.
B. Nitrobacter sp. 22. An example of a parasitic protozoan is
C. Anabaena A. Euglena
D. Sulfur bacteria B. Chamydomonas
C. Paramecium
17. Movement of minerals and chemical D. Plasmodium
compounds within a plant occurs during
A. Transpiration 23. Which blood cells are involved in the
B. Diffusion immune response of vertebrates?
C. Osmosis A. Erythrocytes
D. Translocation B. Monocytes
C. Phagocytes
18. The enzyme that is present in the saliva D. Lymphocytes
A. Pepsin 24. The blood circulatory system of
B. Ptyalin vertebrates consists of
C. Rennin A. Heart, aorta, arteries and veins
D. Lipse B. Heart, vena cava, arteries and veins
C. Heart, arteries, capillaries and veins
19. Plants that have special devices for D. Heart, aorta, capillaries and veins
trapping and digesting insects are
A. Parasitic 25. A plant tissue that carries water and
B. Saprophytic mineral salts is the
C. Carnivorous A. Cortex
D. Symbiotic B. Phloem
C. Cambium
20. The process of transforming the D. Xylem
chemical energy of cellular fuels into
the high energy bonds of ATP in plants 26. Which of the following helps in the
is clotting of blood?
A. Photolysis A. Plasma
B. Respiration B. Platelets
C. Autotrophism C. Red blood cells
D. Photosynthesis D. White blood cells

27. Which of the following forms about 33. The male reproductive organ of a
55% of the volumes of the blood in flower is the
man? A. Petal
A. Plasma B. Sepal
B. Erythrocytes C. Carpel
C. Leucocytes D. Stamen
D. Platelets
34. The gland that is found just below the
28. The part of the mammalian skin hypothalamus is the
involved in excretion is the A. Pituitary
A. Sebaceous gland B. Thyroid
B. Horny gland C. Parathyroid
C. Sweat gland D. Adrenal
D. Malpighian layer
29. Which of the following is a waste 35. The most important plant hormone is
product of an insect? A. Auxin
A. Sweat B. Gibberellins
B. Mucilage C. Cytokinin
C. Alkaloids D. Abscisic acid
D. Uric acid
36. The sensory cell that responds to dim
30. The main structure in vertebrates that light is referred to as the
supports and protects the body is the a. Rod
A. Muscle b. Iris
B. Joint c. Cone
C. Skeleton d. Lens
D. Ligament
37. The absence of anti-diuretic hormone in
31. The chitin in the exoskeleton of many humans results in
arthropods is strengthened by A. Eliminating dehydration
A. Calcium compounds B. Increasing dehydration
B. Organic salts C. Decreasing dehydration
C. lipids D. Drastic dehydration
D. Proteins
38. Oestrogen is a hormone that is
32. The transfer of pollen grains from the synthesized in the
anther to a receptive stigma is A. Anterior pituitary
A. Pollination B. Adrenal cortex
B. Fertilization C. Ovaries
C. Propagation D. Testes
D. Placentation

39. The eye defect caused by the A. Transfusion
development of cloudy areas in the B. Compatibility
lenses is C. Agglutination
A. Cataract D. Fussion
B. Astigmatism
C. Presbyopia 46. Physiological adaptation to very dry
D. Glaucoma condition in animals demonstrates
A. Hibernation
40. A pollutant that is biodegradable is B. Aestivation
A. Cellophane C. Rejuvenation
B. Sewage D. Xeromorphism
C. Crude oil
D. Heavy metals 47. One adaptation of Cactus opuntia to
41. A tropical disease caused by conserve water is the reduction of
Trypanosoma is A. Leaves to spine
A. Yellow fever B. Flower size
B. Malaria C. Internodes
C. Sleeping sickness D. Stem to leaves
D. River blindness
48. Which of the following structures is
42. The solid part of the ecosystem is adapted for feeding in a bird of prey?
referred to as A. Big beaks and strong feet
A. Biosphere B. Pointed beak and strong claws
B. Lithosphere C. Hooked beak and sharp claws
C. Atmosphere D. Smooth beak and strong claws
D. Hydrosphere
49. The special pigment for colour change
43. Which of the following is caused by in chameleon is
Treponema palladium? A. Chromatin
A. Tuberculosis B. Chromatophore
B. Syphilis C. Melanin
C. Gonorrhea D. Carotenoid
D. Leprosy
44. To which blood group do universal 50. The behavioural adaptation in social
recipients belong? insects could best be described as
A. O A. Parasitism
B. AB B. Commenalism
C. B C. Symbiosis
D. A D. Saprophytism

45. The clumping together of red blood

cells is

2013 UTME Biology – Type D distribution of materials and centrioles are
Solutions important in cell division.
1. Option A. 5. Option B.
The Question Type given is Type D. Taenia solium or pork tapeworm has man
2. Option D. as its primary host and pig as its secondary
All the continuous chemical reactions in the host.
bodies of living organisms that gave rise to 6. Option A.
energy changes in their bodies are termed 7. Option D.
metabolism. Metabolism consists of two Tapeworms are found in moist soil rich in
processes viz: humus.
a) anabolism 8. Option B.
b) catabolism Arthropods have exoskeleton made of
Anabolism is the synthesis or building up of chitin. They possess segmented body with
a complex body substance from simpler jointed appendages but the appendages are
constituents and energy. not just a pair. In crustacea, the thoracic
Catabolism is the decomposition or segments bear eight pairs of appendages;
breaking down of a complex substance arachnida have four pairs of jointed legs;
resulting in the liberation of simpler myriapods have many walking legs that are
substances and energy. jointed and insects have three pairs of
Tropism, on the other hand, is a type of jointed legs and a pair of jointed antennae.
response movement in which part(s) of a Growth is not easy as they have to shed
plant moves in response to a directional their skeleton at intervals to allow for
stimulus. growth. This is called moulting or ecdysis.
3. Option B. 9. Option B.
One of the animal characteristics of euglena Butterflies and moths both possess a pair of
is the possession of eye spot or wings; while butterflies are diurnal insects,
photoreceptor which is sensitive to light. most moths are nocturnal. They differ from
The gullet is for ingestion and acts as a butterflies as they have fatter and more
reservoir. Flagellum is for movement and hairy bodies. The antennae of most moths
the presence of chloroplast is one of the are pointed at their tips while those of most
characteristics of a plant. Chloroplast butterflies have knobs at their tips. At rest,
contains chlorophyll which is used for the wings of most moths are spread out
photosynthesis. horizontally while those of most butterflies
4. Option B. are held vertically. The fore and hind wings
Cellular respiration leading to the of a moth are connected to each other
production of energy occurs in the while those of a butterfly are not. The
mitochondria while chloroplast contains pupae of a moth are generally enclosed in
chlorophyll which is used for well-developed cocoons while those of
photosynthesis. Hence, cells that are butterflies are not. Most butterflies are
actively respiring and photosynthesizing will bright-coloured while moths tend to have
contain mitochondria and chloroplast. dull colouring.
The nucleus controls the activity of the cell; 10. Option C.
lysosomes contain digestive enzymes; Quill feathers (flight feathers) are used for
ribosomes are sites for protein synthesis. flying; they are large and stiff; they occur on
Endoplasmic aids the transport of materials the tail and wing. Filoplumes are small hair-
within the cytoplasm; golgi apparatus or like feathers; they are sparsely distributed
bodies function in synthesis, packaging and over the body and grow in clusters. Covert
feathers are for insulation. They make a

warm, light covering for the bird’s body modified labium. Tapeworms, amphibians
especially on the breast. Down feathers are and mollusks lack proboscis.
also for insulation; they grow beneath the 14. Option A.
quill and covert feathers; they are soft and Desert plants lack broad leaves, with
fluffy. numerous stomata as this will lead to high
11. Option B. transpiration of water. Spongyl mesophyll is
Xerophytes are plants that can survive in part of the internal structure of a leaf.
places where water supply is limited, either Prominent stomata in leaves will make
because there is little of it in deserts or more water to be released to the
conditions make it difficult for the root to atmosphere as desert plants need to
absorb water e.g. high mountain tops. conserve water, their leaves are reduced to
Variety of adaptations shown by xerophytes spine to reduce the surface area from which
which enable them to live in such water can leave the plants to the
conditions are termed xeromorphic atmosphere.
features. 15. Option B.
Mesophytes are plants which live in places Birds like weavers have strong, short and
where conditions are neither extremely wet conical beak to pick and crack or crush
nor extremely dry. seeds. Those that feed on edible things in
Hydrophytes are plants that live in water or muddy waters like flamingo have
extremely wet environment. boomerang-shaped beak with slits for
Epiphytes are plants that live on the trunk scooping mud and sieving it for food. Birds
of other plants, only for support and not for that feed on flesh like hawk and owl have
nutritive purpose; hence, they are non- strong and hooked beak for tearing flesh
parasitic plants. and strong, long sharp and curved clawed
12. Option D. feet for grasping prey.
Viruses which cannot reproduce 16. Option C.
independently are smaller and simpler than Chemosynthetic organisms are capable of
bacteria and much simpler than protozoans manufacturing their own food from simple
like amoeba, paramecium and inorganic substances such as carbon (IV)
chlamydomonas. However, which microbe oxide, water and hydrogen sulphide using
is the simplest organism depends on our the energy released during chemical
definitions of living organisms; outside reactions and not sunlight energy. Examples
other living cells, viruses are non-living, if are sulphur bacteria which can oxidize
excluded, the simplest free-living organism hydrogen sulphide around it to produce
is mycoplasma genitallum – a living parasitic energy; nitrifying bacteria (nitrosomonas
bacteria that lives in the digestive and and nitrobacter) which oxidize ammonia to
genital tracts of primates. nitrites and nitrates respectively.
13. Option C. 17. Option C.
All insects have basic mouthparts which are Osmosis has to do with the movement of
modified according to the food they eat. solvents (water); during diffusion,
The mouthpart consist of the mandible, molecules move from one region to another
maxilla, labrum, labium, hypopharynx, depending on their concentration gradients.
maxillary and labial palp. In butterfly, the Transpiration is the movement of excess
maxillae are modified into a long proboscis water in form of water vapour out of the
for sucking up liquid. In mosquitoes, the aerial parts of a plant to the atmosphere.
proboscis consists of four long sharp stylets, Translocation is the movement of
modified from the mandibles and maxillae. manufactured food consisting of minerals
In housefly, the proboscis is formed from a and chemical compounds from the leaf to

other parts of the plant through the phagocytic in function; they ingest and
phloem. destroy harmful micro-organisms that enter
18. Option B. the blood. Erythrocytes are red blood cells;
The enzyme present in saliva which works they help in the transportation oxygen
on starch is ptyalin. Pepsin and rennin are round the body.
present in the stomach while lipase works 24. Option C.
on lipids; it is present in the duodenum and The blood circulatory system of vertebrates
ileum. is made up of the heart and blood vessels –
19. Option C. arteries, veins and capillaries.
Carnivorous plants are plants that feed on Aorta is the main artery in the body that
insects or other tiny animal to supplement moves oxygenated blood away from the
their nitrogenous intake by trapping and heart; outside the heart is differentiated
absorbing mechanisms. Examples are into other arteries that move oxygenated
sundew of the genus drosera, bladderwort blood to different and specific organs in the
of the genus utricularia, venus fly trap and body. The vena cava is the main vein; there
pitcher plant. are other veins that carry deoxygenated
20. Option B. blood from body organs to the vena-cavae
21. Option D. before they take it to the heart.
Heterotrophs are organisms that cannot 25. Option D.
manufacture their food by themselves. The xylem carries water and mineral salts
Fungi lack chlorophyll; hence, they cannot from the root to other parts of the plant.
photosynthesize. They feed saprophytically. Phloem carries manufactured food from the
22. Option D. leaf to other parts of the plant. Cambium is
Parasites are organisms that live on another a merismatic tissue; it is responsible for
organism called the host; they depend secondary growth in dicot plants. Cortex is
partially or wholly on them. Plasmodium is the tissue which lies between the epidermis
a parasitic protozoon; it lives inside human and the stele of a stem or a root or the
blood causing a disease called malaria. outer part of an organ such as the kidney or
23. Option D. the adrenal gland.
Leucocytes or white blood cells are divided 26. Option B
into two groups based on their structures. Blood clotting or coagulation is an
They are follows: important process that prevents excessive
(i) The mononuclears or agranulocytes. bleeding when blood vessels are injured.
(ii) The polymorphonuclears or The process involves platelets and blood
granulocytes. proteins. Platelets plugs are formed due to
Agranulocytes are white blood cells with exposure of damaged blood vessels to air.
clear cytoplasm and an oval or bean-shaped The platelets release a chemical, which
nucleus. Granulocytes are with granular causes involuntary muscles in the walls of
cytoplasm with lobed nucleus. the damaged blood vessels to constrict and
Agranulocytes are of two varieties namely so reducing blood flow, that releases an
the lymphocyte and the monocyte. enzyme called thrombokinase or thrombo
Lymphocytes are concerned with the plastin, which converts inactive prothombin
production of anti-bodies and anti-toxins into an active enzyme called thrombin, this
both of which protect the body from the in the presence of Ca2+ converts fibrinogen,
harmful effect of disease-causing organisms a blood protein into fibrin. The fibrin forms
i.e., they give immunity against diseases; a mesh of fine thread that traps blood cells
therefore, they constitute the immune forming a clot that covers the wound.
system of the body. Monocytes are 27. Option A

Blood plasma is the straw coloured pale another flower on the same plant. Cross
yellow liquid component of blood that pollination is the transfer of pollen grains
normally holds the blood cells in whole from a matured anther of a flower to the
blood in suspension. It makes up about 55% stigma of flower of another plant of the
of total blood volume. It consists of about same or closely related specie. Fertilization
92% water, with dissolved proteins like is the fusion of two haploid(n) gametes i.e.
albumins, globules and fibrinogen, glucose, male and female gametes to form a zygote.
electrolytes, hormones and carbon(iv)oxide. Propagation is the process of creating new
It is very important for the transporting plants from a variety of sources such as:
function of the blood. seed, cuttings, bulbs etc. Placentation is the
28. Option C arrangement of ovules in the ovary.
Sweat glands are highly vascular coiled and 33. Option D
simple fibular glands. They separate the Petals and Sepals are non-essential whorls
wastes from the blood and send it out in of a flower. The sepals are the oustermost
the form of sweat. Sweat is formed of water whorl while the petals are next. The
(99%), sodium chloride, lactic acid, some essentials whorls are the androecium ( a
urea and carbon(iv) oxide. Sebaceous group of stamens or the male reproductive
glands secrets sebum for the lubrication of organ) and the Gynoecium ( a group of
the skin. The outermost layer of the carpels or female reproductive organ)
epidermis consisting of dead cells that 34. Option A
slough off is the cornified or horny layer The pituitary gland also called the master
and not gland, and the malpighian layer is gland is a protrusion off the bottom of the
the innermost layer of the epidermis hypothalamus at the base of the brain
29. Option D 35. Option A
Birds excrete nitrogenous wastes as uric 36. Option A
acid in form of a paste, a way to conserve There are two sensory cells in the eye. The
water. rods and the cones. Rods function mainly in
30. Option B dim light and provide black and white vision
The skeleton supports the body, given it while cones are responsible for colour
shape and protect delicate organs in the vision as well eye colour sensitivity, they
body . muscles are soft tissues found in function best in relatively bright light.
most animals, they function to produce 37. Option D
force and motion. A joint is the place where Anti-diuretic hormone or arginine
two or more bones meet or articulate, vasopressin helps to conserve body water
while a ligament joins two bones together. by reducing the loss of water in urine. A
31. Option A diuretic agent is an agent that increases the
Chitin(C8H1305N) is a nitrogenous poly rate of urine formation, in the absence of
saccharide found in the exo skeleton of anti –diuretic hormones, the collecting
arthropods. It is strengthened by calcium ducts are virtually impermeable to water
compounds . and it flows out as urine.
32. Option A 38. Option C
Pollination is the transfer of pollen grain Oestrogen is a reproductive hormone. It
from a matured anther to a receptive causes the development of secondary
stigma. There are two types of pollinations. female sexual characteristics like
1. Self pollination 2. Cross pollination enlargement of breasts, widening of hips
Self pollination is the transfer of pollen etc. it is being produced by the ovaries.
grain from a matured anther of a flower to 39. Cataracts are cloudy areas in the normally
the stigma of the same flower or that of clear lens inside the eye. There are two

types of cataracts: 1. Age –related cataracts xerophorphism. During hot dry weather or
2. Congenital or childhood cataracts. in desert climates, animals aestivate.
Glycoma is a complicated disease in which Aestivation protects them from high
damage to the optic nerve leads progressive temperature or drought. Aestivation is a
irreversible vision loss. Astigmatism is an state of animal dormancy characterized by
optical defect in which vision is blurred due inactivity and a lower metabolic rate that is
to the inability of the optics of the eye to entered in response to high temperature
focus a point object into a sharp focused and arid conditions.
image in the retina. This may be due to an 47. Option C.
irregular or toric curvature of the cornea or In Cactus opuntia, the leaves are reduced to
lens. Presbyopia is a condition where with spine to reduce the rate of transpiration
age, the eye exhibits a progressive thereby conserving water.
diminished ability to focus on near objects. 48. Option C.
40. Option B Carnivorous birds e.g., hawk, owl and eagle
Only sewage is biodegradable. Cellophane, are with strong hooked beaks for killing and
crude oil and heavy metals are not tearing flesh of prey. Their feet are strong
biodegradable. with sharp claws for catching prey.
41. Option C. 49. Option B.
Sleeping sickness is caused by trypanosome Chameleons have specialized cells –
– a protozoan. Malaria is caused by chromatophores – which contain pigments
plasmodium – a protozoan. River blindness in their cytoplasm in three layers below
is caused by a filarial worm – Onchocerca their transparent outer skin. This helps to
volvulus and yellow fever is caused by a control colour change.
virus carried by aedes mosquito. 50. Option C.
42. Option B.
Biosphere is a part of the earth’s crust
where life can be found. It includes
atmosphere, the enveloping layer of air –
hydrosphere, the part of the biosphere
containing water and lithosphere, the solid
part of the biosphere.
43. Option B.
44. Option B.
Group AB people are universal recipients
while Group O people are universal donors.
Group A people can only take blood from A
or O Group and Group B people can only
take blood from B or O Group.
45. Option C.
The clumping of red blood cells in the
presence of antibody is called agglutination.
It occurs when people are given blood
transfusion of the wrong blood group.
46. Option B.
Plants that grow in arid places (dry
environments) are called xerophytes. The
morphological and anatomical
characteristic of xerophytes is called


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