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I am writing this message to address a few things and get them off my chest,

So first and foremost, about the letter thing, I know it’s a very embarrassing and cringe thing to do, I
mean I probably wouldn’t like a stranger that never interacted with me in any form to give me a
letter just like that.

The reason why I never talked to you face to face is that I am intimidated by your persona.

My first impression of you was that you are one of those intelligent, well-raised and composed girls,
kind and warm.

I have pretty bad low self esteem and insanely high social inhibition when it comes to girls that I like.
Suffice to say, I could definitely not have spoken to you directly.

Furthermore, you removed me off Instagram because I bothered you with again, cringy and weird
posts and I could definitely understand that. It’s obvious I’m a very extreme guy in the sense that
sometimes I don’t care about what I do, but sending some Turkish military march to a girl as a first
message out of nowhere, probably crossed the boundaries.

I wouldn’t be surprised if you see me as a stupid weird guy after all that, and that’s fine, because it
means nothing to me.

But if I actually made you uncomfortable/embarrassed, I genuinely apologize

Also, you claim that you are not a good person. I do not believe that, as it is obvious you’re just
pretending to be a mean girl to seem cool. You are amongst the kindest people I have seen

(and I don’t think I need to elaborate on that)

When I heard that you have some health problems, for example diabetes, I started feeling deep
compassion. Not saying you should worry about having it, you are still able to live a very happy and
fulfilling long life. Just that I am overly empathetic.

I also can tell that you might be depressed. If you are, I can give you tips on how to feel better

I hope you are not though.

The last thing I would like to tell you is that I hope you can see me as a regular person, not a guy who
tried to hit on you and got rejected. Btw, you have every right to reject me without feeling guilty.

Basically I’m asking you to act like I never talked to you, and we can restart from zero.

You could refuse this, again it doesn’t matter to me.

Remember you only have one life, one instance of existence in this world. There is no afterlife.

So better to live as great as you can, as If there’s no tomorrow.

Have a good Saturday night and again I’m genuinely sorry if I bothered you in any possible way

The one and only, blessed by the eternal void (or matter)


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