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Ana Mae N.

Catubes BSOA-IV
OA 404 (Legal Office Procedures) MWF (2:00-3:00 pm)/A


OA 404 (Legal Office Procedures) is one of my major subjects to take this

semester. This subject is very interesting and challenging because it’s all about legal
office procedures and also task carried on in a legal office. This subject helps to those
who are planning to work as a legal secretary or legal administrative assistant in a legal
department or law firm. So, what do I expect from this subject? My expectation for this
subject are, that I will learn all the essential and important parts of this subject and apply
that knowledge to good use in the future profession as a legal secretary in the law/legal
firm. First of all, I expect to learn why do you need to study legal office procedure? What
is legal office procedure for? I want to learn the legal office environment and also the
ethics of the legal office. Second, the differences and similarities between the legal
secretaries and legal administrative assistants in roles, professional behaviors, and
responsibilities particularly in skills and knowledge required. Third, I want to learn the
different legal terminologies how to pronounce, spell, and define. Fourth, I want learn
the legal correspondence and documents to understand content and keyboard letters,
memoranda, accounts, general and corporate legal documents. Fifth, I want to learn
how to translate an understanding of the theory of introduction to legal office procedures
and by creating accurate correspondence. Lastly, I want to learn what are the
knowledge and skills required or needed by a legal professional working in a law office
that relate to office management, practices and procedure but also communication and
organizational skills.

What do I expect from my instructor of this subject? I know Ma’am Marcha is

one of the best teacher that enhance the skills and knowledge among us to develop.
She provides us with sufficient information and instruction to understand the subject
matter more clearly and concisely. Considering the difficulty of this subject, I expect that
I will learn lots and that it will assist us in developing skills to explore my knowledge. I
want to learn how to use the knowledge that I gain in real- life situations as legal
professional worker. I believe Ma’am Marcha that she could guide us through this
semester so that we can have better understanding our lesson or subject. I hope she
will able to inspire us and make us more accessible. I highly appreciated your effort and
concern ma’am in this subject. Thank you Ma’am Marcha.

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