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Regard neuf sur was also the first Games to introduce a fourth

tier, allowing amateurs to film from the stands,

Olympia 52 and some film productions operated awkward-
ly between the professional and the amateur.

90 | 04.2014
Once such production was Olympia 52,
made at the behest of the French popular
education organisation Peuple et Culture, and
directed by the journalist and photographer,
Luke McKernan and future visionary filmmaker, Chris Marker.
Also serving as one of the four cinematogra-
Luke McKernan is Lead Curator, News and Moving Image, phers on the film, operating somewhere be-
The British Library (London). tween the third and fourth tiers of permis-
sion, Marker produced the feature-length
There have been films of the Olympic Games documentary on 16mm under trying circum-
from 1906, for the unofficial, intercalated Athens stances, with all of his stadium footage be-
Games of that year, and ever since the local ing shot at a distance from a position high up
Olympic organising committees had the respon- in the stands or underneath the scoreboard.
sibility of allocating filming rights (from 1908), The troublesome production circumstances
there have been films of the Games with an of- and the filmmaker’s relative inexperience, led
ficial imprimatur. These films have ranged from to Marker largely rejecting the film. It has re-
studied works of art – Leni Riefenstahl’s Olympia mained among the most elusive of his works,
and Kon Ichikawa’s Tokyo Olympiad – to func- though perhaps inevitably the film can now be
tional documentaries such as Castleton Knight’s found on YouTube, with dreadful image and
XIVth Olympiad – The Glory of Sport. A second sound quality, posted in nine parts.
tier of film production has been pooled news
footage of the sports events, serving overseas Julien Faraut’s DVD Regard neuf sur
clients; originally newsreels, then television news Olympia 52 (itself sponsored by Peuple et
and sports broadcasters. Thirdly, there have Culture) is a history of the production of
been instructional films made on behalf of or- Olympia 52, an hommage to Chris Marker, and
ganisations representing particular sports or or- a disquisition on the recovery of lost films. It is
ganisations with a social or charitable function. a film essay in the Marker style, with a female
commentator documenting the quest and
The Olympic Games of 1952, held in placing this within the broader contexts of film
Helsinki, Finland, featured all of the elements art and film restoration. Marker contributes
in the allocation of film rights. There were two, via email replies, read out via a text-to-speech
interlinked official films, Maailmat kohtaavat feature (he died in 2012). There are extensive
– XV Olympiakisat Helsingissä 1952 (Worlds extracts from the film, focussing in particular
Meet) (Finland 1952) and Kultaa ja kunniaa on Emil Zatopek’s victory in the 10,000 me-
(Gold and Glory) (Finland 1953). Both were tres, and noting such distinctive features as
made by Finnish director Hannu Leminen, shots of preparation for events and shots of
who, with newsreel producer Holger Harrivirta, the crowd (often easier for Marker to film, giv-
employed eleven camera units with a total en his position, than the sports themselves).

personnel of 96. An Olympic Film Pool also op- Letters from the film’s sponsors indicate the
erated to supply footage, primarily newsreels, pressure Marker was under to make cuts to the
to overseas companies, though there was a film, pleas which he steadfastly ignored.
limited service to television companies.
“Every film has its own soul, the soul of
It was the third tier of film production where the person who directed it”, the commentator
problems arose, as many applications for film- tells us. This auteurist vision is stymied some-
ing educational film for local exhibition were what by the evident limitations of the film it-
not made until the Games had begun. Helsinki self. Marker had the mind of a film artist, but

not yet the skill. His own feelings about the
film appear to have been conflicted, denying
permission for it to be shown again while al-
lowing Faraut to use ample clips, overlooking
it in his development as a filmmaker while
admitting to a great affection for it. The af-
fection seems to lie in the film he dreamt of
making rather than the work that emerged.

Faraut’s film is quirky, romantic, observant

and well researched. Its aim is to resurrect a
lost film, but ultimately what it has done, is
to remake it. It has turned Olympia 52 into the
film that Faraut wants it to be, and perhaps
what Marker would have wanted it to be too.
“We never know what we film”, the commen-
tary tells us. So does posterity know better?
There is plenty of food for thought here for REGARD NEUF SUR OLYMPIA 52. Tamasa, 2013,
anyone involved in film archiving. 1-disc DVD, region 2, French commentary
with English subtitles option, 81mins

fr es

Depuis 1908, des comités locaux d’organisation des Jeux Desde 1908, los comités olímpicos locales organizadores de
olympiques accordent des autorisations de tournage. Les los Juegos reparten derechos de grabación. Esas películas
films ainsi réalisés peuvent être aussi bien des œuvres d’art representan un abanico que va de la obra de arte elaborada
recherchées – Les Dieux du stade de Leni Riefenstahl et – como Olympia de Leni Reifenstahl y Tokyo Olympiad de
Tokyo Olympiades de Kon Ichikawa – que des documen- Kon Ichikawa – a los documentales más funcionales. Otra
taires purement fonctionnels. Deuxième type de produc- parte de las producciones fílmicas ha sido destinada a la
tions cinématographiques : la fourniture à des clients cobertura de los eventos deportivos para servir a los clien-
étrangers d’images, filmées selon un système de pool (mise tes extranjeros. En tercer lugar, se encuentran las películas
en commun), de compétitions sportives. On trouve enfin de carácter educativo realizadas por organizaciones afi-
des films réalisés pour le compte d’organismes éducatifs. nes. Fue con esta parte de las películas que los problemas
C’est cette dernière catégorie de films qui s’est révélée pro- llegaron durante los Juegos de Helsinki en 1952, porque
blématique lors des Jeux d’Helsinki en 1952, car beaucoup muchos permisos de filmación no se pidieron hasta que los
de demandes d’autorisations concernant des films édu- Juegos hubieron comenzado. Los Juegos de Helsinki fue-
catifs destinés à une projection locale ne furent envoyées ron también los primeros en introducir un cuarto concepto,
qu’après le début des Jeux. Les Jeux d’Helsinki furent en permitiendo a los aficionados filmar desde las gradas, y así
outre les premiers à accueillir une quatrième catégorie de se dio el caso de algunas productoras que operaron de este
tournages, avec l’autorisation donnée à des amateurs de modo, entre el lado profesional y amateur.
filmer depuis les tribunes, et certaines productions ciné-
matographiques relevaient d’un entre-deux improbable Una de estas producciones fue Olympia 52, dirigida por
entre professionnel et amateur. el periodista, fotógrafo y futuro director visionario Chirs
Marker. Las problemáticas circunstancias de producción y
Une production relevant de cette catégorie fut la inexperiencia relativa del realizador hicieron que Marker
Olympia 52, réalisé par Chris Marker, journaliste et pho- rechazara la película durante largo tiempo. El DVD Regard
tographe, qui deviendrait plus tard un cinéaste visionnaire. neuf sur Olympia 52 de Julien Faraut propone una historia de
Des circonstances de production difficiles s’ajoutant à la la producción de Olympia 52, un homenaje a Chris Marker y
relative inexpérience du cinéaste devaient l’amener à renier una disquisición sobre la recuperación de películas perdidas.
a posteriori son film. Le DVD de Julien Faraut Regard neuf La película de Faraut es extravagante, romántica, perspicaz
sur Olympia 52, récit de la genèse d’Olympia 52, est à la y bien documentada. Su propósito es resucitar una película
fois un hommage à Chris Marker et une réflexion sur le perdida, aunque finalmente el resultado es un remake de
sauvetage de films perdus. Son film est à la fois décalé, aquella. Ha transformado Olympia 52 en lo que Faraut que-
romantique, perspicace et très bien documenté. L’objectif ría que fuera – y quizá lo que Marker quiso también en su
initial était de ressusciter un film perdu, mais au final, on día. Es una verdadera mina de oro para todos las personas
peut dire qu’en réalité, il le refait. Ce faisant, Olympia 52 implicadas en la preservación cinematográfica.
est devenu à la fois le film voulu par Faraut et celui qu’avait
désiré faire Marker. Il y a là matière à réflexion pour toute
personne impliquée dans le secteur des archives du film.

Reproduced with permission of the copyright owner. Further reproduction prohibited without

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