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HPC3O1-FRASER Communication/Application / 20 marks Name:___________________



Read the article “Parenthood: Is it for you?” Highlight important facts, interesting points and new concepts that
appeared in the article. Then, select ONE scenario from those listed and decide whether or not the person is
ready to parent. Use your knowledge from the article and classroom discussions to determine their level of

Write a 3R reflection based on the article, case study and learnings from the class. Ensure to have 3 sections in
your reflection: retell, relate, and reflect. Consider the marking scheme before starting your reflection to make
certain you include all necessary components.

CASE STUDY (5 marks)

- determined the level of readiness to parent (ready or not??)

- proved the readiness to parent by using several specific examples from the case study and linking them to
classroom knowledge (ie factors that contribute to readiness: maturity, health, condition of relationship etc)
- explained the effects of the person in the case study having a child on the child and on the parents
- explored alternatives such as adoption (if applicable to the situation)

RETELL (5 marks)

- noted several important points from the article

- summarized the big ideas from the article rather than unimportant details
- completed with reasonable length
- included relevant quotes

RELATE (5 marks)

- related a few important ideas of the article to class material, person experiences, books, something in the world,
- noted the idea from the article and what it was being compared to (ex. This part in the article…reminded me
- ensured to comment on the relevance of the personal experience (ex. This personal experience was importance
- commented on how the personal experience aided your understanding of the topic

REFLECT (5 marks)

- commented on how the article and/or lessons have contributed to an overall understanding of the readiness
involved in parenting
- discussed things you learned, agree/disagreed with and/or liked/disliked (ex. I never thought of…., I found it
interesting when…)
- posed questions about the article and/or learning (ie. further questions to think about, questions to clarify
something in the article, questions to the author, questions regarding a viewpoint of the author)


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