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Sawula polytechnic collage

Database administration level III

Managing Continuous Improvement System exam
Total time allowed: 1:00
Name _______________________________
I. Say true if the statement is correct or false if the statement is incorrect
1. System analysis need to identify Issues of systems and the cause in order to make
2. Supply chain is a system with in organization, resource involved in supplying a
product or service to a customer
3. The purpose of evaluating measures, tools and techniques is to ensure their
4. Managers need not to seek advice from specialists when analyze the external
environment to identify the changes that affect performance.
5. Groups involved have a critical factor in taking advantage of an improvement
6. Create a culture of innovation is one where team members are experienced and/or
experts in their field
7. Team meetings and newsletters are Fostering creativity Communication which talk
about innovation and continuous improvement.
8. Opportunities to participate in future implementation projects is not way of
Celebrate and embed success in Organizations.
9. It is not necessarily clearly outlines how the innovation will improve organizational
performance When submitting innovations for approval.
10. In an organization Implementation of ideas, strategies, and plans will be able to get
the benefits if they are successfully implemented.
II. Choose the best answer among the alternative
1. Implementation of ideas, strategies, and plans for improvement requires
A. Confirmation of pre-requisites for implementation
B. Awareness and preparation for risks with contingency planning
C. Change management to address the impact on people
D. All
2. The objective of change management for stakeholder on Impact due to change
current way of working is
A. Convinced them to accept these changes with minimal conflict.
B. Convinced them to accept these changes with maximum conflict.
C. A &B
3. Three stages in the change management process are
A. Initial, exit and future B. Initial, Transition and Future C Transition, exit and
future D.All
4. In which stage does identify the impact of the process improvement.
A. Transition B. Future C. Initial D. Exit
5. Impacted stakeholders will need to transition to new methods of working or to new
roles and responsibilities in which stage does this.
A. Exit B. Future C. Initial D. Transition
6. Which one is Helpful practices in future stage change process.
A. Create and share a reference document with FAQs & detailed responses
B. Measure and document improvement results
C. Measure and document outcomes in the project performance report
D. share the project performance report with the stakeholders
E. All
7. Which one of the following categories of risks to the organization
A. Financial risks B. Revenue risks C. Operational risks D. All
8. Risk management refers to the strategy and action plan with which you can:
A. Identify the sources and types of threat relevant to your organization
B. Evaluate their impact and design approaches to reduce or where possible
C. Increase the impact of these risks
D. A&C
9. Success of improvement projects depends on 5 key factors:
A. Leadership vision B. Project ownership C. stakeholder acceptance D. All

10. When an improvement project fails ,Which one of the following you must be able
to investigate and analyze
A. causes of failure
B. learning including insights, experiences and ideas
C. A&B D. None

III. Short answer

1. List Tools that can be used to perform the root cause analysis:
2. Write the two types of Implementation failure.

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