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CME EDUCATIONAL OBJECTIVE: Readers will conduct an appropriate workup of low testosterone before considering
CREDIT prescribing testosterone replacement
Endocrinology and Metabolism Institute, Cleveland Endocrinology and Metabolism Institute, Cleveland
Clinic Clinic

Male hypogonadism:
More than just a low testosterone
■ ■ABSTRACT Editor’s note: This article on the differential di-
agnosis of hypogonadism in men is the first of
Confronted with a low serum testosterone level, physi- two articles. The second, to be published next
cians should not jump to the diagnosis of hypogonadism, month, focuses on the appropriate use of testos-
as confirmation and thorough evaluation are warranted terone therapy.
before making the diagnosis or starting therapy. This
review discusses how to approach the finding of a low
testosterone value, stressing the need to confirm the
A 54-year-old man is referred for evalu-
ation of low testosterone. He had seen
his primary care physician for complaints of
finding, the underlying pathophysiologic processes, drugs diminished libido and erectile dysfunction for
that can be responsible, and the importance of determin- the past year and worsening fatigue over the
ing whether the cause is primary (testicular) or secondary past few years. He has not been formally di-
(hypothalamic-pituitary). agnosed with any medical condition. His se-
rum testosterone level is 180 ng/dL (reference
■ ■KEY POINTS range 249–836 ng/dL).
On physical examination, he is obese (body
Blood samples for testosterone measurements should be
mass index 31 kg/m2) with a normal-appearing
drawn near 8 am. male body habitus, no gynecomastia, and nor-
mal testicles and prostate gland.
A low serum testosterone value should always be con- How should this patient be evaluated?
firmed by a reliable reference laboratory.
The definition of a low testosterone level varies from
laboratory to laboratory. In general, values less than 200 Male hypogonadism, ie, failure of the testes
or 250 ng/dL are considered low, and values between 250 to produce adequate amounts of androgen or
and 350 ng/dL may be considered borderline low. sperm, has become a common clinical find-
ing, particularly in the older population.
This is more likely the result of an increase
If testosterone is low, determine if the cause is primary in awareness and detection of the disorder
(testicular) or secondary (hypothalamic-pituitary). by physicians rather than a true increase in
Acute illness and treatment with opioids, anabolic The finding of a low serum testosterone
steroids, or corticosteroids can result in transient hypo- value needs to be confirmed and thoroughly
gonadism. evaluated before starting treatment. It is im-
portant to determine whether the cause is a
primary (hypergonadotropic) testicular disor-
der or secondary to a hypothalamic-pituitary
process (hypogonadotropic or normogonado-
doi:10.3949/ccjm.79a.11174 tropic).
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■■ THE HYPOTHALAMIC-PITUITARY- in the next few weeks, when the patient is

GONADAL AXIS in good health. Confirming the testosterone
level is important, particularly since com-
Testosterone production is under the con- mercially available testosterone assays are not
trol of luteinizing hormone (LH), whereas well standardized and some are frankly unre-
sperm production is under the control of liable.9,10 A repeat confirmatory level should
follicle-stimulating hormone (FSH) (FIGURE always be performed by a reliable reference
1). Both of these pituitary hormones are laboratory. If the testosterone level is still low,
regulated by the pulsatile secretion of hypo- further evaluation is warranted.
thalamic gonadotropin-releasing hormone
Testosterone (produced by Leydig cells) TESTOSTERONE VS FREE TESTOSTERONE
and inhibin B (produced by Sertoli cells with-
in the seminiferous tubules) result in negative Of the total circulating testosterone, 60%
feedback inhibition of gonadotropin (LH and is bound to sex hormone-binding globulin
FSH) secretion. Testosterone and estradiol (SHBG), 38% is bound to albumin, and only
(produced by aromatization of testosterone) 2% is free. All of these fractions can be mea-
act at both pituitary and hypothalamic sites sured to assess for testosterone deficiency.
and are the principal regulators of LH secre- Free testosterone is the biologically ac-
tion.1,2 Inhibin B is the major regulator of FSH tive form of this hormone and, thus, the free
secretion in men,3 but steroid feedback also testosterone level is considered to be a better
occurs.2,4 representation of the true testosterone status.
However, some clinicians believe that bio-
■■ To FOLLOW UP A LOW TESTOSTERONE, available testosterone (testosterone loosely
CONFIRM THE VALUE NEAR 8 am bound to albumin + free testosterone) is a
better reflection of the true level of the active
If a testosterone value is found to be low, it hormone than the level of free testosterone
Commercially is important to determine the time that the alone.
available sample was obtained. Serum testosterone lev- There are situations in which the total
els follow a diurnal rhythm, at least in younger testosterone level is low but bioavailable or
testosterone men, with values near 8 am being, on aver- free testosterone levels are normal. The level
assays age, 30% higher than the trough levels later in of total testosterone is affected by altera-
the day.5–7 The timing of the diurnal variation tions in the levels of SHBG and albumin.
are not well may be different in night-shift workers, who A reduction in the level of SHBG can re-
standardized, may require assessment at a more appropriate sult in low total serum testosterone levels
and some are time of the day (ie, upon awakening). in patients with obesity or type 2 diabetes
Another factor affecting testosterone lev- (states of insulin resistance), and also in
frankly els is the patient’s health status at the time of cachexia, malnutrition, advanced cirrhosis,
unreliable testing. Values obtained in the hospital dur- acromegaly, hypothyroidism, and nephrotic
ing an acute illness should be repeated once syndrome. SHBG can also be low in pa-
the event has resolved, as testosterone values tients taking glucocorticoids, progestins,
decrease considerably in this setting.8 Even in or androgenic steroids.11 In these settings,
outpatients, particularly in men over age 60, checking the level of free testosterone (the
one must be sure that the low testosterone active hormone), bioavailable testosterone,
level was not obtained during a period of de- or both, by a reliable reference laboratory,
compensation of one of the many comorbidi- may be more appropriate.9,10
ties seen in these patients, such as coronary But regardless of which measurement is
artery disease, congestive heart failure, or un- chosen, all testosterone levels—especially
controlled diabetes. bioavailable and free testosterone values—
If an 8 am testosterone value is low, it is should be interpreted with caution if they
reasonable to obtain at least one confirmatory are not measured at a reliable reference lab-
testosterone level on another day, near 8 am, oratory.9,10 Interested readers may wish to
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MM Hormonal control of testosterone secretion

Testosterone and inhibin

inhibit gonadotropin
secretion in a negative
feedback loop.

In response to the pulsatile secre-

tion of gonadotropin-releasing
hormone (GnRH), the anterior
pituitary releases follicle-stimulat-
ing hormone (FSH) and luteinizing
hormone (LH).

FSH promotes secretion of inhibin, while

LH promotes secretion of testosterone.

see the US Centers for Disease Control and with low testosterone. However, one must re-
Prevention (CDC) Hormone Standardiza- alize that these symptoms—as well as others
tion Program Web site ( reported by men with low testosterone, such
standards/hs.html) for more details, includ- as depression, difficulty concentrating, irrita-
ing a list of CDC-certified laboratories. bility, and insomnia—are nonspecific and may
be related to other medical conditions.12
■■ CLINICAL FEATURES Likewise, physical findings such as muscle
OF LOW TESTOSTERONE weakness, reduced body hair, and altered fat
distribution (abdominal obesity) are seen in
A history of erectile dysfunction, decreased men with low testosterone, but also in those
libido, and fatigue may be seen in patients with a number of other medical conditions.
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Approach to a low serum testosterone level confirmed at least one time near 8 am, one
should obtain LH and FSH values to help di-
Low serum testosterone rect further evaluation in deciphering the eti-
ology (FIGURE 2). Elevated (hypergonadotropic)
Verify low testosterone at 8 ama,b values indicate a testicular disorder (primary
hypogonadism), whereas low (hypogonado-
Check leutenizing hormone (LH) tropic) or normal (normogonadotropic) val-
and follicle-stimulating hormone ues point to a pituitary-hypothalamic process
(FSH) levelsc (secondary hypogonadism). It should be em-
phasized that, in the setting of a low testos-
Low or normal range LH and FSH Elevated LH and FSH terone level, LH and FSH values within the
(hypogonadotropic) (hypergonadotropic) normal range are “inappropriately normal” so
that further investigation is required.
Secondary hypogonadism Primary hypogonadism This evaluation should also include se-
rum prolactin, thyroid-stimulating hormone
(TSH, also known as thyrotropin), free thy-
Evaluate for gonadotroph Evaluate for testicular disorder roxine (T4), and ferritin levels, the latter be-
suppression or deficiency
cause hemochromatosis (iron overload) can
(hypothalamic-pituitary process)
cause both primary and secondary hypogo-
A repeat confirmatory level should always be performed at a reliable reference laboratory nadism. If at any time in the evaluation the
On occasion, total testosterone levels may be low but bioavailable and free testoster- laboratory results suggest secondary hypogo-
one levels may be normal nadism, a full assessment of pituitary function
Initial evaluation should also include serum prolactin, thyroid-stimulating hormone should be undertaken.
(TSH), free T4 , and ferritin
Semen analysis is usually reserved for pa-
FIGURE 2 tients presenting with the primary complaint
of infertility.
Additional features suggest specific dis-
Testosterone orders, eg, anosmia in Kallmann syndrome; ■■ PRIMARY HYPOGONADISM
levels at 8 am eunuchoid body habitus, gynecomastia, and
small testes in Klinefelter syndrome. The patient should be carefully questioned
are about 30% Men with low testosterone may have low about the age at which his problems began,
higher than bone mineral density or anemia, or both. about pubertal development, and about fertil-
Careful examination of the breasts for gy- ity. Causes of primary hypogonadism include:
the trough necomastia and the testes for size, consistency, • Karyotype abnormalities—Klinefelter syn-
levels later and masses (testicular tumors) helps in formu- drome (47, XXY syndrome) is the most
in the day lating a differential diagnosis and in appropri- common
ately directing subsequent laboratory evalua- • Toxin exposure, chemotherapy
tion and diagnostic imaging. • Congenital defects—anorchia, cryptorchi-
■■ LOW TESTOSTERONE: • Orchitis (mumps, autoimmune)
PRIMARY VS SECONDARY • Testicular trauma or infarction
• Hemochromatosis
A history of testicular trauma, systemic chemo- • Medications that inhibit androgen biosyn-
therapy, or mumps orchitis should direct the thesis, eg, ketoconazole (Nizoral)14
physician’s attention to a testicular etiology. • Increase in temperature of the testicular
On the other hand, darkened or tanned skin environment (due to varicocele or a large
(suggesting hemochromatosis), galactorrhea panniculus).
(suggesting hyperprolactinemia), or visual
field deficits (suggesting a sellar mass) should ■■ SECONDARY HYPOGONADISM
direct the physician’s attention toward a pitu-
itary-hypothalamic process. Causes of secondary hypogonadism include
Once the low testosterone value has been the following:
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Congenital disorders disturbance can result in a normalization of

These disorders are usually diagnosed in child- serum testosterone levels.27,28 A caveat about
hood or adolescence, often after the patient testosterone therapy: a thorough evaluation
is brought to the physician because of short for sleep apnea should be undertaken in pa-
stature or pubertal delay. tients at high risk, since testosterone replace-
• Kallmann syndrome (anosmia and GnRH ment therapy can adversely affect ventilatory
deficiency)15 drive and induce or worsen obstructive sleep
• GnRH receptor mutation and deficiency16 apnea.29
• Genetic mutations associated with pitu- Aging. Most reports have shown an age-
itary hormone deficiencies, eg, PROP-1 related decline in both total and free serum tes-
mutation.17 tosterone levels (commonly referred to as “an-
dropause”), particularly in men over 60 years of
Acquired disorders age. There also appears to be a loss of circadian
that suppress gonadotrophs rhythm,30 although not all reports agree.6 It ap-
Drugs. Long-term therapy with common pears that factors such as functional status and
medications such as opioids or corticosteroids overall health may play a more important role
can result in secondary hypogonadism.18–20 in the pathophysiology of hypogonadism in
Others are GnRH analogues such as leupro- men of advanced age than age alone.
lide (Lupron), which are used in treating ad- Hemochromatosis. Iron overload, regard-
vanced prostate cancer. The hypogonadism is less of the cause, can result in hypogonadism
usually transient and resolves after stopping via deposition of iron in the hypothalamus,
the offending agent. pituitary, or testes. Hereditary hemochroma-
Obesity and related conditions such as ob- tosis is a common autosomal recessive disease
structive sleep apnea, insulin resistance, and characterized by increased iron absorption.
type 2 diabetes mellitus are associated with Although both primary and secondary hypo-
low testosterone levels.21 Treatment should gonadism can occur with long-standing iron
be directed at these underlying conditions overload, the latter is much more common.31
and should include lifestyle measures such as Some cases of hypogonadism have been report- Testosterone
weight loss and exercise, rather than simple ed to reverse with iron depletion therapy.32 replacement
prescribing of testosterone supplementation, as Hyperprolactinemia. Recognized causes of
these efforts may provide multiple health ben- hyperprolactinemia in men include medica- therapy
efits in addition to raising testosterone levels.22 tions (dopamine antagonists, antipsychotics, can adversely
Insulin resistance. In the setting of obesity, metoclopramide [Reglan]), pituitary adeno-
the total testosterone level may be low but mas (microadenomas < 10 mm, macroade-
the bioavailable and free testosterone (active nomas ≥ 10 mm), lactotroph hyperfunction ventilatory
hormone) levels may be normal. This is due (stalk compression interrupting or reducing drive and
to the effect of hyperinsulinemia on the liver, the tonic suppression of prolactin secretion
which results in a reduction in SHBG produc- by dopamine), hypothyroidism, stress, chronic induce or
tion.23 Low levels of both total and free testos- renal failure, cirrhosis, chest wall injury (trau- worsen
terone can be seen in morbid obesity,24 but the ma), and active herpes zoster. The ensuing
cause remains unclear. hypogonadism may be due to the compressive sleep apnea
Type 2 diabetes mellitus. Testosterone levels effect of a sellar mass or the direct effect of the
have been reported to be lower in obese men prolactin elevation alone, since prolactin dis-
who have diabetes than in those with obesity rupts the pulsatile release of GnRH from the
alone.24 This decrement, comparable in mag- hypothalamus,33 required for normal LH and
nitude to that seen with other chronic diseas- FSH secretion.
es, suggests that low testosterone may simply Estrogen excess can be either exogenous
be a marker of poor health.22,25,26 (from exposure to estrogen-containing con-
Sleep apnea. Disturbances in the sleep traceptives and creams) or endogenous (from
cycle, regardless of the underlying cause, can testicular34,35 or very rare adrenal36 estrogen-
result in decreases in serum testosterone lev- secreting tumors). Of note, some cases of
els. Often, correcting the underlying sleep testicular neoplasms may be detectable only
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TABLE 1 testicular atrophy, both of which may persist

for years after stopping the anabolic agents.
Causes of male hypogonadism If you suspect anabolic steroid abuse, a urine
anabolic steroid screen can be obtained.
Primary hypogonadism Anorexia nervosa is far less common
Karyotype abnormality (eg, Klinefelter syndrome) in men than in women.37,38 Elements in the
Toxin exposure (chemotherapy) history that suggest this disorder include ex-
Congenital defect cessive exercise and a low body mass index.
Testicular trauma or infarction
Chronic malnutrition (cachexia), regardless
Hemochromatosis of the cause, can result in secondary hypogo-
Medications—eg, ketoconazole (Nizoral) nadism.
Increased temperature of testicular environment Acute illness (gonadotroph sick syn-
drome). Hypogonadism is a relatively common
Secondary hypogonadism—congenital finding in any critical illness (analogous to eu-
Kallmann syndrome thyroid sick syndrome with respect to the hypo-
Gonadotropin-releasing hormone (GnRH) receptor mutation or deficiency thalamic-pituitary-thyroid axis).8 Testosterone
Genetic mutation associated with pituitary hormone deficiency levels are invariably low, so that assessment of
Secondary hypogonadism—acquired, testosterone status is not recommended in this
causing gonadotroph suppression setting. The low testosterone phase is usually
Medications (opioids, corticosteroids)
transient and resolves with resolution or im-
Obesity, insulin resistance provement of the underlying medical condition,
Type 2 diabetes mellitus such as sepsis or myocardial infarction.
Obstructive sleep apnea HIV. Human immunodeficiency virus
Aging (HIV) infection can result in primary or
Hemochromatosis secondary hypogonadism. It can occur with
Hyperprolactinemia active HIV infection, in patients in whom
Estrogen excess control of viral replication has been achieved
Anabolic steroid abuse with highly active antiretroviral therapy, and
Anorexia nervosa even in patients who have normalized CD4+
Acute illness cell counts.39 Hypogonadism in HIV patients
Human immunodeficiency virus infection
Chronic medical conditions
is multifactorial and may be related to weight
Alcohol abuse loss, opportunistic infections of the pituitary-
Severe primary hypothyroidism hypothalamus or testes, or medications such
Pubertal delay as opioids (licit or illicit), ganciclovir (Cyto-
vene), ketoconazole, the appetite stimulant
Secondary hypogonadism—acquired, megestrol (Megace), or cyclophosphamide
causing gonadotroph damage (Cytoxan). Testosterone replacement therapy
Sellar mass or infiltrative lesion does not adversely affect the HIV disease pro-
Metastatic lesion cess and in fact may help to avoid complica-
Trauma (head injury) tions.
Radiation exposure Chronic medical conditions such as cir-
Stalk severance
rhosis, renal failure, and rheumatoid arthritis
Pituitary apoplexy commonly result in hypogonadism, the patho-
genesis of which may involve dysfunction at
all levels of the hypothalamic-pituitary-go-
nadal axis.40–45 Hypogonadism in the setting
with ultrasonography. Computed tomogra- of chronic disease is multifactorial, being due
phy may be performed if an adrenal lesion is not only to the metabolic disturbances seen
suspected. with these illnesses (uremia in renal failure,
Anabolic steroid abuse. Exposure to ana- elevated circulating estrogens in liver cir-
bolic steroids, deliberately or inadvertently, rhosis), but also to recurrent acute illness and
can result in secondary hypogonadism and hospitalization for infection in these immuno-
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compromised hosts, either from the underly- severe secondary hypogonadism (serum tes-
ing medical condition or as a result of medica- tosterone < 150 ng/dL), panhypopituitarism,
tions (corticosteroids). persistent hyperprolactinemia, or symptoms or
Alcohol abuse. Alcohol can have adverse signs of tumor mass effect such as headache,
effects at all levels of the hypothalamic-pitu- visual impairment, or a visual field defect.
itary-gonadal axis, resulting in low serum tes-
tosterone and reduced spermatogenesis.46 ■■ WHO SHOULD UNDERGO ASSESSMENT
Severe chronic primary hypothyroidism, OF TESTOSTERONE STATUS?
manifested by an extreme elevation of serum
thyroid-stimulating hormone (TSH), can result Screening for androgen deficiency in the
in hypopituitarism. Pituitary function usually asymptomatic general population is not rec-
recovers with restoration of euthyroidism.47,48 ommended.11 The nonspecific nature of many
Pubertal delay. Depending on the age of of the signs and symptoms of androgen de-
presentation, differentiating pubertal delay ficiency makes it difficult to give concrete
from permanent hypogonadotropic hypogo- recommendations as to who should have tes-
nadism can be challenging. tosterone levels measured. Clinicians should
consider testing if there is evidence of certain
Acquired disorders clinical disorders that are associated with low
that damage gonadotrophs testosterone levels (see earlier discussion on
• Sellar mass or cyst—pituitary adenoma, the specific causes of primary and secondary
craniopharyngioma, Rathke cleft cyst, me- hypogonadism).
ningioma When a male patient complains of erectile
• Infiltrative lesion—lymphocytic hypophy- dysfunction, the investigation should include
sitis, Langerhans cell histiocytosis, hemo- an assessment of serum testosterone. However,
chromatosis, sarcoidosis, infection if a man who has a constellation of nonspecific
• Metastatic lesion symptoms asks for his testosterone level to be
• Trauma (head injury) assessed (which is common, given the aggres-
• Radiation exposure sive marketing of testosterone replacement Anabolic
• Surgery by the pharmaceutical industry), we would steroids can
• Stalk severance recommend a basic evaluation that includes
• Pituitary apoplexy. a comprehensive metabolic panel, complete result in
See TABLE 1 for a summary of the causes of blood count, and TSH level. Further testing secondary
male hypogonadism. should be determined by the history and phys-
ical examination. If no obvious explanation
■■ WHEN IS MRI INDICATED IN EVALUATING has been found for the patient’s symptoms at and testicular
SECONDARY HYPOGONADISM? that point, assessment of serum testosterone atrophy,
may be warranted. More often than not the
The yield of pituitary-hypothalamic imaging patient’s weight and limited physical activity both of which
in older men with secondary hypogonadism are the driving forces behind the nonspecific may persist
is fairly low in the absence of other pituitary symptoms, and counseling a patient on a life-
hormone abnormalities and deficiencies. style change can provide much benefit if the for years
There are limited data regarding appropriate patient follows through with the physician’s
criteria for performing hypothalamic-pituitary recommendations.
imaging studies. However, a patient who has Men whom we believe should not under-
multiple anterior pituitary abnormalities on go assessment for testosterone deficiency are
laboratory evaluation should undergo dedi- those who are acutely ill and hospitalized and
cated hypothalamic-pituitary magnetic reso- those who are severely obese and are com-
nance imaging (MRI). plaining of fatigue. Testosterone levels should
The Endocrine Society Clinical Practice be assessed only after the acute illness has re-
Guidelines11 recommend that MRI be per- solved and, in a severely obese patient with
formed to exclude a pituitary or hypothalamic fatigue, only after a thorough evaluation for
tumor or infiltrative disease if the patient has sleep apnea has been undertaken.
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■■ TREAT THE UNDERLYING CAUSE, pected cause of infertility, the patient should
IF ONE CAN BE FOUND be referred to an endocrinologist for further
evaluation and management. Treatment of
If the evaluation of low testosterone leads to male infertility should be directed at the
the diagnosis of a clear underlying condition underlying cause, but often requires exog-
that is amenable to treatment, such as prolac- enous human chorionic gonadotropin, FSH,
tin elevation or sleep apnea, then treatment GnRH (via a pulsatile pump), and possibly
should be directed at the underlying cause, sperm harvesting from the testis with subse-
with subsequent monitoring of the patient’s quent in vitro fertilization with intracyto-
symptoms and response in serum testosterone plasmic sperm injection. It is critical that the
levels. In general, the use of dopamine agonist partner be included in the evaluation of in-
therapy  in the management of hyperprolac- fertility.
tinemia and, in cases of panhypopituitarism, These patients should be referred to a
of replacement therapy with levothyroxine urologic or fertility center specializing in the
(Synthroid), hydrocortisone, and possibly diagnosis and treatment of infertility. For fur-
growth hormone and desmopressin (DDAVP), ther information regarding male infertility,
fall best under the purview of an endocrinolo- patients can be directed to www.fertilitylife-
gist. A caveat: serum TSH cannot be used to
monitor levothyroxine replacement therapy
in cases of secondary hypothyroidism. The ■■ CASE CONCLUDED
clinical picture and serum free T4 and free T3
levels are used instead. The patient’s low serum testosterone was con-
In the absence of a correctable (or im- firmed on subsequent measurements at 8 am,
mediately correctable) cause, testosterone with levels of 128 and 182 ng/dL (reference
supplementation can be initiated on an in- range 249–836). Other laboratory values:
dividualized basis in select patients who have • LH 1.4 mIU/mL (reference range 1.2–8.6)
clinical signs and symptoms of androgen defi- • FSH 2.7 mIU/mL (1.3–9.9 mIU/mL)
Screening ciency if the benefits of treatment appear to (Both of these values are inappropriately
for androgen outweigh the potential risks, and only after a normal in the setting of the low testosterone.)
thorough discussion with the patient.11 The • TSH 248 µIU/mL (0.4–5.5)
deficiency Endocrine Society recommends against offer- • Prolactin 24.6 ng/mL (1.6–18.8).
in the ing testosterone therapy to all older men with The patient was started on levothyroxine
low testosterone.11 replacement therapy and after 3 months was
asymptomatic noted to be euthyroid (TSH 1.8 µIU/mL) and
general ■■ INFERTILITY to have a normal serum prolactin level. Tes-
population tosterone levels (8 am) at this time were 350
In men presenting with low serum testoster- ng/dL and 420 ng/dL.
is not one, semen analysis is not routine. It is usu- Therefore, the cause of this patient’s hypo-
recommended ally reserved for patients presenting with the gonadism was severe hypothyroidism and as-
primary complaint of infertility. sociated mild hyperprolactinemia. This case
If an endocrine disorder such as prolac- shows that a thorough evaluation is warranted
tin elevation or hypothyroidism is the sus- before initiating testosterone therapy. ■

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