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US 20070007146A1

(19) United States

(12) Patent Application Publication (10) Pub. No.: US 2007/0007146 A1
Childers, 11 et al. (43) Pub. Date: Jan. 11, 2007

(54) PROCESS FOR PRODUCING (52) US. Cl. ............................................................ .. 205/501


(75) Inventors: Harold E. Childers II, Houston, TX (57) ABSTRACT

(US); Lucette Falcon, (US); Rudolf C.
Matousek, Sugarland, TX (US) In a process for producing sodium hypochlorite in an
electrolytic cell comprises forming an aqueous based chlo
Correspondence Address: ride solution With a chloride salt; controlling the concentra
D’AMBROSIO & ASSOCIATES, P.L.L.C. tion of chloride Within the solution to an amount comprising
10260 WESTHEIMER less than 25 g/L chloride salt; piping the salt solution to the
electrolytic cell, the electrolytic cell comprising an anode
HOUSTON, TX 77042 (US) and a cathode, the cathode comprising a metallic base
material, a ?rst coating on the metallic base material and a
(73) Assignee: Severn Trent Water Puri?cation, Inc. second non-conductive ceramic coating on the metallic base
material. The chloride solution is then in contact With the
(21) Appl. No.: 11/176,848
anodes and cathodes and an electric current is sent through
(22) Filed: Jul. 7, 2005 out the electrolytic cell to produce hypochlorite. During this
process the electric current is controlled so that the poWer
Publication Classi?cation consumption is less than 2.5 kWh per pound of hypochlorite
produced and the resulting cell e?iciency comprises less
(51) Int. Cl. than 2.5 kg of chloride salt consumed for every 1 kg of
C25B 1/26 (2006.01) hypochlorite generated.
Patent Application Publication Jan. 11, 2007 US 2007/0007146 A1

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US 2007/0007146 A1 Jan. 11, 2007

PROCESS FOR PRODUCING HYPOCHLORITE [0006] In another method, a substrate metal, such as a
valve metal as represented by titanium, is provided With a
FIELD OF THE INVENTION highly desirable rough surface characteristic for subsequent
coating application. This can be achieved by various opera
[0001] This invention relates generally to a process for tions including etching to ensure a roughened surface mor
producing hypochlorite. More speci?cally, this invention phology. In subsequent operations, a barrier layer is pro
relates to a process of electrolytic production of hypochlorite
vided on the surface of enhanced morphology. This may be
from salt containing chlorides in an aqueous solution.
achieved by operations including heating, as Well as includ
ing thermal decomposition of a layer precursor. Subsequent
coatings provide enhanced lifetime even in the most rugged
[0002] Chlorine in the form of hypochlorite Was ?rst used commercial environments.
for disinfecting Water systems in London after an outbreak
of cholera in 1850. For the past century, chlorination has [0007] Electrode assemblies and cells for electrolytic pro
become the standard Way to disinfect Water supplies, potable cesses have been improved for the production of alkali metal
Water, WasteWater, and swimming pools, to eliminate epi hypochlorite, alkali metal chlorate, and other inorganic and
demic Waterbome diseases. The traditional Way to disinfect organic chemical products. One disclosure taught a dia
Water With chlorine Was through the use of chlorine gas. phragm-less electrolytic cell having at least one assembly of
Transporting bulk chlorine on croWded highWays and into a plurality of planar, parallel, closely spaced foraminous
residential areas has become a major safety concern since dimensionally stable substantially horiZontally disposed
the transport of chlorine gas under high pressure can be very anodes and a plurality of parallel foraminous cathodes
haZardous. Also, the transport of commercial hypochlorite, substantially horiZontally disposed, the cathodes interleaved
Which is predominantly Water, is very expensive. Stringent With the anodes in substantially face-to-face closely spaced
regulation of toxic gasses and accidental releases of chlorine parallel alignment. Organic chemical products, alkali metal
and higher costs have caused alternative sources for chlorine hypochlorite and alkali metal chlorate are produced by
to be sought for Water disinfection. Onsite production of a placing the assembly of electrodes provided With a means
chlorine source, sodium hypochlorite for example, is cur for supplying current to the individual anodes and current
rently the best option for obtaining a less expensive and safer from the individual cathodes, in alkali metal halide solu
source. tions, solutions of organic electrolytes and electrolyZing the
solutions While maintaining operating parameters suitable
[0003] On-site generation has proven itself as a safe and for the production of alkali metal hypochlorite and alkali
cost ef?cient process for providing for the chlorine needs of metal chlorate and organic chemical products.
Water treatment facilities. On-site hypochlorite generation
has been accomplished by different means in the past. The [0008] One improved process for the electrolysis of sea
preferred on-site reaction is creating sodium hypochlorite Water comprised admixing sea Water before electrolysis With
(NaOCl) according to the folloWing equation: suf?cient recycled hypochlorite solution to substantially
oxidiZed bromine, iodine and sulfur ion impurities to their
elemental forms for removal. Another method for chlorine
[0004] There is a great need to improve the electrolytic production Was directed to an alkali metal chlorate cell using
production of hypochlorite from chloride-containing salts solid salt and a cell With higher temperatures so that a brine
dissolved in an aqueous solution. Problems that occur during feed solution replaced a solid salt feed. One further process
the reaction affect the amount of hypochlorite produced, of producing sodium hypochlorite comprised electrolyZing
chlorate formation for example. Problems that occur in the an aqueous solution of sodium chloride. The use of at least
market place, such as the availability and cost of salt and one cooling means in or betWeen the electrolytic cells to cool
electrical poWer, affect the economy of hypochlorite pro the electrolyte solution preferably betWeen 5° C. and 45° C.
duction. Reducing salt and poWer consumption as Well as Was found to increase available chlorine.
making the process more ef?cient With improved current
ef?ciency is desired to reduce costs. The acceptable current [0009] It is the amount of available chlorine in the result
ef?ciency under prior methods for producing hypochlorite ing solution that determines the efficiency of the hypochlo
ranged from 65% to above 75%. Prior electrolytic processes rite generation process. Competing reactions, such as the
have attempted to achieve such results using different meth reverse reaction back to NaCl and H20 or the formation of
ods. sodium chlorates, occur in the resulting sodium hypochlorite
solution produced from the initial reaction. The amount of
[0005] Early on in the development of chlorine cells used sodium hypochlorite lost to side reactions, chlorate forma
for sodium chlorate manufacture, a ?lm-coated cathode for tion and back reactions, is proportional to greater concen
the electrolysis of alkali metal halide solutions Was used in trations of available chlorine and higher temperatures. The
the substantial absence of chromium ions. The cathode temperature of aqueous solutions used in the reaction has
comprised a conductive substrate, such as titanium, steel, been found to affect the resulting amount of sodium
iron, or alloys thereof, coated With an adherent, porous ?lm hypochlorite produced.
of a substantially nonconductive material having an average
coating thickness of less that about 103 microns. The non DEFINITIONS/ EQUATIONS
conductive, ?lm-forming material Was further characteriZed
as being chemically inert in the halite solution. According to [0010] Cell Efficiency: Cell ef?ciency is a ratio of the
the patent, this permitted electrolytic operation With concentration of chloride salt Within the aqueous brine
enhanced current ef?ciency Without the use of chromate ions solution fed to the electrolytic cell to concentration of
in the solution. hypochlorite in the el?uent of the electrolytic cell. For
US 2007/0007146 A1 Jan. 11, 2007

example, in the case of an NaCl solution the cell ef?ciency

is calculated by the following equation: -continued
4 5
1 mol c12 70.9lg c12
NaCl g/L
c611 E .NaCl NaOCl =
ff [ / ] NaOCl g/L

[0024] Dividing the grams of ClZ/Hr by the How rate

results in g/L C12.
[0011] PoWer Consumption DC: PoWer consumption is
expressed as kWatt-Hours/NaOCl Lb. PoWer consump
tion is calculated by the following equations:
g Cl2/Hour i Hour = Cl ll‘t Th .
liter/minutesX 60 minutes g 2 1 er(g/L e0)

Amps * Volts : Watts

kWatts Day 24 Hour _

DC v lt
0 W 1000 Watts ><NaOC1Lb(as C12) X Day
[0025] Current Efficiency is then calculated by comparing
the actual amount of hypochlorite produced With the
Power Cons. DC theoretical amount of hypochlorite using the the folloWing
[0012] Current Efficiency: Current e?iciency is the mea
surement of available chlorine produced during electroly NaOCl g/L Actual
X 100 = Current Eff.%
sis in relation to the poWer or current consumed and is NaOCl g/L Theo.
based on Faraday’s laW. Faraday’s LaW states that the
amount of substance (number of moles) consumed or
produced at one of the electrodes in an electrolytic cell is
directly proportional to the amount of electricity that SUMMARY
passes through the cell (number of moles of electrons [0026] Reducing salt and poWer consumption as Well as
transferred at that electrode) Current e?iciency is making the process of hypochlorite production more e?i
expressed as a percent calculation based on Faraday’s laW cient With improved current ef?ciency is desired to reduce
and the production of sodium hypochlorite as folloWs: costs. The process of this invention generates hypochlorite,
either in the form of sodium hypochlorite or potassium
[0013] First, the theoretical amount of sodium hypochlo
hypochlorite, in terms of available chlorine, more ef?ciently,
rite (g/ L Theo.) that should be produced in an electrolytic that is With a reduction of feed product consumed or energy
cell is calculated using the folloWing:
required to produce equivalent amounts of hypochlorite as
[0014] Equation Terms 1-6 previous methods. Increased e?iciency is measured by an
increase in the percentage of sodium or potassium chloride
[0015] l. The amount of Current (Amps) converted to hypochlorite during the electrolytic process and
[0016] 2. The amount of electric charge that ?oWs through a decrease in poWer consumption.
the cell [0027] Temperature can also affect the ef?ciency of the
[0017] 3. Faraday’s Constant 96500 C/mol e. process. Higher temperatures of the solution during elec
trolysis and increased concentrations of available chlorine
[0018] 4. The electron mole to Chlorine mole ratio based enhance the probability of a shift in kinetics to form unde
on the balanced equation. sirable by products. The amount of available chlorine, the
desired end product, is reduced. Because of these side
[0019] According to the balanced equation for the reac reactions, more sodium chloride and electric current must be
tion that occurs at the anode of this cell, one mole of consumed to produce an equal amount of available chlorine.
chlorine for every 2 moles of electrons. Advantageously, during the process of this invention, the
amount of chloride salt consumed during the electrolysis
process is reduced While maintaining both cell efficiency and
[0020] 5. The atomic mass unit of Chlorine
current ef?ciency. Side reactions are reduced thereby alloW
[0021] (used to express the amount of Sodium ing greater production of available chlorine. The current
Hypochlorite) ef?ciency of the process can be increased so that the current
ef?ciency is Within a range of from about 70% to about 80%.
[0022] 6. The number of cells Improved ef?ciency translates to cost savings in terms of
[0023] The equation is beloW Where terms 2 -5 are con
feed product and electric poWer consumption.
stants and l & 6 are variables: [0028] Therefore, disclosed herein is a process for pro
ducing a hypochlorite solution in an electrolytic cell. In one
embodiment, the process comprises forming an aqueous
2 3 based chloride solution With a chloride salt. Preferably, the
1 3600 C 1 mol 2’
DC Amps>< X X concentration of chloride Within the solution is controlled to
Amp-Hour 96,500 C an amount comprising less than 20 g/L chloride salt. The salt
solution is piped to the electrolytic cell. The electrolytic cell
US 2007/0007146 A1 Jan. 11, 2007

comprises an anode and a cathode. The cathode preferably The electric current can be controlled so that poWer con
comprises a metallic base material, a ?rst coating on the sumption is Within a range of about 1.5 kWh per pound of
metallic base material and a second non-conductive ceramic hypochlorite produced to about 2.0 kWh per pound of
coating on the metallic base material. The chloride solution hypochlorite produced. The temperature is maintained
is alloWed to contact the anode and to contact the cathode. Within a range of about 150 C. to about 600 C. Cell ef?ciency
An electric current is passed throughout the electrolytic cell comprises less than 2.5 kg of chloride salt consumed for
to produce hypochlorite. Preferably, the electric current is every 1 kg of hypochlorite generated and the current effi
controlled so that the poWer consumption is less than 2.3 ciency is maintained at greater than 70%.
kWh per pound of hypochlorite produced, the cell ef?ciency
comprises less than 2.5 kg of chloride salt consumed for [0033] An alternative process for producing a hypochlo
rite solution in an electrolytic cell comprises forming an
every 1 kg of hypochlorite generated. aqueous based chloride solution With a chloride salt, the
[0029] In one embodiment for producing a hypochlorite chloride solution comprising an amount ranging from 25 g/ L
solution according to the present invention the salt solution to 30 g/L. In another alternative embodiment, the chloride
comprises sodium chloride, the amount of sodium chloride solution is greater than 30 g/L chloride salt. The salt solution
consumed during the process comprising less than 2.5 kg for is piped to the electrolytic cell, the electrolytic cell com
every 1 kg of hypochlorite generated. prising an anode and a cathode, the cathode comprising a
metallic base selected from a group comprising titanium,
[0030] In one embodiment for producing a hypochlorite iron, steel, copper and nickel alloys, a ?rst coating on the
solution according to the present invention the metallic base metallic base comprises an oxide of the metallic base
material is selected from a group comprising titanium, iron, material, and a second coating on the oxide of the metallic
steel, copper and nickel alloys, and the ?rst coating com base material comprises a non-conductive ceramic. The
prises an oxide of the metallic base material. The second chloride solution is alloWed to contact the anode and the
coating can comprise a non-conductive ceramic selected cathode. An electric current is passed throughout the elec
from a group comprising yttria-stabiliZed Zirconia, Zirconia, trolytic cell to produce hypochlorite. During the process, the
titania, chromia and hastelloy. Advantageously, in this pro poWer consumption is controlled Within an amount com
cess for producing a hypochlorite solution, the current prising less than 2.0 kWh per pound of hypochlorite pro
ef?ciency is greater than 70% even though the salt feed is duced so that the cell ef?ciency comprises less than 3.0 kg
decreased beloW 20 g/L. In another embodiment for pro of chloride salt consumed for every 1 kg of hypochlorite
ducing a hypochlorite solution according to the present generated and the current e?iciency is maintained at greater
invention the temperature of the solution is maintained than 80%.
Within a range of about 15° C. to less than 60° C.
[0031] In an alternative embodiment, a process for pro
ducing a hypochlorite solution in an electrolytic cell com [0034] FIGURE is a schematic of one embodiment of this
prises steps (a) thru (g). In step (a) an aqueous based chloride invention.
solution is formed With a chloride salt. In step (b) the
concentration of chloride Within the solution is controlled to
an amount comprising less than 20 g/L chloride salt. In step INVENTION
(c), the salt solution from step (a) is piped to the electrolytic
cell, the electrolytic cell comprising an anode and a cathode, [0035] According to the practice of the process of this
the cathode comprising a metallic base selected from a invention hypochlorite is generated more ef?ciently. In this
group comprising titanium, iron, steel, copper and nickel instance, more e?iciently means With a reduction of either
alloys, a ?rst coating on the metallic base comprising an feed product consumed or energy required to produce
oxide of the metallic base material, and a second coating on equivalent amounts of hypochlorite as previous methods.
the oxide of the metallic base material comprising a non Cell ef?ciency is a ratio of the amount of chloride salt
conductive ceramic. In step (d) the chloride solution is converted to hypochlorite during the electrolytic process.
alloWed to contact the anode. In step (e) the chloride solution Cell ef?ciency indicates the amount of chloride salt con
is alloWed to contact the cathode. In step (f) an electric sumed per unit of hypochlorite produced. The object of this
current is passed throughout the electrolytic cell to produce invention is to decrease the amount of sodium chloride
hypochlorite. Finally, in step (g) the electric current is consumed thereby resulting in a decrease in the cell effi
controlled so that the poWer consumption is Within a range ciency ratio. Current ef?ciency is based on a decrease in
of about 1.8 kWh per pound of hypochlorite produced to poWer consumption as expressed in actual hypochlorite
about 2.5 kWh per pound of hypochlorite produced, Wherein produced divided by theoretical hypochlorite under Fara
the cell ef?ciency comprises less than 2.5 kg of chloride salt day’s LaW. Advantageously, the present process consumes
for every 1 kg of hypochlorite generated and the current less chloride salt Without a loss of ef?ciency as Will be
ef?ciency is maintained at greater than 70%. shoWn in the examples described beloW and accompanying
[0032] In one preferred embodiment for producing a
hypochlorite solution, the chloride solution comprises less [0036] Higher temperatures of the solution used during
than 20 g/L chloride salt and the chloride salt can be selected electrolysis and increased concentrations of available chlo
from sodium chloride or potassium chloride. The cathode rine enhance the probability of a shift in kinetics to form
can comprise a titanium base for conducting electrons, a ?rst undesirable by products. The amount of available chlorine,
coating on the titanium base, the ?rst coating comprising Which is the desired end product, is reduced by these side
titanium oxide, and a non-conductive yttria-stabiliZed Zir reactions. Because of the side reactions during previously
conia second coating applied to the titanium ?rst coating. knoWn processes, more sodium chloride and electric current
US 2007/0007146 A1 Jan. 11, 2007

had to be consumed to produce an equal amount of available of 15° C. to 600 C. While current ef?ciency remains at above
chlorine. Advantageously, during the process of this inven 70%. These temperature ranges are important especially in
tion, the amount of chloride salt consumed during the geographic areas Where the process Will be used such as the
electrolysis process is reduced While maintaining both cell southern hemispheres and parts of the World, the middle east
ef?ciency in terms of number of kilograms of chloride salt or southern U.S., Where ambient temperatures are high
consumed per kilogram of hypochlorite produced as Well as during the summertime.
current ef?ciency based on poWer consumption. Side reac
tions are reduced thereby alloWing greater production of [0039] After the salt solution is formed, the brine solution
available chlorine. The current ef?ciency of the process can enters the casings of the assembly and ?oods the cells 26, 24,
be increased so that the current ef?ciency is Within a range 22. A DC current impressed upon the electrolyZer converts
of from about 70% to about 80%. Improved current effi the sodium chloride to molecular chlorine and sodium
ciency translates to cost savings in electric poWer consump hypochlorite Within the cells. Unreacted brine and hydrogen
tion. A decrease in cell ef?ciency ratio is desired because it gas, a product of electrolysis, remain in the solution until the
indicates a decrease in the amount of salt consumed and hydrogen gas is removed from the generation Zone by
therefore a decrease in cost. thermal convection, passes through gas ports in the com
partment partitions and is ?nally vented to the atmosphere.
[0037] One preferred process can generate hypochlorite The electrolysis reaction is as folloWs:
by using a sodium or potassium salt as the starting product
resulting in sodium hypochlorite or potassium hypochlorite,
respectively. For purposes of this description, but not as a Anode (+)
limitation, sodium chloride Will be used as the feed product.
Prior technology taught that commercially feasible electro
ZNaCL + 2H20
C12 \ NaOCl + H2 + NaCl + H20
lytic cells Were capable of producing 8 to 10 g/L of available
chlorine While consuming approximately 28-30 g/L of ZNaOH + H2 /
sodium chloride, using a poWer consumption of 2.3 to 2.44 Cathode (——)
kWh per pound of hypochlorite produced and comprising a
cell e?iciency of 3.0 to 3.5 grams of salt per gram of chlorine
produced. See J. E. Bennett, Non-Daiphragm Electrolytic [0040] The brine, electrolyte and hypochlorite pass from
Hypochlorite Generators, Chemical Engineering Progress, one compartment to the next through ports located beloW the
December, 1974. Current e?iciency as described in the solution level. In multiple cell electrolyZer assemblies 20,
Bennett process is Within the 60% to 65% range. Advanta the brine and hypochlorite solution passes through an outlet
geously, the present process for producing a hypochlorite connection from the ?rst cell and is piped to the inlet of the
solution uses less chloride salt Without a loss of current next electroylyZer cell. In one embodiment, the solution can
ef?ciency. During the process, an aqueous based chloride be mixed With chilled Water piped from the chiller 30 as it
solution is formed With a chloride salt by controlling the passes from one cell to the next. In the ?nal cell, the brine,
concentration of chloride Within the solution to an amount electrolyte and sodium hypochlorite together With any
comprising less than 20 g/L chloride salt While maintaining remaining hydrogen gas are piped to the storage tank 60
a poWer consumption at less than 2.3 kWh per pound of Which is designed to scavenge the hydrogen from the ?nal
hypochlorite produced and comprising a cell e?iciency of product. A dosing pump 66 Will pump the hypochlorite to a
2.5 kg or less of chloride salt consumed for every 1 kg of user system requiring disinfecting, a WasteWater tank or
hypochlorite generated. Current ef?ciency resulting from the commercial sWimming pool for example.
present process is above 70%.
[0038] Referring to the schematic of the FIGURE, solid [0041] Increased efficiency is measured by a reduction in
salt Within a brine tank 40 combines With Water piped to the
the amount of feed product, sodium chloride for example,
brine tank from a Water softener unit 15. The solid salt can consumed during the process and a decrease in poWer
be in the form of sea salt or mined salt. Water may be treated
consumption. The current ef?ciency of this method is pref
in a Water softener unit to remove calcium and magnesium.
erably Within a range of from about 70% to about 80%.
These impurities are prone to form insulating precipitates [0042] One preferred process for generating sodium
betWeen the electrodes, Which inhibit the electrolytic pro hypochlorite uses an electrolyZer assembly having electro
cess. This reduces the conversion ef?ciency and increases lyZer cells or tubes stacked one upon another. Each electro
maintenance costs. Salt solution 44 for the electrolysis lyZer cell comprises compartments having anode and cath
process is piped to an electolyZer assembly 20 from the brine ode-plates. The number of anode/ cathode compartments can
tank 40 through pipelines 42. In one embodiment, the cells range from about 1 compartment to about 15 compartments
are arranged in bipolar con?guration. Brine 44 from the depending on the length of the cell, preferably 4 to 12
brine tank 40 is piped to an inlet pipe 26a of the ?rst cell 26 compartments per cell. Altemately, the electrolyZer cell can
in the electrolyZer assembly 20 and can be mixed With use bipolar plates having an anode and a cathode on the
chilled Water piped 32 from a chiller 30. The use of chilled same plate as is knoWn in the industry. Each compartment
Water piped to each cell Within an electrolytic assembly 20 comprises from 5 to 25 bipolar plates. The electrolyZer cell
is taught by Bass, US. Pat. No. 6,805,787 and is hereby is manufactured and available from Severn Trent Services
incorporated as if fully reproduced. Both the chiller 30 and Water Puri?cation Solution Inc.
the Water softener unit 15 are knoWn in the art and readily
available. The system is controlled by an operator-controlled [0043] A preferred electrolytic cell of the invention uti
computer. In another embodiment of the process of this liZes a coated cathode. The cathode comprises a metallic
invention, the process can ef?ciently be practiced Without a base material, a ?rst coating on the metallic base material
chiller, Wherein temperatures are maintained Within a range and a second non-conductive ceramic coating on the metal
US 2007/0007146 A1 Jan. 11, 2007

lic base material. The metallic base material can comprise end product, sodium hypochlorite is piped to a storage tank
electrically conductive substrate such as titanium substrate. 60 and then to a user’s system that requires disinfecting by
The term titanium as used herein is meant to include a dosing.
commercial titanium and titanium alloys such as grade 5 [0047] The folloWing examples illustrates the test results
titanium. Other electrical conductive substrates Which may for sodium hypochlorite produced according to the process
be used include iron, steel, copper and copper-nickel alloys of this invention.
With titanium being preferred. The cathode substrate may be
sand blasted or etched before any coatings are applied. A EXAMPLES
?rst coating is applied to the substrate in the form of an oxide
of the metallic base material, titanium oxide for example. Test ProcedureiExample 1
The oxide coating is applied prior to applying the ceramic Standard Cell
coating to improve bonding of the coating to the substrate
surface. A second coating is applied onto the oxide ?rst [0048] A chloride brine Was fed into a test electrolytic cell
coating. The second coating is a non-conductive ceramic at a brine feed rate equivalent to 12-16 gallons per pound of
coating. The second coating comprises a non-conductive product produced. This cell had no technological improve
ceramic selected from a group comprising yttria-stabiliZed ments such as coated cathodes or chilled solutions. The
Zirconia, Zirconia, titania, chromia and hastelloy. The coat concentration of chloride salt Within the brine solution Was
ing may be applied by plasma spraying after the surface of maintained betWeen 28-30 grams per liter. The liquid ?oW
the cathode substrate is suitably clean by chemical degreas rate Was maintained so as to maintain the same exit
ing. Other methods of applying the yttria-stabiliZed Zirconia hypochlorite concentration if the cell ef?ciency remained
coating may be used, including ?ame spraying, chemical constant. Temperatures Were ambient. In this Way, any
deposition, thermal spraying and sputtering. improvement in future tests for hypochlorite concentration is
related to improved cell ef?ciency. A baseline performance
[0044] The sodium chloride solution, chilled or at ambient pro?le With the above operating conditions and titanium
temperatures, that is from 15° C. to 60° C., is alloWed to cathodes Was obtained.

Process for Producing Hypochiorite

Example I
Test Power Cell Inlet Cell Outlet NaCl Eff. Grams NaoCl GPL Current
# Cons. DC Temp Temp GPL NaCl/NaoCl GPL Theo. Eff. %

1 2.2 20 45 33 3.64 9.08 14.3 63.5

2 2.02 20 45 30 3.21 9.36 13.7 68.4
3 1.99 23 45 30 3.18 9.43 13.6 69.3
4 2.08 20 45 33 3.5 9.43 14.2 66.5
5 2.09 20 45 33 3.55 9.29 14 66.2

contact the anode and then the cathode. The salt concentra [0049] The resultant current ef?ciency average 66.8% for
tion throughout the process is maintained at less than 25 g/ L example 1. The hypochlorite concentration at the exit
chloride salt. In one preferred embodiment, the salt concen point Was approximately 9 g/L. Approximately 3.5 g/L
tration is maintained at less than 20 g/L. An electric current salt Were used for each g/L hypochlorite produced, and the
is passed throughout the electrolytic cell to produce poWer consumption averaged 2.01 kWh/pound hypochlo
hypochlorite. The electric current is controlled so that the rite produced.
poWer consumption is less than 2.3 kWh per pound of
hypochlorite produced, preferably Within a range of 1.8 to Test ProcedureiExamples 2 and 3,
2.3 kWh per pound of hypochlorite produced. The current
ef?ciency With this concentration of chloride salt and this
amount of poWer consumption is greater than 70%. Having Improved Technology and Decreased Salt
[0045] In another embodiment of this invention, the salt
concentration is increased to betWeen 25-30 g/L and the [0050] The electrolytic cell Was operated at a brine feed
electric current is controlled so that poWer consumption is rate equivalent to 12-16 gallons per pound of product
Within a range of 1.5 kWh to 2.0 kWh per pound of produced, With an inlet brine solution concentration of 28-30
hypochlorite produced. The cell ef?ciency of this process g/L salt. Titanium cathodes Were replaced With coated
comprises less than 2.5 kg of chloride salt consumed for cathodes. The salt concentration Was sloWly reduced at
every 1 kg of hypochlorite generated. The temperature is intervals of approximately 5 g/L salt While maintaining a
again Within a range of from 150 C. to 600 C. Current constant liquid How to the cell. Target concentrations Were
ef?ciency for this embodiment increases to greater than 25, 20, and 15 g/L. All operating conditions (independent
80%. variables) Were maintained constant and resulting perfor
[0046] In another aspect of this invention, electrical cur mance parameters (dependent variables) Were measured.
rent required for electrolysis is sent from a poWer source 80 These include; exit hypochlorite concentration, cell effi
to a recti?er 82 to convert alternating current to direct ciency, current ef?ciency, temperature, and salt usage per
current and delivered to each cell by poWer Wiring 84. The pound of product. Temperatures Were ambient.
US 2007/0007146 A1 Jan. 11, 2007

Process for Producing Hypochiorite

Example 2

Test PoWer Cell Inlet Cell Outlet NaCl E?". Grams NaoCl GPL Current
# Cons.DC Temp Temp GPL NaCl/NaoCl GPL Theo. E?". %
1 1.57 21.0 48.0 21.0 2.18 9.64 11.5 84.1
2 1.57 22.0 44.0 18.0 2.05 8.79 11.2 78.7
3 1.49 23.0 48.0 27.0 2.88 9.36 11.0 84.9
4 1.88 24.0 53.0 18.4 2.13 8.65 12.0 71.9
5 1.92 23.0 53.0 18.0 2.15 8.37 11.8 71.1
6 1.90 22.0 52.5 18.0 2.15 8.37 11.5 72.7
7 1.88 24.0 53.0 18.0 2.13 8.44 11.5 73.3


Example 3

Test PoWer Cell Inlet Cell Outlet NaCl E?". Grams NaoCl GPL Current
# Cons. DC Temp Temp GPL NaCl/NaoCl GPL Theo. E?". %

1 1.87 19.0 39.0 25.5 3.27 7.80 10.3 75.9

2 1.99 19.5 39.0 26.0 3.19 8.15 11.6 70.4
3 1.80 19.5 39.0 26.5 3.40 7.80 9 8 79.2
4 1.83 19.5 39.0 25.5 3.33 7.66 9.8 77.7
5 1.90 19.5 38.0 27.0 3.49 7.73 10.4 74.5

[0052] The resulting current ef?ciencies for Examples 2 (I) passing an electric current throughout the electrolytic
and 3 Were above 70%. Example 2 typically has salt feed cell to produce hypochlorite; and
averaging less than 20 g/L. The power consumption (g) controlling the electric current so that the poWer
averaged 1.7 kWh per pound of hypochlorite produced consumption is less than 2.3 kWh per pound of
and the cell ef?ciency averaged 2.23 g/L salt consumed hypochlorite produced;
for each g/ L hypochlorite produced. Increased salt feed in
Example 3 resulted in an increase in cell ef?ciency ratio, Wherein the cell ef?ciency comprises less than 2.5 kg of
i.e. more feed salt used per gram of hypochlorite pro chloride salt consumed for every 1 kg of hypochlorite
duced. generated.
2. The process for producing a hypochlorite solution of
[0053] The foregoing description is illustrative and claim 1 Wherein the salt solution comprises sodium chloride,
explanatory of preferred embodiments of the invention, and the amount of sodium chloride consumed during the method
variations in the size, shape, materials and other details Will comprising less than 2.5 kg for every 1 kg of hypochlorite
become apparent to those skilled in the art. It is intended that generated.
all such variations and modi?cations Which fall Within the 3. The process of claim 1 Wherein the metallic base
scope or spirit of the appended claims be embraced thereby. material is selected from a group comprising titanium, iron,
steel, copper and nickel alloys, and the ?rst coating com
1. A process for producing a hypochlorite solution in an prises an oxide of the metallic base material.
electrolytic cell comprising: 4. The process of claim 1 Wherein the second coating
comprises a non-conductive ceramic selected from a group
(a) forming an aqueous based chloride solution With a
chloride salt; comprising yttria-stabiliZed Zirconia, Zirconia, titania, chro
mia and hastelloy.
(b) controlling the concentration of chloride Within the 5. The process of claim 1 Wherein the current ef?ciency is
solution to an amount comprising less than 20 g/L greater than 70%.
chloride salt; 6. The process of claim 1 Wherein the temperature of the
solution is maintained Within a range of about 15° C. to less
(c) piping the salt solution from step (a) to the electrolytic than 60° C.
cell, the electrolytic cell comprising an anode and a 7. A process for producing a hypochlorite solution in an
cathode, the cathode comprising a metallic base mate electrolytic cell comprising:
rial, a ?rst coating on the metallic base material and a
second non-conductive ceramic coating on the metallic (a) forming an aqueous based chloride solution With a
base material; chloride salt;
(d) alloWing the chloride solution to contact the anode; (b) controlling the concentration of chloride Within the
solution to an amount comprising less than 20 g/L
(e) alloWing the chloride solution to contact the cathode; chloride salt;
US 2007/0007146 A1 Jan. 11, 2007

(c) piping the salt solution from step (a) to the electrolytic (a) forming an aqueous based chloride solution With a
cell, the electrolytic cell comprising an anode and a chloride salt, the chloride solution comprising an
cathode, the cathode comprising a metallic base amount greater than 25 g/ L chloride salt,
selected from a group comprising titanium, iron, steel,
copper and nickel alloys, a ?rst coating on the metallic (b) piping the salt solution from step (a) to the electrolytic
base comprising an oxide of the metallic base material, cell, the electrolytic cell comprising an anode and a
and a second coating on the oxide of the metallic base cathode, the cathode comprising a metallic base
material comprising a non-conductive ceramic; selected from a group comprising titanium, iron, steel,
copper and nickel alloys, a ?rst coating on the metallic
(d) alloWing the chloride solution to contact the anode; base comprises an oxide of the metallic base material,
(e) alloWing the chloride solution to contact the cathode; and a second coating on the oxide of the metallic base
material comprising a non-conductive ceramic;
(f) passing an electric current throughout the electrolytic
cell to produce hypochlorite; and (c) alloWing the chloride solution to contact the anode;
(g) controlling the electric current so that the poWer (d) alloWing the chloride solution to contact-the cathode;
consumption is Within a range of about 1.8 kWh per
pound of hypochlorite produced to about 2.5 kWh per (e) passing an electric current throughout the electrolytic
pound of hypochlorite produced; cell to produce hypochlorite; and
Wherein the cell e?iciency comprises less than 2.5 kg of (i) controlling the poWer consumption Within an amount
chloride salt for every 1 kg of hypochlorite generated comprising less than 2.0 kWh per pound of hypochlo
and the current ef?ciency is maintained at greater than rite produced;
70%. Wherein the cell ef?ciency comprises less than 3.0 kg of
8. The process of claim 7 Wherein the chloride solution chloride salt consumed for every 1 kg of hypochlorite
comprises less than 20 g/L chloride salt generated and the current ef?ciency is maintained at
9. The process of claim 7 Wherein the chloride salt is greater than 80%.
selected from sodium chloride or potassium chloride.
10. A process for producing a hypochlorite solution in an 13. A process for producing a hypochlorite solution in an
electrolytic cell comprising: electrolytic cell comprising:
(a) forming an aqueous based sodium chloride solution; (a) forming an aqueous based sodium chloride solution,
the chloride solution comprising less than 20 g/L chlo
(b) piping the sodium chloride solution formed in step (a) ride salt;
to the electrolytic cell, the electrolytic cell comprising
an anode and a cathode, the cathode comprising a (b) piping the sodium chloride solution formed in step (a)
titanium base for conducting electrons, a ?rst coating to the electrolytic cell, the electrolytic cell comprising
on the titanium base, the ?rst coating comprising tita an anode and a cathode, the cathode comprising a
nium oxide, and a non-conductive yttria-stabiliZed Zir titanium base for conducting electrons, a ?rst coating
conia second coating applied to the titanium ?rst coat on the titanium base, the ?rst coating comprising tita
111%; nium oxide, and a non-conductive yttria-stabiliZed Zir
conia second coating applied to the titanium ?rst coat
(c) alloWing the chloride solution to contact the anode;
(d) alloWing the chloride solution to contact the cathode;
(c) alloWing the chloride solution to contact the anode;
(e) passing an electric current from the anode through the
solution to the cathode to produce hypochlorite; (d) alloWing the chloride solution to contact the cathode;
(f) controlling the electric current so that poWer consump (e) passing an electric current from the anode through the
tion is Within a range of about 1.5 kWh per pound of solution to the cathode to produce hypochlorite;
hypochlorite produced to about 2.0 kWh per pound of (i) controlling the poWer consumption so that the amount
hypochlorite produced; and of electrical poWer consumed comprises less than 2.0
(g) maintaining the temperature Within a range of about kWh per pound of hypochlorite produced; and
150 C. to about 600 C.;
(g) maintaining the temperature Within a range of about
Wherein the cell e?iciency comprises less than 2.5 kg of 150 C. to about60o C.;
chloride salt consumed for every 1 kg of hypochlorite
generated and the current ef?ciency is maintained at Wherein the cell ef?ciency comprises less than 2.5 kg of
greater than 70%. chloride salt consumed for every 1 kg of hypochlorite
11. The process of claim 10 Wherein the chloride solution generated and the current ef?ciency is maintained at
comprises less than 25 g/L chloride salt greater than 70%.
12. A process for producing a hypochlorite solution in an
electrolytic cell comprising:

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