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Control of the Economy

August 23, 2014 by John K.

International Legal Research

Information about Control of the Economy in free legal resources:

Treaties & Agreements

Control of the Economy in US treaties.

Control of the Economy in UN treaties.

Control of the Economy in UN Treaty Series website.

Control of the Economy in OAS treaties and agreements.

Control of the Economy in EU treaties.

Control of the Economy in EU international agreements.

Control of the Economy in UK's treaty obligations.

International Organizations

Control of the Economy in documents of the UN.

Control of the Economy in World Bank documents.

Control of the Economy in UN International Law Commission (ILC) documents.

Jurisprudence $ Commentary

Control of the Economy in documents from the international criminal courts and the UN (PDF).

More about Control of the Economy in this legal plataforma.

Definitions about Control of the Economy in the law dictionaries.

European Union

Control of the Economy in EU legal acts.

Control of the Economy in EU consolidated texts.

IP Law

Control of the Economy in IP national laws.

Control of the Economy in IP treaties.

Contents [hide]

Control of the Economy

Totalitarianism The Party and its Tools Control of the Economy

Introduction to Control of the Economy


Notes and References

Control of the Economy

Totalitarianism The Party and its Tools Control of the Economy

Introduction to Control of the Economy

The centrally controlled economy enables the totalitarian dictatorship to exploit its population for
foreign conquest and world revolution. For example, all resources can be concentrated on a single
important military project. The totalitarian type of economy enables the dictator to control the
workers and make them dependent on the government. Without a work permit none can work.
Work permits may be withdrawn for offenses such as objecting to foul working conditions. ” (1)


Notes and References

Information about Control of the Economy in the Encarta Online Encyclopedia

Guide to Control of the Economy

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from proceedings [...]...

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Further ReadingAbout the Author/s and Reviewer/sMentioned in these Entries International law
index E Earth Charter (2000) East African Community (EAC) Eastern Carelia (Request for Advisory
Opinion) Eastern Greenland Case EC-Bananas Case EC-Hormones Case Eco-Labelling Ecological
Protection Zones Economic Assistance Economic Coercion Economic Community of West African
States ...

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of resources; instead the planning agency assesses resource availability and reports this to the level
of government that determines pri......

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one European states formed to identify and collectively pursue areas of common interest, and to
provide a forum for the articulation of European unity. The council was formed by treaty in London
on May 5, 1949; [...]...
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components of the European Communities. In March 1957, the members of the European Coal and
Steel Community (France, Federal Republic of Germany, Italy, and the Benelux countries) expanded
the sphere of economic cooperation through the [...]...

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imposed by governments; such constraints are manifested in the form of tariffs, quotas, exchange
controls, and a variety of so-called nontariff barriers. Barriers usually arise to protect domestic
industries, [...]...

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Applied Company Law Contents of Applied Company Law Contents of this subject matter include:
Introduction; Alternative Business Structures Characteristics of a Company Company's liability in
Crime, Contract [...]...

Contracting Out Contracting-out Contracting-out in the International Trade Union Rights Area
Definition of Contracting-out provided by ITUC-CSI-IGB: The practice whereby an employer transfers
an aspect of its business operation to an external provider. Also called outsourcing. Not to be
confused with [...]...

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Treaties of the European Union Description of Court of Justice of the European Communities
provided by the European Union Commission: The Court of Justice is composed of the same number
of judges as there are Member States. At present it has [...]...

Dublin Convention Dublin Convention and Europe There is an entry on dublin convention in the
European legal encyclopedia. Resources See Also Further Reading Entry "Dublin Convention" in the
work "A Concise Encyclopedia of the European Union from Aachen to Zollverein", by Rodney Leach

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on economic and social committee (esc) in the European legal encyclopedia. Economic and Social
Committee and the European Union Resources See Also ESC Resources See Also Further Reading
Entry "Economic and Social [...]...

Customs Cooperation Council An international organization established for the purpose of

harmonizing the customs procedures and techniques of member countries. The agency is concerned
with the mechanics of customs administration and is not involved in matters relating to tariff levels
or similar substantive economic [...]...

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American and European Writers. Attention should be here called to the congress of Berlin, held July
13, 1878. [...]...

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(including Committees, H Volger, KA Annan -2010) The Oxford Handbook on the United Nations (TG
Weiss - 2007) International Law: A Dictionary (including Committees, Boczek, Boleslaw Adam -2005)
Dooge Committee [...]...

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ITUC-CSI-IGB: A system where union dues and fees are automatically deducted by the employer
from the workers' paychecks and then remitted to the respective union. Resources Trade Union
Topics Trade [...]...

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replaced the Lomé Convention. Its main objective is to create a new framework for co-operation
between the members of the [...]...

Deindustrialization Deindustrialization and International Trade Economy In relation to international

trade economy, Christopher Mark (1993) provided the following definition of Deindustrialization: A
term denoting a negative impact of international competition on the overall size of a country's
manufacturing [...]...

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green currencies in the European legal encyclopedia. Resources See Also Further Reading Entry
"Green Currencies" in the work "A Concise Encyclopedia of the European Union from Aachen to

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organized in return for a stipulation by the company that it will not trade in that country.......

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African Customs and Economic Union Outline The Central African Customs and Economic Union
(CACEU or UDEAC: Union Douanier et Economique de l'Afrique Centrale) The union came into
existence in 1966 pursuant to a treaty signed in 1964 by [...]...

Mature Economy A developed economy in which population growth is declining and new capital
investment is slowing. Mature economies tend to be highly urban and industrial. Many economists
hold that limited new investment in productive capital will, over time, result in economic stagnation
and high unemployment.......

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directed by a governmental authority, rather than by market forces. For purposes of trade reporting
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DirectionsSince the end of the Cold War, liberalism has generally prevailed over mercantilism and
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expansion in international trade, busines......

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World legal encyclopedia. Economy Find this subject in this World legal encyclopedia. Foreign Direct
Investment Find this subject in this World legal encyclopedia. Economic Law Find this subject in this

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Globalization of the Economy Resources See Also Economic Development Social development...

Hidden Economy Resources See Also Economy Economic System Legal System Capitalism...

Informal Economy Resources See Also Economy Economic System Legal System Capitalism...

Market Economy Resources See Also Economy Economic System Legal System Capitalism...

Planned Economy Resources See Also Economy Economic System Legal System Capitalism...

Dual Economy Resources See Also International Economic Law Economy Foreign Direct Investment
Economic Law...
Knowledge Economy Resources See Also International Economic Law Economy Foreign Direct
Investment Economic Law...

Parallel Economy Resources See Also International Economic Law Economy Foreign Direct
Investment Economic Law...

Rural Economy Resources See Also International Economic Law Economy Foreign Direct Investment
Economic Law...

Shadow Economy Resources See Also International Economic Law Economy Foreign Direct
Investment Economic Law...

Underground Economy Resources See Also International Economic Law Economy Foreign Direct
Investment Economic Law...

Agricultural Economy Resources See Also Rural Development Rural Community Land Law Farm
Agricultural Law Agriculture...

Social Economy Resources See Also Social Protection Social Security Employment Affairs Welfare

Social Market Economy Social Market Economy and Europe There is an entry on social market
economy in the European legal encyclopedia. Resources See Also Further Reading Entry "Social
Market Economy" in the work "A Concise Encyclopedia of the European Union from Aachen to
Zollverein", by Rodney [...]...

Steady State Economy Resources See Also International Economic Law Economy Foreign Direct
Investment Economic Law...

Cultural Political Economy ContentsCultural Political EconomyResourcesSee AlsoFurther Reading

Cultural Political Economy W.H. Sewell argued, in “The Concept(s) of Culture” (in V. Bonnell, and L.
Hunt (eds.) Beyond the Cultural Turn: New Directions in the Study of Society and Culture), “the
system has no existence apart from the succession of practices that instantiate, reproduce, or – most
interestingly – ...

Convention on the Organisation for Economic Co-operation and Development ContentsConvention

on the Organisation for Economic Co-operation and DevelopmentConclusionNotesSee
AlsoReferences and Further ReadingAbout the Author/s and Reviewer/sMentioned in these Entries
Convention on the Organisation for Economic Co-operation and Development Article 1 The aims of
the Organisation for Economic Co-operation and Development (hereinafter called the
“Organisation”) shall be to promote policies designed: (a) to achieve ... Read more...

Convention on the Organisation for Economic Co-operation and Development 2 Contents

Convention on the Organisation for Economic Co-operation and Development ConclusionNotesSee
AlsoReferences and Further ReadingAbout the Author/s and Reviewer/sMentioned in these Entries
Convention on the Organisation for Economic Co-operation and Development Article 1 The aims of
the Organisation for Economic Co-operation and Development (hereinafter called the
“Organisation”) shall be to promote policies designed: (a) ... Read more...

Council For Mutual Economic Cooperation Known commonly as Comecon, was organized by the
Soviet Union in 1949, in response to the Marshall Plan. Comecon's objective is to facilitate trade
among its members: consisting of the Soviet Union, the communist states of Eastern Europe
(excepting Albania), Mongolia, and Cuba; Yugoslavia has bee......

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