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A solo journaling game by S. Kaiya J.

Her Odyssey
A Caltrop Core x Aspire Game
by S. Kaiya J. (@mirror_lock)

A solo journaling RPG about a wanderer trying to

return home... or find a new home.

You Will Need:

X At least one d4
(for the base game, five are recommended)
X A standard deck of 54 playing cards
(including jokers)

Creating Your Who Is Your
Wanderer Wanderer?
You have eleven stat points to distribute as you like Take some time to answer the following questions
between these three stats. Assign numbers before playing:
between 1 and 5 to each.
X What is your wanderer’s name?
X Vitality: A principle of fire. Bodily strength,
the force of one’s presence. Roughly maps to X What are her pronouns?
Strength and Charisma. (While this text uses she/her, a wanderer may
use any pronouns.)
X Quickness: A principle of air. A cunning wit, a
deft and dexterous body. Roughly maps to X What does your wanderer seek?
Dexterity and Intelligence.
X What has your wanderer left behind?
X Fortitude: A principle of earth. Calm,
X Was your wanderer well prepared to set off on
steadfastness, self-belief. Roughly maps to
Constitution and Wisdom. the road?
X There is someone or something that your
wanderer loves and has lost. What is it?
X There is a shadow that follows your wanderer
and haunts her steps. What is it?

2 3
Gameplay consists of drawing cards from the deck,
determining what Hazard lies before your
wanderer, using your stats to meet the challenges
presented, and writing about the experience. You
may choose to write in a first-person journal
format or a third-person narrative. After you have
written about what your wanderer has faced and
suffered — or overcome — place the card in the
discard pile and prepare to draw again.

Ideally, you should draw a Hazard Card from the

deck each morning, spend the day considering
your wanderer’s journey and letting the story
passively develop in your mind, then return to the
game in the evening to make your stat checks and
record the results.

Drawing DIAMONDS Diamonds: Villages, towns, cities.
An illness. An abandoned dwelling.
HAZARD CARDS A false friend. A mirage or illusion. Mistrust.
Rumors and lies. An accident. A revelation.
When you draw a card, the numerical value of the
card, or the Omen Score, determines how difficult Hearts: Farmland, meadows, moors. A key.
the day ahead will be. (A = 1, J = 11, Q = 12, K = 13.) HEARTS Curiosity. Delayed consequences. An army.
The suit determines what kind of Hazard your A trap. An accusation. A malfunction.
wanderer faces; choose one or more from the A reflection of the wanderer’s lost love.
following prompts:

Spades: Forests, cliffs, deserts. A sudden

SPADES change in weather. Ruins. An ambush. An
oath. A misunderstanding. Doubts and
despair. A strange beast. A confrontation
with the wanderer’s shadow.

Clubs: Wastelands, mountains, the sea.

CLUBS A curse. A sudden change in terrain.
A crime. A threshold. Greed. A stranger in
need. An unknown language. A natural

Making Stat
In order to overcome the Hazard, your wanderer Absolute failure. You don’t get what
needs to use a stat appropriate to the method by D4
1_ON_ you want and things get a lot worse.
which she wants to address the problem. To make a
Partial failure. You don’t get what you
Stat Check, roll a number of d4s equal to the
value of the stat you’re using, and take the highest
2_ON_ want.
roll (discard the other rolls).
Partial success. You get what you want,
This value will determine whether the wanderer
3_ON_ but things get complicated.
succeeds at what she was trying to do, per the
Absolute success. You get what you
Caltrop Core base rules: D4
4_ON_ want - and more.

8 9
Based on the outcome of your first stat check, At the end of the day, total up the stat checks your
determine what kinds of new complications and wanderer made for the day’s Hazard, and compare
developments might arise related to the day’s the sum against the Omen Score. If your wanderer
Hazard. Your wanderer may want to use her other meets or exceeds the Omen Score, it is an
stats to address these story developments. You may Auspicious day: she is able to overcome the
choose to make a stat check with one, two, or all Hazard and pass through on favorable terms,
of your stats each day, but each stat may only be refreshed, under her own power, and possibly with
used for one stat check per day. new friends. If your wanderer does not exceed the
Omen Score, it is an Inauspicious day: she may
be chased away, suffer indignities, be injured, or
escape the Hazard only at the cost of something
important to her. Keep a tally of the number of
Auspicious and Inauspicious days your wanderer
has encountered.

Some Omen Scores are not attainable under the

base system at the beginning of the game. This is

10 11
Your Wanderer’s
No wanderer is in full possession of her own fate. Travel is tiring, and exhaustion easily catches
It is possible to roll a success for each individual wanderers on the road. When you attain an
stat check but fail to meet the Omen Score. It is Auspicious day, each stat that was used to
also possible to fail each stat check but have an contribute towards stat checks decreases by one.
Auspicious day overall. This represents elements of Conversely, failure provides opportunity for
chance, fate, or the world intervening. Take note of learning and growth, and rest is restorative. When
these outside elements, and develop them– they you attain an Inauspicious day, each stat that was
may become intriguing recurring elements of the not used for stat checks that day increases by one.
story in their own right. Stats cannot exceed 5 or fall below 1.

12 13
False & TRUE
The first joker drawn is a False Homecoming. This is now your fourth stat, Hope. From now
Your wanderer reaches a place that she believes is onward, at any time you may subtract 1 from
her lost home - or can be a new home - but she is your Hope stat and add 1 to the result of an
thwarted in some way. She may find she is a individual stat check. However, if your Hope stat
stranger here, her home may no longer be what ever reaches 0, your wanderer loses all hope and
she remembers, or her needs and self- abandons her journey.
understanding may have changed beyond
recognition. After the False Homecoming, continue to keep
track of Auspicious and Inauspicious days, but they
Reflect on what your wanderer has been through will not affect your Hope stat [or your Doom stat;
so far and how her experiences have shaped what see variation on page 19]. The second joker is the
she desires. Has her journey been mostly True Homecoming. Your wanderer’s journey
Auspicious or Inauspicious so far? How does she comes to an end. Take time to write about all she
feel about her travels? has seen and done, and the joys and scars her
experiences have given her.
Then count the number of Auspicious days that
your wanderer has had.

14 15
of play
My wanderer’s stats are currently Vitality 3, At this point she decides to carry him and look for
Quickness 1, and Fortitude 4. a settlement, and she rolls Fortitude to see if she
can endure the burden long enough to find other
I draw the five of clubs, and determine that the people. Rolling 4 d4s, she finds a 4 as her highest
Hazard is a stranger in need: a young man is roll. Not only does she succeed in coming across a
trapped under a fallen boulder. My wanderer rolls settlement before she grows too weary, but it
Vitality to try to push the boulder away, and rolls happens to be the village that the young man is
3 d4. The highest of these is a 3 - she manages to from, and everyone is overjoyed to see him
push the boulder off with a great heave, but there’s returned. They readily believe that the wanderer
a complication; the man’s leg is broken, and he was trying to help him, and give her food and
cannot go anywhere on his own. lodging for free.
My wanderer decides to try to roll Quickness to The total of the day’s rolls was 8, far more than
see if she can remember how to splint his leg. She the Omen Score of 5. It has been an Auspicious
rolls a 1; not only does she not succeed in treating day, and each of the stats used goes down by 1.
him, but the pain of the attempt has caused him to Vitality is now 2, Quickness remains at 1, and
pass out. Fortitude is now 3.

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You may add any combination of these variations The Hour of Doom
to your game to customize your experience! When you reach the False Homecoming, in addition
to gaining the Hope stat based on Auspicious days,
The Heroic Journey
you also gain a Doom stat equal to the number of
When you roll a stat check, instead of rolling a Inauspicious days your wanderer has had. On
number of d4s equal to the stat, roll just one d4 Auspicious days, no Doom is expended. On
and add the value of your stat to the result. The Inauspicious days, automatically lose as much
outcome of individual stat checks still depends on Doom as you would need to meet the Omen Score
the value on the d4, but this variant makes it easier exactly. If the Doom stat reaches 0, your wanderer
to meet the day’s Omen Score. dies.

The Uncertain Road The Measured Path

Each day after making your daily Hazard draw, Remove the jokers from the deck. The False
instead of placing the card in the discard pile, Homecoming occurs after you have drawn 25
return the card to the deck and shuffle the deck. cards; the True Homecoming occurs after you have
drawn 40 cards.

18 19
Writer/Designer: Fonts:
S. Kaiya J. (@mirror_lock) Headline: TheNightWatch by obys Body: Alvarado by Hector Torres
Art/Layout: AYolland Pips: Dicier by SpeaktheSky
Produced by Knave of Cups Credits: Fira Sans Extra Condensed by Carrois Apostrophe
Created on un-ceded Chinook land. Ambient Music Playlist:
Curated by Knave of Cups for good
Caltrop Core by: @titanomachyRPG,
vibes to enhance play:
@aghostofeli, @n_quests
@Antharal, @CountessCassi, @ElfSy1,
@LordPaido, @Weirdman3214
TERFs, Nazis, and bigots: piss off.

Aspire is a toolkit to build solo or multiplayer games that tell complex stories
with narrative turning points that change the rules of the game.

May lantern-light
ever illuminate your way.


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