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МЕТА: Навчити учнів 5 класу ДМ за темою “Health care”.

ОБЛАДНАННЯ: друкований текст діалогу-зразка, підстановча таблиця дошка.

Eтап 1.  Навчання реплікування 

Мета: 1) навчити учнів реагувати на подану репліку,
2) відповідати реплікою на репліку,
3) вчити продукувати ініціативну репліку,
4)  вчити учнів ставити і відповідати на питання.
Прийоми: вправи на підстановку, на підстановку з опорою, на самостійне вживання
мовного зразка, відповіді на запитання

T: Good morning, everyone. I’m glad to see you.

Ps: We are glad to see you too.
T: How are you? (P1…P2…P3….)
T: Do like hospitals? (P1…P2…P3….)
T: I also don’t like them. I visit hospitals to check my health. And you?
P1: I visit hospitals to check my health too,
P2: I visit hospitals when I’m ill.
P3: I visit hospitals only to check my health and when I’m ill.
T: Who can help us at hostital? (Doctor).What do you think who is a doctor? (P1...P2…P3…)
T: Doctor can ask us about our symptoms. Do you remember the name of symptoms? Let’s name
them and show what they mean.
(Teacher makes actions with students).
sore throat (take the throat), cough (make a cough ), headache (touch head), toothache (touch
teech), stomachache (touch a stomach), cold (touch your nose).
T: Pay attention to the task 1. What should you do when you are i’ll? Ask it your desk-make.
1. Should you stay in bed?
2. Should you go yo shool?
3. Should you play outside?
4. Should you take some medicine?
5. Should you have some soup?

Етап ІІ. Оволодіння ДЄ
Мета: навчити учнів самостійно вживати різні види ДЄ
Прийоми: робота в парах

T: Look at task 2. Listen the dialogue.

A: What’s matter?
B: I’ve got a sore throat!
A: You should take an aspirin, then!

T: Now, repeat after me.

T: Now, make your own dialogue with your friend. Use words in the table.

Етап ІІІ. Об’єднання ДЄ у мікродіалоги

Мета: навчити об’єднувати засвоєні ДЄ у мікродіалоги на основі підстановчої таблиці
Прийоми: прослуховування мікродіалогу, створення власного мікродіалогу за
підстановчою  таблицею.

T: Look at task 2. Listen the dialogue.

Ann: You sound horrible.

Tony: Yes, my throat hurts!
Ann: Oh! I hope you feel better soon.

T: Now, repeat after me.

T: Now, make your own dialogue with your friend. Use words in the table.

Етап IV. Створення власного діалогу на основі запропонованої комунікативної

Мета: навчити вести діалог-розпитування у типовій комунікативній ситуації.
Прийоми: робота в парах, продукування власного діалогу.

T.: Work in pairs and make up your own dialogues.

P.1: Recently your friend got ill. Ask him about his symptoms, his activities. Give your friend
some advises: what he should and what he shouldn’t do.

P.2: Your are  ill. Tell your friend about your symptoms and what you are doing during the day.
Ask your friend about some advises: what you should and what you shouldn’t do.
Task 1. What should you do when you are i’ll? Ask tour friend.

1. Should you stay in bed?

2. Should you go yo shool?
3. Should you play outside?
4. Should you take some medicine?
5. Should you have some soup?

Task 2. Listen and repeat, then talk with your friend.

A: What’s matter?
B: I’ve got a sore throat!
A: You should take an aspirin, then!

a) stay in bed b) have some soup c) stay at


Task 3. Listen, repeat and ask your friend.

Ann: You sound horrible.

Tony: Yes, my throat hurts!
Ann: Oh! I hope you feel better soon.

˗ Look terrible ˗ Look terrible

˗ Head heart ˗ Chest hurt

˗ Look terrible ˗ Look terrible

˗ Stomach hurt ˗ Tooth hurt

Task 4. Make dialogue

P.1: Recently your friend got ill. Ask him about his symptoms, his activities. Give
your friend some advises: what he should and what he shouldn’t do.

P.2: Your are  ill. Tell your friend about your symptoms and what you are doing
during the day. Ask your friend about some advises: what you should and what
you shouldn’t do.

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