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Peperoni pizza

Makes 8 servings

 1 3/4 cup - Almond flour

 3 tbsp - Coconut flour
 1/2 tsp - Xanthan gum
 1/2 tsp - Baking powder
 1/4 tsp - Onion powder
 2 - Egg
 2 tbsp - Coconut oil
 6 tbsp - Pizza sauce
 1 1/2 cup (shredded) - Mozzarella cheese
 24 slice - Pepperoni
 1/4 tsp - Garlic powder


1. Preheat the oven to 425°F.

2. In a bowl, whisk together almond flour, coconut flour, xanthan gum, baking
powder, onion powder, garlic powder, and salt to taste.
3. Add eggs and melted coconut. Mix all well until a smooth dough has been
4. Working with your hands, knead the dough into a ball and place it between
two sheets of parchment paper.
5. Roll out the dough to any shape you prefer, Rolling up the edges of the
dough to create an outer crust.
6. Transfer the crust to a pizza tray and bake for 5 minutes or until lightly
7. Spread pizza sauce over crust and top with shredded cheese and
pepperoni slices.
8. Change oven temperature to 450°F and bake pizza for 3-4 minutes or until
cheese is melted.
Makes 4 servings

 2 medium - Zucchini
 14 oz - Ground Beef
 2 tsp - Garlic powder
 2 tsp, ground - Oregano
 2 tsp - Dill
 1 small - Onion
 0.5 cup - Marinara/Tomato sauce
 2 tbsp - Pesto
 4 tbsp - Olive oil
 4 tbsp - Parmesan Cheese
 4 tbsp - Parsley
 to taste - Salt
 to taste - Black pepper
The directions to make Bolognese Zoodles are in the section below, but first, please
take a moment to learn about our personalized Keto plans.


1. Grease a frying pan with half the amount of olive oil and place over medium heat.
2. Add onions and half of the garlic powder, dried oregano, and dried dill. Mix well
and cook until translucent.
3. Add the meat and cook for 12-15 minutes, stirring occasionally. Stir in the marinara
sauce and sprinkle with the remaining garlic powder, dried dill, and oregano.
Continue to cook for another 5-10minutes. Remove from the heat and set aside.
4. Run zucchini through the spiralizer to create noodles.
5. Place a nonstick pan over medium heat and pour the remaining oil and noodles.
6. Add pesto and chopped parsley. Season with salt and pepper to taste and stir well.
7. Cook until noodles are completely soft.
8. Transfer zucchini noodles to a serving bowl and top with the prepared Bolognese.
9. Sprinkle with grated parmesan.

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