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Health Optimizing
Physical Education 4
Most Essential Engages in moderate to vigorous physical activities (MVPAs) for
Competency at least 60 minutes most days of the week in a variety of settings
in- and out of school.

In the long run and on your own, as a student, you will be able to use information critically and
execute different activities creatively to develop and maintain one’s holistic fitness in faith, excellence and
After completing the lessons in this module, you will be able to:
1. identify the different mountaineering sites in the Philippines and the first Filipinos who conquered
Mt. Everest;
2. enumerate helpful tips to prepare oneself for mountaineering;
3. feature the importance of establishing connection with Mother Nature through a poem.

Initial Task: Pre-Test

I- MULTIPLE CHOICE: Encircle the letter of the correct answer

1. The first Filipino who summited Mt. Everest.
A.Dale Abenojar B. Noelle Wenceslao C. Carina Dayondon

2. The highest mountain in the Philippines.

A.Mt. Apo B. Mt. Pinatubo C. Mt. Pulag

3. The first Filipina who conquered the peak of Mt. Everest.

A.Dale Abenojar B. Noelle Wenceslao C. Carina Dayondon

4. The mountain that you can see in province of Pampanga, Zambales and Tarlac.
A.Mt. Apo B. Mt. Pinatubo C. Mt. Pulag

5.The mountain in Luzon that is known for sea of clouds.

A.Mt. Apo B. Mt. Pinatubo C. Mt. Pulag

Unlocking of Difficulties

Summit is the highest point of a hill or mountain.

Source: Oxford languages

Lecturette 2
Lesson 2 I

What is Mountaineering?
(Also referred to as 'mountain climbing' or ―mainly in Europe―
'Alpinism') is the sport of climbing a mountain......Depending on the case,
mountaineering may involve using technical equipment and combining a series of related skills like
scrambling, climbing, glacier travel, ice climbing or mixed climbing.

What is the purpose of

Mountaineering is the act of trekking and climbing mountains, often with specialized equipment.
The sport of mountaineering aims at reaching the highest point of mountains (peak), minor and major

What are the benefits of

`There are numerous benefits to mountaineering. The most obvious benefits are improving
both your physical fitness and cardiovascular fitness levels as well as reducing body fat through
aerobic exercise. It also develops appreciation and respect to environment.

How to prepare oneself for

etting a view from the top of the world is something you would never forget. But to get up to the

contrary to what you might think, getting into mountaineering can be easier than it would seem at first g


1. Begin with backpacking

Taking baby steps to becoming a great mountaineer means starting off with the basics –

If your ultimate goal is to be able to climb some of the tallest mountains in the world, you can’t just
start by climbing a mountain. The first thing you need to do is begin backpacking. Backpacking is where
you hike to a destination, but do it for days, meaning you will have to camp out in the outdoors.
Mountaineering is just like backpacking, only you are doing it at extreme elevations in extreme weather.
Become familiar with how backpacking works by going on short trips first, then you can aim higher.

2. Go camping
While you might be an avid camper already, if you want to be a mountaineer you need to
be camping all year round. No weather conditions should deter you from going camping, as they’ll give you
the experience in setting up a tent and camp whether it is rain, snow, or shine. Regardless of the mountain
that you are aiming to climb, they are all at high elevations, which means that it is going to be extremely cold
at night. If you are not acclimatized to sleeping outside in the cold, you might find yourself miserable or
in trouble camping up on a mountain. If you practice your cold-weather camping skills, including how to
prepare food, in a less life-threatening environment, you will have a better chance of success as a
mountaineer when you set out for the mountain.

3. Join a rock climbing gym

You should be prepared for the mountain. This means apart from being fit, you should also
know rock climbing to a certain extent.

Perhaps the mountain that you are hoping to climb is relatively easy and has cut trails. But even if
that is the case, you need to know what to do if things do not go your way like a trail has been covered, you
get lost, or something has broken the path, and you have to forge a new one. You will need to know the
basics of rock climbing to keep yourself safe. At a climbing gym, you will get practice in a controlled
and safe environment, learning how to use a harness, belay, and even know how to tie a rope to
support yourself or a companion. You will also learn what type of rocks you can grip with your hands and
feet and how to hoist yourself over a rock when you need to.

4. Take a mountaineering class

Classes are not offered everywhere you go, but they are offered in larger cities and at outdoor stores. I

5. Hire a guide
If you are not familiar with a particular mountain, hiring a guide for the journey may be a great idea
– this helps you avoid any pitfalls, dangerous routes, and allows you to summit a mountain successfully
with no injuries.

Maybe climbing a mountain on your own is a bit beyond your reach at the moment. If you do
not have a lot of experience backpacking or camping, you might want to start with hiring a guide to take
you up a particular mountain. A guide is a professional mountaineer who has had plenty of experience in
climbing and what you are supposed to proceed. A pro will keep you safe and ensure that you are doing
all of the things that you should be doing to reach the summit safely and descend without any issue or
concern. Your local outdoor store should have some ideas on what guides are out there, but if you
are looking at a specific mountain, you should be able to find someone who has already climbed the
mountain in question from a basic online search. However, do your research as you do not want to wind
up with someone who claims to know more than they do.

6. Acquire all of the gear that you need

Your gear is what will keep you safe on your mountaineering journey – so check and double check
all your gear as well as make sure it’s up to the task.
Now you do not want to just go out and buy all of the gear that you see when it comes to
mountaineering. Any gear that you have is going to have to be hauled up the mountain on your back,
so you are not going to want to be over-burdened by your pack. That said, you also need to be prepared.
Your clothing will need to be the warmest possible, ensuring that the cold will not be able to reach your skin.
You will also need a mountaineering harness, helmet, crampons, good mountain boots, ice ax, and a small
tent to protect you from the elements at night. There are a lot of mountaineering books out on the
market that should be able to steer you to purchasing the right gear you need.

7. Remember safety
The most important thing to remember when it comes to mountaineering, is that you need to be
safe above all else. Do not set out unprepared or without proper research. It is too easy to get altitude
sickness, fall off a mountain, fall into a crevice, fall victim to an avalanche, or find yourself suffering
from frostbite. You should not climb a mountain on a whim or you could find yourself in a world of trouble.
Take all necessary precautions, tell people where you are going, and if possible, take a tracking beacon with
you. Once you are safe and prepared, then you are ready to go on the adventure of a lifetime.

The Mountaineering Sites in the Philippines


Elevation: 2,922 m
Location: Luzon
Region: Benguet
Mountain range: Cordillera Central

Elevation: 2,954 m
Location: Davao City; Digos;
Kidapawan (Mindanao)
Region: Cotabato, Davao del Sur


Elevation: 2,058 m
Prominence: 2,058 m
Region: Romblon
Province: Romblon


MT. EVEREST is Earth's highest mountain above sea


Elevation: 8,848 m Trending

First ascent: 29 May 1953 o
Prominence: 8,848 m
First ascenders: Edmund Hillary,
Tenzing Norgay
Countries: Nepal, China
Mountain range: Himalayas, Mahalangur Himal

Filipino The

Summiteers in
Mt. Everest


Bible Verse

Lesson Reflection



Directions: Answer the following questions in your own words.

Content 7 points
Conciseness 2
points Neatness 1 point
10 points

1.What is the essence of mountaineering in developing one’s fitness?

2.How do you equip yourself in preparation for mountaineering? Cite concrete scenarios.

Final Task

Directions: Write a poem about the relationship/ connection of man to nature. Be sure to have four verses
in each stanza.


Criteria 5 4 3 2 1
The poem goes perfectly together
Use of Poetic Elements
Uses poetic elements to enhance the readers emotion
The poem has rhythm from each verses
The poem uses metaphors and similes


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