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Fresh water sponge is: (A) Sycon (B) Leucosolenia (C) Spongilla (D) Euplectella
2. Laminaria is an example of:(A) Red algae(B) Diatoms (C) Green algae (D) Brown algae
3. The imperfect fungi are also called: (A) Basidiomycetes (B) Ascomycetes (C) Deuteromycetes (D) Zygomycetes
4. Fungi are heterotrophs that lack cellulose in their cell wall and contain a chemical found in external skeleton of arthropods: (A)
Cutin (B) Lignin (C) Pectin(D)Chitin
5. The major cell infected by HIV is the helper: (A) A-Monocyte (B) T-Monocyte (C) B-Lymphocyte (D)T-Lymphocyte
6. The basic unit of classification is: (A) Genus (B) Phylum (C) Class (D) Species
7. Which is found in primary wall? (A)Silica (B) Pectin (C) Lignin (D) Cutin
8. In eukaryotic cell, Ribosomes are assembled in: (A) Nucleus (B) Cytoplasm (C) Endoplasmic reticulum (D) Nucleolus
9. Cell membrane has 60-80%: (A) Lipids (B) Proteins (C) Carbohydrates (D) Vitamins
10. The enzymes which are involved in protein synthesis are integral part of: (A) Chromosomes (B) Peroxisomes (C)
Lysosomes(D) Ribosomes
11. If the non-protein part of enzyme is covalently bonded, it is called: (A) Co-factor (B) Activator (C) Co-enzyme (D) Prosthetic
12. Lock and key model was proposed by: (A)Emil Fischer (B) Koshland (C) Rudolph Virchow (D) Lorenz Oken
13. Poisons like cyanide, antibiotics, anti-metabolites and some drugs are examples of: (A) Enzymes (B)Inhibitors (C) Coenzyme
(D) Holenzymes
14. Keratin is an example of Fibrous protein present in: (A) Nails (B) Blood (C) Muscles(D) Bones
15. Globular proteins differ from fibrous proteins in: (A) Having amino acids(B) Their repeating units joined by peptide bond (C)
Being soluble in aqueous medium (D) Being non-crystalline
16. The study of distribution of animals in nature is called: (A) Zoogeography (B) Biodiversity (C) Geography (D) Wild life
17. The most recent era is: (A) Proterozoic (B) Paleozoic (C) Cenozoic (D) Mesozoic
Short Questions.
1. What do you know about amoeba?
2. Give two examples of chlorophyta.
3. What is Trypanosoma? What disease does it cause?
4. Give role of Tsetse fly as vector in the transmission of a specific disease
5. What is the role of contractile vacuole in fresh water ciliates?
6. Difference b/w rust and smut?
7. Define Para sexuality?
8. How Lichens are very good bioindicators of air quality?
9. Karyogamy vs plasmogamy
10. What is Budding?
11. Adaptations in fungi for survival?
12. What are capsids made up of?
13. Write four symptoms of AIDS.
14. Differentiate b/w Apoenzyme and Holoenzyme.
15. Define inhibitor and give 3 examples
16. Competitive + example vs Noncompetitive inhibition.
17. Define Enzyme.
18. Differentiate between lytic and lysogenic phage.
19. What is a virion
20. What is meant by cell fractionation?
21. Types of endoplasmic reticulum and their function?
22. What are gogi apparatus? Function of Golgi apparatus?
23. Define Globular proteins + examples
24. Give two function of WAXEs
25. Define Nucleotide? + Example.
26. In 1951 Describe Erwin Chargaff work?
27. Differentiate between molecular biology and biotechnology
28. Define Physiology and Biomes?
29. How we can determine the age of rocks?
30. Define Ecosystem and community? One example of each.
Long Questions.
1. Importance of fungi Gains as well as Losses.
3. Write lifecycle of bacteriophage with help of diagram.
4. Write a note on plasma membrane.
5. Importance of Water.
6. Write a note on biological method.

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