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Học phần: Giao thoa văn hóa

Giảng viên hướng dẫn: Nguyễn Thị Thanh Bình

Sinh viên thực hiện: Phạm Thị Nhụy

Mã sinh viên: 20F7511006

Hue, 06/2022
1. Introduction
During the next 25 years from 1890 to 1915, a national debate raged over whether
the teaching method and the accompanying meritocracy reforms - prevailed in
professional education in the United States. or not. Over the past decade, the study of
entrepreneurship has seen tremendous growth worldwide. There seems to be a
widespread perception that education is the engine that drives the economy and
society of most countries. Today, both academics and policymakers recognize the
importance of teaching methods in education. Most entrepreneurship education
programs have distinct goals, which can be both specific and immediately measurable,
as well as more general and complex goals. By identifying different goals of teaching
methods, we can also gain a deeper understanding of educational needs such as
understanding the effectiveness of foreign students' learning.
Since the 1980s, experts have identified different teaching methods that address key
areas of school readiness and the different stages of students' cognitive, social, and
emotional development. The current article provides a review of the current literature
on American teaching methods. The paper further examines the influence of American
teaching methods on Vietnamese students. In fact, there are different approaches and
strategies that each individual uses to explain this aspect. The article is intended to
answer the question the following question:
1). What method are Americans teaching?
2). How do American teaching methods affect Vietnamese students?
In the following sections, this article has been structured into five sections. The first
section is described evaluation methods. An overview of American teaching methods
was presented in the second part. The third part is taken into account the influence of
teaching methods on Vietnamese students. Finally, the paper concluded with a
discussion of the results and research.
2. Methodology of Review
- I conducted an extensive and systematic literature review to identify relevant
primary sources on the influence of American teaching methods on Vietnamese
students. Several articles published in peer-reviewed journals from related disciplines
were identified using various methods. Keyword list, databases that
- I could give exact results. I searched for only peer-reviewed articles on the following
databases: Google, Google SCHOLAR.
- I used various keywords such as (1) American +teaching methods, (2) impacts, (3)
influence + Vietnamese students, and (4) purpose.
3. Teaching methods
The teaching method comprises the principles and methods used by teachers to enable
student learning. These strategies are determined partly by the subject matter to be
taught and partly by the nature of the learner. For a particular teaching method to be
appropriate and efficient it has to be in relation to the characteristic of the learner and
the type of learning it is supposed to bring about. Suggestions are there to design and
selection of teaching methods that must take into account not only the nature of the
subject matter but also how students learn (Westwood, P. 2008). In today's school, the
trend is that it encourages much creativity. It is a known fact that human advancement
comes through reasoning. Indeed, this reasoning and original thought enhance
creativity. It is said that good teaching is a good explanation. This issue reflects the
belief that the capacity to explain is critically important in teaching. According to Behr
(1988: 189), the art of explaining - the ability to provide understanding to others - is
the central activity of teaching. Thus, to achieve the goal of teaching, the teacher must
adopt effective teaching methods that can lead to learners understanding the subject
being taught. Teaching technique is the manner in which instructors supply the topics
to college students by the use of sure techniques similar to the traits of college
students that were encountered. Each pupil has one-of-a-kind traits from the very
clever, moderate, and there may be additionally much less capable of getting hold of
classes quickly. Therefore, a trainer ought to be capable of observing the studying
technique according to the traits of college students. Unless the scholars whose
middle-low capacity will be left in the back of with inside the know-how of the fabric
this is presented. And it will motivate the scholars cited who aren't involved and lazy
to research due to the fact they have felt not able to do. Besides, the term teaching
method refers to the general principles, pedagogy, and management strategies used for
classroom instruction. The teacher's choice of teaching method depends on what fits
them — their educational philosophy, classroom demographic, subject area(s), and
school mission statement. Teaching methods can be organized into four categories
based on two major parameters: a teacher-centered approach versus a student-centered
approach, and high-tech material use versus low-tech material use.
3. American teaching method
3.1 Teacher-Centered Approach
The teacher-centered approach sees the teacher as an active part of the teacher-student
learning relationship, as the teacher passes on information to the students that
passively receive it. Students are then assessed in a number of ways, such as through
tests and various types of exams. The teacher is the expert and authority of the
classroom and teaches the students directly.
3.2 Independent thinking
The American teaching method focuses on developing students' independent thinking
skills. Instead of just giving students basic knowledge and skills, teachers often
encourage students to explore and discover themselves to develop independent
thinking skills and encourage them to ask questions and learn more about themselves.
discussion to achieve learning goals.
3.3 Focus on problem-solving skills
The American teaching method focuses on developing problem-solving skills.
Students are encouraged to search and analyze information, come up with solutions,
and take action to solve problems. This process helps students develop logical and
creative thinking skills.
3.4. Practical learning
The American teaching method also focuses on applying knowledge in practice.
Students are encouraged to participate in practical activities, such as internships at
companies, participation in social projects, or science competitions, which help them
to put their acquired knowledge into practice and develop new skills. Develop team
working and effective communication skills.
3.5 Using technology in teaching: The American teaching method also focuses on the
use of technology in teaching. Teachers use teaching aids, such as computers,
interactive whiteboards, educational software, and online learning applications to
increase interactivity and effectiveness in teaching.
In short, American teaching methods focus on developing independent thinking skills,
problem-solving abilities, communication skills, and practical application of
knowledge. In addition, this method also uses technology to increase interactivity and
effectiveness in teaching.
4. Impact of Americans teaching Methods on Vietnamese Students
4.1 Purpose of teaching methods
The main objective of explanation in teaching methods is to enable the learners to take
an intelligent interest in the lesson, to grasp the purpose of what is being done, and to
develop their own insight and understanding of how to do it (Rahaman 2004). In
addition, and with specific reference to technology education, the explanation is used
in classroom teaching to provide students with an understanding of the complex and
interrelated nature of technology, which is technical, procedural, conceptual, and
social (Hansen and Froelick 1994). Piaget's theory has had a major impact on the
theory and practice of education. It has helped to create a view where the focus of
attention is on the idea of developmentally appropriate education. This refers to an
educational environment, curriculum, materials, and instruction that are consistent
with student’s physical and cognitive abilities as well as their social and emotional
needs. There are four main purposes teaching methods drawn from Piaget's theory
(Slavin, 2005):
First, a focus on the process of students' thinking, not just its products. Instead of
checking for a correct answer, teachers should simply emphasize the student's
understanding and the process they used to get the answer.
Secondly, recognition of the crucial role of students’ self-initiated, active
involvement in learning activities. In a Piagetian classroom, children are encouragedto
discover themselves through spontaneous interaction with the
environment, rather than the presentation of ready-made knowledge.
A deemphasis on practices aimed at making children adult-like in their
thinking. This refers to what Piaget referred to as the "American question"
which is "How can we speed up development?". His belief is that trying to
speed up and accelerate children's process through the stages could be worse
than no teaching at all.
Finally, acceptance of individual differences in developmental progress.
Piaget's theory asserts that children go through the same developmental
stages, however, they do so at different rates. Because of this, teachers must
make a special effort to arrange classroom activities for individuals and groups of
students rather than for the whole class group.
Correspondingly, The educational meaningful of Piaget's theory is the
adaptation of instruction to the learner's development level. It is important that
the content of instruction needs to be consistent with the developmental level of
the learner.
Similarly, the teacher’s main role is the facilitation of learning by providing
various experiences for the students. "Discovery Learning" allows
opportunities for students to explore and experiment while encouraging new
understandings. Opportunities that allow learners of different cognitive levels
to work together often help encourage less high understanding of the material. One
future implication for the instruction of students is the use of hands-on expereiences to
help students learn (Wood, 2008)
4.2 Influence of Americans teaching Methods on Vietnamese Students
Studying in the US is a wonderful experience for Vietnamese international students,
but there are also many challenges and difficulties that they may face. Here are some
of the main difficulties that Vietnamese students face when studying in the US:
Culture and language: International students in Vietnam may have difficulty adapting
to the new American culture and language. They need to learn and better understand
the culture of studying and living in the US in order to be able to adapt better.
Academic pressure: Studying in the US is highly competitive, requiring international
students to achieve high academic achievement to meet the school's requirements and
achieve personal goals. This is one of the main difficulties that Vietnamese students
face when studying in the US, especially when faced with new subjects and different
teaching methods.
Social and Cultural Issues: International students in Vietnam may face various social
and cultural problems while studying in the US, such as racial, gender, or religious
discrimination. and culture. They need to learn how to deal with these problems
intelligently and effectively to ensure a safe and healthy learning and living
5. Conclusion and future research
The present paper has provided a review of the current literature on the
Americans teaching methods and their influence on Vietnamese students. The
review sought to find out American teaching methods and the influence of
those methods on Vietnamese students. The former section also helps to deal
with this problem relatively suitably. Future research investigations are needed
in different contexts, as many of the studies have been conducted in Asia and
the United States. Moreover, it could investigate on a combination of teaching
methods in this course. Examining this result in other courses could be another
research. In a nutshell, what is essential to every student’s development and
ability to acquire knowledge in learning methods is a positive learning
experience. By paying attention to an individual student’s strengths and areas
in need of improvement, teachers can gradually improve and ensure progress.
1. History of Education Quarterly, 46(2), Summer 2006, pp.
191 - 247.
4. Westwood, P. (2008). What teachers need to know about Teaching
methods. Camberwell, Vic, ACER Press
6.Behr AL 1988. Exploring the lecture method: An empirical study. Studies in
Higher Education, 13(2): 189–200.

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