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What is Blue Economy

The blue economy refers to the sustainable use of ocean resources for economic growth
while preserving marine ecosystems and supporting coastal communities. It involves
sectors like fisheries, aquaculture, tourism, renewable energy, and marine
biotechnology, with a focus on responsible practices and balancing economic
development with environmental conservation.

2. Why indonesia is the most suitable country to apply blue economy

It is because, As an archipelagic country with an ocean covering more than two-thirds of

the country's area, building a sustainable ocean economy is vital for Indonesia.

3. What is UN SDG

UN SDG is United Nations Sustainable Development Goals, Protecting our oceans is one
of the 17 Global Goals.

4. What is the focus blue economy

The blue economy need to focus on how and by whom the ocean will be developed,
how and to whom benefits will be given, how harms will be minimized, and who will take
responsibility for environmental and social results.

5. Why is building a sustainable ocean economy vital for Indonesia?

Indonesia's strategic position has also provided the potential for Indonesia in influencing
political and economic stability in the region and taking leadership in the sustainable
ocean development.

1. False, Because not one-thirds but two-thirds country’s area

2. True

3. True

4. True

5. False, because it's not land but it should be sea

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