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REPORT TO: CEO of the Department for Internal Affairs (DIA) FRO! erformance Management Consultant DATE: 12/11/2022 SUBJECT: Performance Management INTRODUCTION The purpose of this report is to recommend two key performance indicators (KPIs) per the Mnister’s advisers CSFs along with justifications for the changes in the CSFs as suggested by the Ministers adviser. We will explain the 3E's in assessing a VFM service and evaluate if DP provides this VFM service. Finallly we will evaluate and recommend the use of an internaltional police force performance league table and its links to targets for DP with an explanation of how the use of league tables and targets might affect police officers’ behaviour. The Deeland Police's (DP) mission statement is; “to protect the community and prevent crime while providing a value for money service.’ Therfore the CEO of the Department for Internal Affairs identified the four CSFs to action as below for the DP; 1. Protecting and supporting those at risk of harm, 2. Ensuring criminals are caught and brought before the courts 3. Achieving long-term sustainable solutions to the causes of crime 4, Addressing new forms of crime arising in the virtual world The new Minister's political campaign was based around criticism of the previous government's perceived failure and wants improvement in the first three CSFs. The Minister was also advised that the above listed CSFs were too vague and in order to better focus actions, the Minister’s adviser has suggested the following critical success factors (CSFs): 1, Greater protection and more support for those at risk of harm. 2. Be better at catching criminals Reducing the causes of crime by increased involvement with local communities 4, Create a task force to develop skills in detection and prosecution of virtual crime Justifications of changes in CSF's 1. Greater protection and more support for those at risk of harm This CSF has changed from "Protecting and supporting those at risk of harm" to providing greater protection and more support. The new CSF supports the mission of DP in protecting the community and also the previous criticism that was faced by the Minister on her previous government's failure on this Therefore the Minister's adviser suggestion on greater protection and more support will faciliate the DP in achieving this performance as the role of the DP is to protect the community and give support but it should also be measuring how it can be better at doing this role. 2, Be better at catching criminals This CSF has changed from "ensuring criminals are caught and brought before the courts" to "be better at catching criminals". The new CSF is better aimed towards DP’s mission statement in preventing crime because if the DP is better at catching the criminals it will reduce the attempt of crimes going forward. It will also be assumed especially by the community that if criminals are caught they will obviously be brought before the courts and served with a punishment, therefore this is a more suitable CSF to that of the one suggested by the CEO of the DIA. 3, Reducing the causes of crime by increased involvement with local communities This CSF has changed from that of the CEO's to “achieving long-term sustainable solutions to the causes of crime" to "reducing the causes of crime by increased involvement with local communities". The new CSF provides a more reasonable action on reducing the causes of crime because if the local communities are more involved with the DP it will help DP identify the cause of the crime and then the DP will be able to address the causes with the help of the community. If criminals are aware that the local communities are involved with the DP force, it may deter criminals away from that community thus reducing the cause of crime. 4, Create a task force to develop skills in detection and prosecution of virtual crime This CSF has changed from "addressing new forms of crime arising in the virtual world” to "create a task force to develop skills in detection and prosecution of virtual crime". Whilst addressing new crimes in the virtual world it is important that the DP force are equiped and skilled in this area in order to detect the crimes and also prosecute the criminals Therefore it will be important for the new Minister to ensure that a task force for the virtual crimes is created as the Minister also highlighted this was hardly addressed by the previous government and so this new CSF is a better fit in order to eventually address the new crimes. Key performance indicators (KPIs) 1. Greater protection and more support for those at risk of harm KPI - No. of police officiers measured to the population of the community. This KPI will measure the number of police officers availalble to the total number of people living in the community, & enable DP to measure if they have enough officers to provide greater protection and more support for their community. KPI - Responce time to a reported incident This KPI will help DP to reduce its reponse time to an incident once reported. It will enalbe them to ensure if they have the adequate resources (number of police officers ) working at all times of the day. 2. Be better at catching criminals KPI- 3, Reducing the causes of crime by increased involvement with local communities KPI- 4, Create a task force to develop skills in detection and prosecution of virtual crime KPI- ‘Value for Money (VEM). The three E’s can be used to assess the value for money service of a public organis: Economy Economy means ensuring that the resources used in the DP force are obtained at the lowest possible cost without compromising the quality of the resources. In the case of DP this means that all staff costs (police and administration staff) are maintained at a low cost but that the staff are still able to carry out their duties Efficiency Efficiency ensures that the input resources are converted to ouputs required by the DP force. For example the police officiers must deliver results (measureable) that they are reducing the number of crimes and increasing the numbers of criminals caught to that of the crimes reported. Effectiveness Effectiveness is ensuring that the goals/objectives of the organisaion (DP force) are achieved. Effectiveness can be measured by assessing if the goal of the organisation is met. DP’s mission statement is to "‘to protect the community and prevent crime while providing a value for money service.” Therefore DP needs to provide the protection in preventing crime by being economic and efficient in their service to the community. Value for Money Service Econonmy Im my App workings we can see that the % Cost of Total Staff for the DP force has decreased significantly by 7% from 2003 to 2004. This demonstrates that DP is not achieving economy but this may be difficult as DP will be tryng not to reduce the quality of their services to the community. Efficiency The number % number of poice officers per crimes solved in the year has remained stable at 12%. This means that DP is providing outputs to that of the inputs it has i.e police officers. Effectiveness ‘As DP has not achieved economy it is not providing a value for money service. League Tables (10 marks) 18 3.41 League tables are an other way of benchmarking performance to best practice both internally and externally of organisations. In the case of the DP force league tables can be used to measure their performance through its mission statement and CSFs and KPI's. International police force performance league table The use of the international police force will provide a yardstick for measuring performance in the DP force DP can use the table to address its CSF’s and KPI's so that they can see if they are achieving thier targets. These tables can increase competition of the police forces as each different department of policing will want to be listed at the top of the table. On the other hand, if the community are not happy with the service of the police force, they cannon switch communities (move house) for a better police force. Police's Behaviour The use of the tables will increase motivation of the police officers as they will want to be top of the table Conclusion The new CSF's proposed by the Minister's adviser will provide greater performance management and ‘measurement to the DP force ensuring ways of improving their service consistently.

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