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Chapter 5

Data and Knowledge Management

Question type: True/False

1) Managing the massive amounts of data that are critical to organizational success comes at a huge

Answer: True

Difficulty: Medium
Learning Objective: Discuss ways that common challenges in managing data can be addressed using data
Section Reference: 5.1 Managing Data
AACSB: Use of Information Technology
Bloomcode: Comprehension

2) Information technologies and systems support organizations in managing data, when this data is
managed properly; it becomes information and then knowledge.

Answer: True

Difficulty: Medium
Learning Objective: Discuss ways that common challenges in managing data can be addressed using data
Section Reference: 5.1 Managing Data
AACSB: Use of Information Technology
Bloomcode: Comprehension

3) After the data is stored in your organization’s databases, it must be accessible to users in a data
warehouse in order to help your organization to make decisions.

Answer: True

Difficulty: Medium
Learning Objective: Discuss ways that common challenges in managing data can be addressed using data
Section Reference: 5.1 Managing Data
AACSB: Use of Information Technology
Bloomcode: Comprehension

4) The biggest problem today is gathering data and then using it properly.
Answer: False

Difficulty: Easy
Learning Objective: Define Big Data and discuss its basic characteristics.
Section Reference: 5.3 Big Data
AACSB: Use of Information Technology
Bloomcode: Comprehension

5) Data governance is an approach to managing functional area information systems.

Answer: False

Difficulty: Easy
Learning Objective: Discuss ways that common challenges in managing data can be addressed using data
Section Reference: 5.1 Managing Data
AACSB: Use of Information Technology
Bloomcode: Knowledge

6) Managing data is easier nowadays since there is so much of it.

Answer: False

Difficulty: Easy
Learning Objective: Discuss ways that common challenges in managing data can be addressed using data
Section Reference: 5.1 Managing Data
AACSB: Use of Information Technology
Bloomcode: Comprehension

7) Data rot refers to the quality of the data itself.

Answer: False

Difficulty: Medium
Learning Objective: Discuss ways that common challenges in managing data can be addressed using data
Section Reference: 5.1 Managing Data
AACSB: Use of Information Technology
Bloomcode: Comprehension

8) Master data are a set of core data that span all of an enterprise’s information systems.

Answer: True
Difficulty: Easy
Learning Objective: Discuss ways that common challenges in managing data can be addressed using data
Section Reference: 5.1 Managing Data
AACSB: Use of Information Technology
Bloomcode: Knowledge

9) It is important for applications and data to be dependent on each other.

Answer: False

Difficulty: Easy
Learning Objective: Discuss the advantages and disadvantages of relational databases.
Section Reference: 5.2 The Database Approach
AACSB: Use of Information Technology
Bloomcode: Comprehension

10) Secondary keys have some identifying information but do not identify a file with complete accuracy.

Answer: True

Difficulty: Easy
Learning Objective: Discuss the advantages and disadvantages of relational databases.
Section Reference: 5.2 The Database Approach
AACSB: Use of Information Technology
Bloomcode: Knowledge

11) A negative value for a student’s grade point average is an example of a data integrity problem.

Answer: True

Difficulty: Easy
Learning Objective: Discuss the advantages and disadvantages of relational databases.
Section Reference: 5.2 The Database Approach
AACSB: Use of Information Technology
Bloomcode: Comprehension

12) For the following entity-relationship diagram, the Student entity would have the foreign key.

Answer: False

Difficulty: Easy
Learning Objective: Name six problems that can be minimized by using the database approach.
Section Reference: 5.2 The Database Approach: Designing the Database
AACSB: Use of Information Technology
Bloomcode: Application

13) An entity is a person, place, thing, or event about which information is maintained.

Answer: True

Difficulty: Easy
Learning Objective: Discuss the advantages and disadvantages of relational databases.
Section Reference: 5.2 The Database Approach: Designing the Database
AACSB: Use of Information Technology
Bloomcode: Knowledge

14) An attribute is any characteristic or quality that describes a particular entity.

Answer: True

Difficulty: Easy
Learning Objective: Discuss the advantages and disadvantages of relational databases.
Section Reference: 5.2 The Database Approach: Designing the Database
AACSB: Use of Information Technology
Bloomcode: Knowledge

15) Modality is the minimum number of times an instance of one entity can be associated with an
instance of a related entity.

Answer: True

Difficulty: Easy
Learning Objective: Discuss the advantages and disadvantages of relational databases.
Section Reference: 5.2 The Database Approach: Designing the Database
AACSB: Use of Information Technology
Bloomcode: Knowledge

16) The secondary key is a field that identifies a record with complete uniqueness.

Answer: False

Difficulty: Easy
Learning Objective: Discuss the advantages and disadvantages of relational databases.
Section Reference: 5.2 The Database Approach: Designing the Database
AACSB: Use of Information Technology
Bloomcode: Knowledge

17) Entity-relationship diagrams are documents that show the primary and secondary keys associated
with a conceptual data model.

Answer: False

Difficulty: Easy
Learning Objective: Understand the processes of querying a relational database, entity–relationship
modelling, normalization, and joins.
Section Reference: 5.6 Appendix: Fundamentals of Relational Database Operations
AACSB: Use of Information Technology
Bloomcode: Knowledge

18) You would be an instance of your university’s STUDENT class.

Answer: True

Difficulty: Easy
Learning Objective: Understand the processes of querying a relational database, entity–relationship
modelling, normalization, and joins.
Section Reference: 5.6 Appendix: Fundamentals of Relational Database Operations
AACSB: Use of Information Technology
Bloomcode: Application

19) The relational database model is based on the concept of three-dimensional tables.

Answer: False

Difficulty: Easy
Learning Objective: Discuss the advantages and disadvantages of relational databases.
Section Reference: 5.2 The Database Approach
AACSB: Use of Information Technology
Bloomcode: Knowledge

20) A relational database is one big table that contains all the company’s records.

Answer: False

Difficulty: Easy
Learning Objective: Discuss the advantages and disadvantages of relational databases.
Section Reference: 5.2 The Database Approach
AACSB: Use of Information Technology
Bloomcode: Knowledge

21) Structured query language is a relational database language that enables users to perform
complicated searches with relatively simple statements.

Answer: True

Difficulty: Easy
Learning Objective: Understand the processes of querying a relational database, entity–relationship
modelling, normalization, and joins.
Section Reference: 5.6 Appendix: Fundamentals of Relational Database Operations
AACSB: Use of Information Technology
Bloomcode: Knowledge

22) When data are normalized, attributes in the table depend on the primary key and any secondary

Answer: False

Difficulty: Easy
Learning Objective: Understand the processes of querying a relational database, entity–relationship
modelling, normalization, and joins.
Section Reference: 5.6 Appendix: Fundamentals of Relational Database Operations
AACSB: Use of Information Technology
Bloomcode: Knowledge

23) In a data warehouse, existing data are constantly purged as new data come in.

Answer: False

Difficulty: Easy
Learning Objective: Explain the elements necessary to successfully implement and maintain data
Section Reference: 5.4 Data Warehouses and Data Marts
AACSB: Use of Information Technology
Bloomcode: Knowledge

24) An organization’s data warehouse generally maintains its operational data.

Answer: False

Difficulty: Easy
Learning Objective: Explain the elements necessary to successfully implement and maintain data
Section Reference: 5.4 Data Warehouses and Data Marts
AACSB: Use of Information Technology
Bloomcode: Knowledge

25) Online analytical processing (OLAP) involves the analysis of accumulated data by end users.

Answer: True

Difficulty: Easy
Learning Objective: Explain the elements necessary to successfully implement and maintain data
Section Reference: 5.4 Data Warehouses and Data Marts
AACSB: Use of Information Technology
Bloomcode: Knowledge

26) A data mart can be implemented more quickly than a data warehouse.

Answer: True

Difficulty: Easy
Learning Objective: Explain the elements necessary to successfully implement and maintain data
Section Reference: 5.4 Data Warehouses and Data Marts
AACSB: Use of Information Technology
Bloomcode: Knowledge

27) Data marts are designed for the end-user needs in a strategic business unit or department.

Answer: True

Difficulty: Easy
Learning Objective: Explain the elements necessary to successfully implement and maintain data
Section Reference: 5.4 Data Warehouses and Data Marts
AACSB: Use of Information Technology
Bloomcode: Knowledge

28) Master data are generated and captured by operational systems.

Answer: False

Difficulty: Easy
Learning Objective: Discuss ways that common challenges in managing data can be addressed using data
Section Reference: 5.1 Managing Data
AACSB: Use of Information Technology
Bloomcode: Knowledge

29) A data mart is a low-cost, scaled-down version of a data warehouse.

Answer: True

Difficulty: Easy
Learning Objective: Explain the elements necessary to successfully implement and maintain data
Section Reference: 5.4 Data Warehouses and Data Marts: Governance
AACSB: Use of Information Technology
Bloomcode: Knowledge

30) Tacit knowledge is the more objective, rational, and technical types of knowledge.

Answer: False

Difficulty: Easy
Learning Objective: Describe the benefits and challenges of implementing knowledge management
systems in organizations.
Section Reference: 5.5 Knowledge Management
AACSB: Use of Information Technology
Bloomcode: Knowledge

31) Explicit knowledge refers to the cumulative store of subjective learning, which is personal and hard
to formalize.

Answer: False

Difficulty: Easy
Learning Objective: Describe the benefits and challenges of implementing knowledge management
systems in organizations
Section Reference: 5.5 Knowledge Management
AACSB: Use of Information Technology
Bloomcode: Knowledge

32) Knowledge is information in action.

Answer: True

Difficulty: Medium
Learning Objective: Describe the benefits and challenges of implementing knowledge management
systems in organizations
Section Reference: 5.5 Knowledge Management
AACSB: Use of Information Technology
Bloomcode: Knowledge

33) When you start a job, you are given an employee handbook which contains the company’s tacit

Answer: False

Difficulty: Medium
Learning Objective: Describe the benefits and challenges of implementing knowledge management
systems in organizations
Section Reference: 5.5 Knowledge Management
AACSB: Use of Information Technology
Bloomcode: Application

34) When you start a job, you watch what other employees are doing and ask them to explain why they
do it in a particular way. They are sharing their tacit knowledge.

Answer: True

Difficulty: Medium
Learning Objective: Describe the benefits and challenges of implementing knowledge management
systems in organizations
Section Reference: 5.5 Knowledge Management
AACSB: Use of Information Technology
Bloomcode: Application

35) The data dictionary stores definitions of data elements, business functions that use the data
elements, formats of the data elements, information on each attribute of an element and how the
attribute should be updated.

Answer: True

Difficulty: Easy
Learning Objective: Understand the processes of querying a relational database, entity–relationship
modelling, normalization, and joins.
Section Reference: 5.6 Appendix: Fundamentals of Relational Database Operations
AACSB: Use of Information Technology
Bloomcode: Knowledge

Question type: Multiple Choice

36) Which of the following is NOT a problem with Big Data?

a) Gathering data
b) Privacy
c) Security
d) Decision-making

Answer: a

Difficulty: Medium
Learning Objective: Define Big Data and discuss its basic characteristics.
Section Reference: 5.3 Big Data
AACSB: Use of Information Technology
Bloomcode: Knowledge

37) Refer to Case 5.1 Data Problems at Target Canada. In order for SAP ERP system to work properly,
data needs to be:

a) accurate.
b) managed properly.
c) contain RFID information.
d) reenginered.
e) All of the above.

Answer: a

Difficulty: Medium
Learning Objective: Identify three common challenges in managing data, and describe one way
organizations can address each challenge using data governance.
Section Reference: 5.1 Managing Data
AACSB: Use of Information Technology
Bloomcode: Knowledge

38) Which of the following has (have) the broadest impact on an organization?

a) Decisions about hardware.

b) Decisions about software.
c) Decisions about data.
d) Both “decisions about hardware” and “decisions about software.”
e) All of these have an equal impact.

Answer: c

Difficulty: Easy
Learning Objective: Discuss ways that common challenges in managing data can be addressed using data
Section Reference: 5.1 Managing Data
AACSB: Use of Information Technology
Bloomcode: Knowledge

39) It is difficult to manage data. For example, it is common for customers to move and for companies to
go out of business. This is an example of ___________.

a) Data degradation
b) Data rot
c) Data security
d) Scattered data

Answer: a

Difficulty: Easy
Learning Objective: Discuss ways that common challenges in managing data can be addressed using data
Section Reference: 5.1 Managing Data
AACSB: Use of Information Technology
Bloomcode: Knowledge

40) Which of the following is not a source for external data?

a) Commercial databases
b) Corporate databases
c) Corporate websites
d) Clickstream data
e) Government reports

Answer: b

Difficulty: Easy
Learning Objective: Discuss ways that common challenges in managing data can be addressed using data
Section Reference: 5.1 Managing Data
AACSB: Use of Information Technology
Bloomcode: Knowledge

41) Which of the following is not a reason why managing data is difficult over time?

a) New systems are developed.

b) The media the data are stored on becomes problematic.
c) New sources of data are created.
d) The amount of data increases exponentially.
e) All of these are reasons why managing data is difficult over time.

Answer: e

Difficulty: Medium
Learning Objective: Discuss ways that common challenges in managing data can be addressed using data
Section Reference: 5.1 Managing Data
AACSB: Use of Information Technology
Bloomcode: Knowledge

42) The amount of data we collect is ____________ over time, making it ________ difficult to manage

a) Decreasing, less
b) Decreasing, more
c) Increasing, less
d) Increasing, more

Answer: d

Difficulty: Easy
Learning Objective: Discuss ways that common challenges in managing data can be addressed using data
Section Reference: 5.1 Managing Data
AACSB: Use of Information Technology
Bloomcode: Comprehension

43) In Canada, Bill 198 legally mandates that public companies evaluate and disclose the effectiveness of
their ________________.

a) IT policies
b) HR rules
c) financial controls
d) sales goals

Answer: c

Difficulty: Medium
Learning Objective: Discuss ways that common challenges in managing data can be addressed using data
Section Reference: 5.1 Managing Data
AACSB: Use of Information Technology
Bloomcode: Knowledge
44) Not including alphabetic characters in a Social Security Number field is an example of _____.

a) Data isolation.
b) Data integrity.
c) Data consistency.
d) Data redundancy.
e) Application/data dependence.

Answer: b

Difficulty: Easy
Learning Objective: Discuss the advantages and disadvantages of relational databases.
Section Reference: 5.2 The Database Approach
AACSB: Use of Information Technology
Bloomcode: Comprehension

45) For the following entity-relationship diagram, the attributes you would NOT expect to see in the
Computer entity are:

Student Computer

a) manufacturer.
b) type (laptop or desktop).
c) memory size.
d) disk size.
e) student’s dorm room.

Answer: e

Difficulty: Easy
Learning Objective: Understand the processes of querying a relational database, entity–relationship
modelling, normalization, and joins.
Section Reference: 5.6 Appendix: Fundamentals of Relational Database Operations
AACSB: Use of Information Technology
Bloomcode: Comprehension

46) For the following entity-relationship diagram, what could the primary key be in the Grade entity?

a) Primary key in Student entity

b) Primary key in Course entity
c) Its own primary key.
d) Primary key made up of the primary keys in Student entity and Course entity
e) It doesn’t need a primary key.
Answer: d

Difficulty: Medium
Learning Objective: Understand the processes of querying a relational database, entity–relationship
modelling, normalization, and joins.
Section Reference: 5.6 Appendix: Fundamentals of Relational Database Operations
AACSB: Use of Information Technology
Bloomcode: Knowledge

47) In a jewelry store, a customer places an order for a piece of jewelry (for example, a silver pin in the
shape of a tulip). A customer could order more than one piece of jewelry on the same order.

Which of the following entity-relationships describes this situation?

a) The entities Customer and Order have a one to many relationship.
b) The entities Customer and Order have a many to many relationship.
c) The entities Customer and Jewelry Item have a one to many relationship.
d) The entities Order and Jewelry Item have a one to many relationship.
e) The entities Order and Jewelry Item have a many to many relationship.

Answer: d

Difficulty: Medium
Learning Objective: Understand the processes of querying a relational database, entity–relationship
modelling, normalization, and joins.
Section Reference: 5.6 Appendix: Fundamentals of Relational Database Operations
AACSB: Use of Information Technology
Bloomcode: Application

48) _____ occurs when applications cannot access data associated with other applications.

a) Data isolation
b) Data integrity
c) Data consistency
d) Data redundancy
e) Application/Data dependence

Answer: a

Difficulty: Easy
Learning Objective: Discuss the advantages and disadvantages of relational databases.
Section Reference: 5.2 The Database Approach
AACSB: Use of Information Technology
Bloomcode: Knowledge

49) _____ occurs when the same data are stored in many places.
a) Data isolation
b) Data integrity
c) Data consistency
d) Data redundancy
e) Application/Data dependence

Answer: d

Difficulty: Easy
Learning Objective: Demonstrate how to interpret relationships depicted in an entity-relationship
Section Reference: 5.2 The Database Approach
AACSB: Use of Information Technology
Bloomcode: Knowledge

50) Data ___________ ensures applications cannot access data associated with other applications.

a) Hermitting
b) Inconsistency
c) Isolation
d) Redundancy

Answer: c

Difficulty: Easy
Learning Objective: Demonstrate how to interpret relationships depicted in an entity-relationship
Section Reference: 5.2 The Database Approach
AACSB: Use of Information Technology
Bloomcode: Knowledge

51) _____ occurs when various copies of the data agree.

a) Data isolation
b) Data integrity
c) Data consistency
d) Data redundancy
e) Application/Data dependence

Answer: c

Difficulty: Easy
Learning Objective: Demonstrate how to interpret relationships depicted in an entity-relationship
Section Reference: 5.2 The Database Approach
AACSB: Use of Information Technology
Bloomcode: Knowledge

52) You have moved to a different apartment, but your electricity bill continues to be sent to your old
address. The Post Office in your town has which problem with its data management?

a) Data redundancy
b) Data inconsistency
c) Data isolation
d) Data security
e) Data dependence

Answer: b

Difficulty: Medium
Learning Objective: Demonstrate how to interpret relationships depicted in an entity-relationship
Section Reference: 5.2 The Database Approach
AACSB: Use of Information Technology
Bloomcode: Knowledge

53) Place the following members of the data hierarchy in their correct order:

a) Bit – byte – field – record – database – file

b) Bit – field – byte – record – file – database
c) Byte – bit – record – field – database
d) Bit – byte – field – record – file – database
e) Bit – record – field – byte – file – database

Answer: d

Difficulty: Easy
Learning Objective: Demonstrate how to interpret relationships depicted in an entity-relationship
Section Reference: 5.2 The Database Approach: The Data Hierarchy
AACSB: Use of Information Technology
Bloomcode: Knowledge

54) Data ___________ ensures data meets system constraints.

a) Consistency
b) Independence
c) Integrity
d) Security
Answer: c

Difficulty: Easy
Learning Objective: Demonstrate how to interpret relationships depicted in an entity-relationship
Section Reference: 5.2 The Database Approach
AACSB: Use of Information Technology
Bloomcode: Knowledge

55) Data __________ is a problem minimized by databases.

a) Independence
b) Integrity
c) Isolation
d) Security

Answer: c

Difficulty: Easy
Learning Objective: Demonstrate how to interpret relationships depicted in an entity-relationship
Section Reference: 5.2 The Database Approach: The Data Hierarchy
AACSB: Use of Information Technology
Bloomcode: Knowledge

56) In the data hierarchy, the smallest element is the _____.

a) Record
b) Bit
c) Byte
d) Character
e) File

Answer: b

Difficulty: Easy
Learning Objective: Demonstrate how to interpret relationships depicted in an entity-relationship
Section Reference: 5.2 The Database Approach: The Data Hierarchy
AACSB: Use of Information Technology
Bloomcode: Knowledge

57) A _______ is eight ________.

a) bit, digits
b) Byte, characters
c) Bit, bytes
d) Byte, bits

Answer: d

Difficulty: Easy
Learning Objective: Demonstrate how to interpret relationships depicted in an entity-relationship
Section Reference: 5.2 The Database Approach
AACSB: Use of Information Technology
Bloomcode: Knowledge

58) A(n) _____ is a logical grouping of characters into a word, a small group of words, or a complete

a) Byte
b) Field
c) Record
d) File
e) Database

Answer: b

Difficulty: Easy
Learning Objective: Demonstrate how to interpret relationships depicted in an entity-relationship
Section Reference: 5.2 The Database Approach: The Data Hierarchy
AACSB: Use of Information Technology
Bloomcode: Knowledge

59) A(n) _____ is a logical grouping of related fields.

a) Byte
b) Field
c) Record
d) File
e) Database

Answer: c

Difficulty: Easy
Learning Objective: Demonstrate how to interpret relationships depicted in an entity-relationship
Section Reference: 5.2 The Database Approach
AACSB: Use of Information Technology
Bloomcode: Knowledge

60) A(n) _____ is a logical grouping of related records.

a) Byte
b) Field
c) Record
d) File
e) Database

Answer: d

Difficulty: Easy
Learning Objective: Demonstrate how to interpret relationships depicted in an entity-relationship
Section Reference: 5.2 The Database Approach: The Data Hierarchy
AACSB: Use of Information Technology
Bloomcode: Knowledge

61) A(n) _____ represents a single character, such as a letter, number, or symbol.

a) Byte
b) Field
c) Record
d) File
e) Database

Answer: a

Difficulty: Easy
Learning Objective: Demonstrate how to interpret relationships depicted in an entity-relationship
Section Reference: 5.2 The Database Approach
AACSB: Use of Information Technology
Bloomcode: Knowledge

62) In a database, the primary key field is used to _____.

a) Specify an entity
b) Create linked lists
c) Identify duplicated data
d) Uniquely identify a record
e) Uniquely identify an attribute

Answer: d
Difficulty: Easy
Learning Objective: Demonstrate how to interpret relationships depicted in an entity-relationship
Section Reference: 5.2 The Database Approach
AACSB: Use of Information Technology
Bloomcode: Knowledge

63) _____ are fields in a record that have some identifying information but typically do not identify the
record with complete accuracy.

a) Primary keys
b) Secondary keys
c) Duplicate keys
d) Attribute keys
e) Record keys

Answer: b

Difficulty: Easy
Learning Objective: Demonstrate how to interpret relationships depicted in an entity-relationship
Section Reference: 5.2 The Database Approach
AACSB: Use of Information Technology
Bloomcode: Knowledge

64) As an individual student in your university’s student database, you are a(n) _____ of the STUDENT

a) Instance
b) Individual
c) Representative
d) Entity
e) Relationship

Answer: a

Difficulty: Medium
Learning Objective: Demonstrate how to interpret relationships depicted in an entity-relationship
Section Reference: 5.2 The Database Approach
AACSB: Use of Information Technology
Bloomcode: Application
65) At your university, students can take more than one class, and each class can have more than one
student. This is an example of what kind of relationship?

a) One-to-one
b) One-to-many
c) Many-to-one
d) Many-to-many
e) Some-to-many

Answer: d

Difficulty: Easy
Learning Objective: Name six problems that can be minimized by using the database approach.
Section Reference: 5.6 Appendix: Fundamentals of Relational Database Operations
AACSB: Use of Information Technology
Bloomcode: Application

66) In a university’s relational database, the student record contains information regarding the student’s
last name. The last name is a(n):

a) Attribute.
b) Entity.
c) Primary key.
d) Object.
e) File.

Answer: a

Difficulty: Easy
Learning Objective: Understand the processes of querying a relational database, entity–relationship
modelling, normalization, and joins.
Section Reference: 5.6 Appendix: Fundamentals of Relational Database Operations
AACSB: Use of Information Technology
Bloomcode: Knowledge

67) A database management system is primarily a(n) _____.

a) File-handling program
b) Data-modeling program
c) Interface between applications and a database
d) Interface between data and a database
e) Interface between queries and a database

Answer: c

Difficulty: Medium
Learning Objective: Discuss the advantages and disadvantages of relational databases.
Section Reference: 5.2 The Database Approach
AACSB: Use of Information Technology
Bloomcode: Knowledge

68) In the relational database model, related tables can be joined when they contain common _____.

a) Primary keys
b) Rows
c) Records
d) Columns
e) Files

Answer: d

Difficulty: Medium
Learning Objective: Discuss the advantages and disadvantages of relational databases.
Section Reference: 5.2 Database Approach
AACSB: Use of Information Technology
Bloomcode: Knowledge

69) __________________ allows users to perform complicated searches by using relatively simple
statements or keywords.

b) QBE
c) SQL
d) SSK

Answer: c

Difficulty: Easy
Learning Objective: Understand the processes of querying a relational database, entity–relationship
modelling, normalization, and joins.
Section Reference: 5.6 Appendix: Fundamentals of Relational Database Operations
AACSB: Use of Information Technology
Bloomcode: Knowledge

70) _____ tell the database management system which records are joined with others in related tables.

a) Primary keys
b) Secondary keys
c) Common attributes
d) Common files
e) Common fields
Answer: a

Difficulty: Medium
Learning Objective: Discuss the advantages and disadvantages of relational databases.
Section Reference: 5.2 Database Approach
AACSB: Use of Information Technology
Bloomcode: Knowledge

71) Data dictionaries perform all of the following functions except:

a) Providing information on each record.

b) Providing information on why attributes are needed in the database.
c) Defining the format necessary to enter data into the database.
d) Providing information on the name of each attribute.
e) Providing information on how often attributes should be updated.

Answer: a

Difficulty: Medium
Learning Objective: Discuss the advantages and disadvantages of relational databases.
Section Reference: 5.2 Database Approach
AACSB: Use of Information Technology
Bloomcode: Knowledge

72) In a relational database, every row represents a(n) _____.

a) File
b) Record
c) Attribute
d) Primary key
e) Secondary key

Answer: b

Difficulty: Easy
Learning Objective: Discuss the advantages and disadvantages of relational databases.
Section Reference: 5.2 Database Approach
AACSB: Use of Information Technology
Bloomcode: Knowledge

73) A standardized language used to search for data is _____.

a) MS-Access
b) Oracle
c) Query-by-example language
d) Structured query language
e) Data-manipulation language

Answer: d

Difficulty: Easy
Learning Objective: Understand the processes of querying a relational database, entity–relationship
modelling, normalization, and joins.
Section Reference: 5.6 Appendix: Fundamentals of Relational Database Operations
AACSB: Use of Information Technology
Bloomcode: Knowledge

74) _______________ uses drag-and-drop features to search a database.

b) QBE
c) SQL
d) DDF

Answer: b

Difficulty: Medium
Learning Objective: Understand the processes of querying a relational database, entity–relationship
modelling, normalization, and joins.
Section Reference: 5.6 Appendix: Fundamentals of Relational Database Operations
AACSB: Use of Information Technology
Bloomcode: Knowledge

75) Data dictionaries provide which of the following advantages to the organization?

a) They reduce data inconsistency.

b) They enable faster program development.
c) They make it easier to modify data and information.
d) Both “They enable faster program development.” and “They make it easier to modify data and
e) All of these

Answer: e

Difficulty: Medium
Learning Objective: Understand the processes of querying a relational database, entity–relationship
modelling, normalization, and joins.
Section Reference: 5.6 Appendix: Fundamentals of Relational Database Operations
AACSB: Use of Information Technology
Bloomcode: Knowledge
76) _____ is a method for analyzing and reducing a relational database to its most streamlined form.

a) Structured query
b) Normalization
c) Query by example
d) Joining
e) Relational analysis

Answer: b

Difficulty: Easy
Learning Objective: Understand the processes of querying a relational database, entity–relationship
modelling, normalization, and joins.
Section Reference: 5.6 Appendix: Fundamentals of Relational Database Operations
AACSB: Use of Information Technology
Bloomcode: Knowledge

77) When data are normalized, attributes in the table depend only on the _____.

a) Secondary key
b) Common attribute
c) Primary key
d) Common row
e) Common record

Answer: c

Difficulty: Easy
Learning Objective: Understand the processes of querying a relational database, entity–relationship
modelling, normalization, and joins.
Section Reference: 5.6 Appendix: Fundamentals of Relational Database Operations
AACSB: Use of Information Technology
Bloomcode: Knowledge

78) _____________ reduces a relational database to its most streamlined form.

a) A data dictionary
b) A database management system
c) Normalization
d) Streamlining

Answer: c

Difficulty: Easy
Learning Objective: Understand the processes of querying a relational database, entity–relationship
modelling, normalization, and joins.
Section Reference: 5.6 Appendix: Fundamentals of Relational Database Operations
AACSB: Use of Information Technology
Bloomcode: Knowledge

79) Normalized data occurs when attributes in the table depend only on the _______.

a) Data dictionary
b) Primary key
c) Record information
d) Secondary key

Answer: b

Difficulty: Easy
Learning Objective: Understand the processes of querying a relational database, entity–relationship
modelling, normalization, and joins.
Section Reference: 5.6 Appendix: Fundamentals of Relational Database Operations
AACSB: Use of Information Technology
Bloomcode: Knowledge

80) The data in a data warehouse have which of the following characteristics?

a) They are organized by subject.

b) They are coded in different formats.
c) They are updated in real time.
d) They are typically retained for a defined, but limited, period of time.
e) They are organized in a hierarchical structure.

Answer: a

Difficulty: Medium
Learning Objective: Explain the elements necessary to successfully implement and maintain data
Section Reference: 5.4 Data Warehouses and Data Marts
AACSB: Use of Information Technology
Bloomcode: Knowledge

81) The data in a data warehouse:

a) Are updated constantly in real time.

b) Are updated in batch mode, approximately once per day.
c) Are not updated.
d) Are purged constantly as new data enter.
e) Are available for MIS analysts, but not users.

Answer: c

Difficulty: Medium
Learning Objective: Explain the elements necessary to successfully implement and maintain data
Section Reference: 5.4 Data Warehouses and Data Marts
AACSB: Use of Information Technology
Bloomcode: Knowledge

82) The process of moving data from various sources into the data warehouse is called:

a) Uploading.
b) Extracting, transforming, and loading.
c) Online transaction processing.
d) Master data management.
e) Online analytical processing.

Answer: b

Difficulty: Easy
Learning Objective: Explain the elements necessary to successfully implement and maintain data
Section Reference: 5.4 Data Warehouses and Data Marts
AACSB: Use of Information Technology
Bloomcode: Knowledge

83) A data warehouse is a repository of __________ data.

a) Current
b) Historical
c) Queried
d) Numbered

Answer: b

Difficulty: Easy
Learning Objective: Explain the elements necessary to successfully implement and maintain data
Section Reference: 5.4 Data Warehouses and Data Marts
AACSB: Use of Information Technology
Bloomcode: Knowledge

84) Compared to data warehouses, data marts have which one of the following characteristics?
a) They cost less.
b) They have longer lead times for implementation.
c) They provide for central rather than local control.
d) They contain more information.
e) They are more difficult to navigate.

Answer: a

Difficulty: Medium
Learning Objective: Explain the elements necessary to successfully implement and maintain data
Section Reference: 5.4 Data Warehouses and Data Marts
AACSB: Use of Information Technology
Bloomcode: Knowledge

85) _____ is a formal approach to managing data consistently across an entire organization.

a) Database management
b) Enterprise information management
c) Data warehousing
d) Data governance
e) Data mart

Answer: d

Difficulty: Easy
Learning Objective: Discuss ways that common challenges in managing data can be addressed using data
Section Reference: 5.1 Managing Data
AACSB: Use of Information Technology
Bloomcode: Knowledge

86) Which of the following statements is TRUE?

a) Databases are organized to make queries very easy.

b) Running queries in a data warehouse does not degrade database performance.
c) Databases are well-suited for making comparisons between records.
d) Querying databases is the most effective and efficient way of using data.

Answer: b

Difficulty: Hard
Learning Objective: Explain the elements necessary to successfully implement and maintain data
Section Reference: 5.4 Data Warehouses and Data Marts
AACSB: Use of Information Technology
Bloomcode: Comprehension

87) _____ provide(s) companies with a single version of the truth for their data.

a) Data warehouses
b) Data marts
c) Databases
d) Master data management
e) Enterprise information management

Answer: d

Difficulty: Easy
Learning Objective: Discuss ways that common challenges in managing data can be addressed using data
Section Reference: 5.1 Managing Data
AACSB: Use of Information Technology
Bloomcode: Knowledge

88) In data warehouses and data marts, data are stored in a multidimensional structure which is
sometimes visually represented as a 3-dimensional data cube. Figure 5.7 is an example of a data cube of
sales with the dimensions of product, geographic area, and time period (year). These are called business
dimensions. What would the business dimensions be for Walmart’s sales with its many sales
transactions for many products in many stores that would allow them to do weekly analysis?

a) Customer, product, and month

b) Customer, product, store
c) Customer, product, store, and month
d) Customer, product, store, and week
e) Product, store, and week

Answer: e

Difficulty: Medium
Learning Objective: Explain the elements necessary to successfully implement and maintain data
Section Reference: 5.4 Data Warehouses and Data Marts
AACSB: Use of Information Technology
Bloomcode: Application

89) Organizations are turning to data governance for which of the following reasons?

a) They have too little data.

b) They are responding to federal regulations.
c) Their data are typically structured.
d) Their data are usually located in the organization’s databases.
e) Data across their organizations are generally consistent.

Answer: b

Difficulty: Hard
Learning Objective: Discuss ways that common challenges in managing data can be addressed using data
Section Reference: 5.1 Managing Data
AACSB: Use of Information Technology
Bloomcode: Comprehension

90) __________ involves the analysis of accumulated data and involves a __________.

a) OLAP, database
b) OLAP, data warehouse
c) OLTP, database
d) OLTP, data warehouse

Answer: b

Difficulty: Easy
Learning Objective: Explain the elements necessary to successfully implement and maintain data
Section Reference: 5.4 Data Warehouses and Data Marts
AACSB: Use of Information Technology
Bloomcode: Knowledge

91) _____ describes the activities of the business, whereas _____ categorize(s), aggregate(s), and
evaluate(s) data generated by the organization’s activities.

a) Transaction data, master data

b) Source data, transaction data
c) Operational data, master data
d) Master data, source data
e) Business dimensional data, databases

Answer: a

Difficulty: Medium
Learning Objective: Discuss ways that common challenges in managing data can be addressed using data
Section Reference: 5.1 Managing Data
AACSB: Use of Information Technology
Bloomcode: Knowledge
92) Refer to the Nordea Bank case. The data warehouse enabled Nordea to: ____________.

a) To meet the current regulatory requirements more quickly, accurately, and cheaply
b) Find problems with their customers
c) Be able to communicate faster with customers and suppliers
d) All of the above

Answer: a

Difficulty: Medium
Learning Objective: Explain the elements necessary to successfully implement
and maintain data warehouses.
Section Reference: 5.4 Data Warehouses and Data Marts
AACSB: Use of Information Technology
Bloomcode: Application

93) Refer to the Braintree case. Knowledge management systems such as Confluence allows
organizations to: ____________.

a) create and distribute structured how-to and troubleshooting documents that are manually organized
and easy to find
b) create and distribute structured how-to and mining documents that are automatically organized and
easy to find
c) create and distribute structured who-is and troubleshooting documents that are automatically
organized and easy to find
d) create and distribute structured how-to and troubleshooting documents that are automatically
organized and easy to find

Answer: d

Difficulty: Medium
Learning Objective: Describe the benefits and challenges of implementing knowledge management
systems in organizations.
Section Reference: 5.5 Knowledge Management
AACSB: Use of Information Technology
Bloomcode: Application

94) _____ is a process that helps organizations identify, select, organize, disseminate, transfer, and apply
expertise that are part of the organization’s memory and typically reside inside the organization in an
unstructured manner.

a) Discovery
b) Knowledge management
c) Decision support
d) Online analytical processing
e) Data mining

Answer: b

Difficulty: Medium
Learning Objective: Describe the benefits and challenges of implementing knowledge management
systems in organizations.
Section Reference: 5.5 Knowledge Management
AACSB: Use of Information Technology
Bloomcode: Knowledge

95) _____ can be exercised to solve a problem, whereas _____ may or may not be able to be exercised
to solve a problem.

a) Knowledge, information
b) Data, information
c) Information, data
d) Information, knowledge
e) Data, knowledge

Answer: a

Difficulty: Medium
Learning Objective: Describe the benefits and challenges of implementing knowledge management
systems in organizations.
Section Reference: 5.5 Knowledge Management
AACSB: Use of Information Technology
Bloomcode: Knowledge

96) Explicit knowledge has which of the following characteristics?

a) Objective
b) Personal
c) Slow
d) Costly to transfer
e) Ambiguous

Answer: a

Difficulty: Medium
Learning Objective: Describe the benefits and challenges of implementing knowledge management
systems in organizations.
Section Reference: 5.5 Knowledge Management
AACSB: Use of Information Technology
Bloomcode: Knowledge
97) _____________ knowledge can be easily documented.

a) Complete
b) Explicit
c) Tacit
d) Intellectual

Answer: b

Difficulty: Easy
Learning Objective: Describe the benefits and challenges of implementing knowledge management
systems in organizations.
Section Reference: 5.5 Knowledge Management
AACSB: Use of Information Technology
Bloomcode: Knowledge

98) Tacit knowledge has which of the following characteristics?

a) Codified
b) Objective
c) Unstructured
d) Rational
e) Technical

Answer: c

Difficulty: Medium
Learning Objective: Describe the benefits and challenges of implementing knowledge management
systems in organizations.
Section Reference: 5.5 Knowledge Management
AACSB: Use of Information Technology
Bloomcode: Knowledge

99) ____________ knowledge is imprecise and costly to transfer.

a) Complete
b) Explicit
c) Tacit
d) Intellectual

Answer: c

Difficulty: Medium
Learning Objective: Describe the benefits and challenges of implementing knowledge management
systems in organizations.
Section Reference: 5.5 Knowledge Management
AACSB: Use of Information Technology
Bloomcode: Knowledge

100) Historically, management information systems have focused on capturing, storing, managing, and
reporting _____ knowledge.

a) Tacit
b) Explicit
c) Managerial
d) Geographical
e) Cultural

Answer: b

Difficulty: Medium
Learning Objective: Describe the benefits and challenges of implementing knowledge management
systems in organizations.
Section Reference: 5.5 Knowledge Management
AACSB: Use of Information Technology
Bloomcode: Knowledge

101) The most important benefit of knowledge management systems is:

a) They improve customer service.

b) They make best practices available to employees.
c) They enable the organization to retain scarce knowledge when employees retire.
d) They improve employee morale.
e) They make product development more efficient.

Answer: b

Difficulty: Medium
Learning Objective: Describe the benefits and challenges of implementing knowledge management
systems in organizations.
Section Reference: 5.5 Knowledge Management
AACSB: Use of Information Technology
Bloomcode: Knowledge

102) Which of the following is a challenge for developing a knowledge management system?

a) Employees must be willing to share their explicit knowledge.

b) It must be continually maintained and updated.
c) It makes human capital widely accessible.
d) All of the above are challenges.

Answer: b

Difficulty: Medium
Learning Objective: Describe the benefits and challenges of implementing knowledge management
systems in organizations.
Section Reference: 5.5 Knowledge Management
AACSB: Use of Information Technology
Bloomcode: Knowledge

Question type: Short Answer

103) Discuss why decisions concerning data structure have a broader impact than decisions concerning
hardware and software.

Difficulty: Medium
Learning Objective: Discuss ways that common challenges in managing data can be addressed using data
Section Reference: 5.1 Managing Data
AACSB: Use of Information Technology
Bloom: Comprehension

104) Discuss the difficulties involved in managing data.

Difficulty: Medium
Learning Objective: Discuss ways that common challenges in managing data can be addressed using data
Section Reference: 5.1 Managing Data
AACSB: Use of Information Technology
Bloom: Analysis

105) Define each element of the data hierarchy, in order from smallest to largest.

Difficulty: Medium
Learning Objective: Discuss the advantages and disadvantages of relational databases.
Section Reference: 5.2 The Database Approach
AACSB: Use of Information Technology
Bloomcode: Analysis

106) Discuss the advantages of the database approach.

Difficulty: Medium
Learning Objective: Discuss the advantages and disadvantages of relational databases.
Section Reference: 5.2 The Database Approach
AACSB: Use of Information Technology
Bloom: Analysis

107) Describe entity-relationship modeling.

Difficulty: Medium
Learning Objective: Discuss the advantages and disadvantages of relational databases.
Section Reference: 5.2 The Database Approach
AACSB: Use of Information Technology
Bloom: Knowledge

108) Describe the relational database model.

Difficulty: Medium
Learning Objective: Discuss the advantages and disadvantages of relational databases.
Section Reference: 5.2 The Database Approach
AACSB: Use of Information Technology
Bloom: Knowledge

109) Describe the characteristics of a data warehouse.

Difficulty: Medium
Learning Objective: Explain the elements necessary to successfully implement and maintain data
Section Reference: 5.4 Data Warehouses and Data Marts
AACSB: Use of Information Technology
Bloom: Knowledge

110) What are the advantages of a data mart?

Difficulty: Medium
Learning Objective: Explain the elements necessary to successfully implement and maintain data
Section Reference: 5.4 Data Warehouses and Data Marts
AACSB: Use of Information Technology
Bloom: Knowledge

111) Differentiate between explicit knowledge and tacit knowledge. Provide examples of each.

Difficulty: Medium
Learning Objective: Describe the benefits and challenges of implementing knowledge management
systems in organizations.
Section Reference: 5.5 Knowledge Management
AACSB: Use of Information Technology
Bloom: Analysis

112) Describe the six steps of the knowledge management system cycle.

Difficulty: Medium
Learning Objective: Describe the benefits and challenges of implementing knowledge management
systems in organizations.
Section Reference: 5.5 Knowledge Management
AACSB: Use of Information Technology
Bloom: Knowledge

Question type: Essay

113) Describe the various multiple sources for data, and provide an example of each.

Difficulty: Hard
Learning Objective: Discuss ways that common challenges in managing data can be addressed using data
Section Reference: 5.1 Managing Data
AACSB: Use of Information Technology
Bloom: Comprehension

114) Explain the six problems that can be minimized using the database approach.

Difficulty: Medium
Learning Objective: Discuss the advantages and disadvantages of relational databases.
Section Reference: 5.2 The Database Approach
AACSB: Use of Information Technology
Bloom: Comprehension

115) Identify and explain the advantages of the six characteristics of data warehouses.

Difficulty: Medium
Learning Objective: Explain the elements necessary to successfully implement and maintain data
Section Reference: 5.4 Data Warehouses and Data Marts
AACSB: Use of Information Technology
Bloom: Comprehension
116) Differentiate between master data and transaction data.

Difficulty: Medium
Learning Objective: Discuss ways that common challenges in managing data can be addressed using data
Section Reference: 5.1 Managing Data
AACSB: Use of Information Technology
Bloom: Knowledge

117) Why is data governance so important for organizations?

Difficulty: Hard
Learning Objective: Discuss ways that common challenges in managing data can be addressed using data
Section Reference: 5.1 Managing Data
AACSB: Use of Information Technology
Bloom: Analysis
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