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INGLES I: 2020-2-23424-H1-Malaga

Comenzado el sábado, 30 de enero de 2021, 23:35

Estado Finalizado
Finalizado en sábado, 30 de enero de 2021, 23:36
Tiempo empleado 51 segundos
Calificación 5.0 de 5.0 (100%)

Pregunta 1 Complete the sentences. Choose A, B or C.

Se puntúa 5.0 1.
sobre 5.0 At night, people can  never see the moon in the sky.

Lions and crocodiles sometimes kill tourists in Africa.

Most children usually  like eating sweets and drinking refreshments.

All spiders always have eight legs and a lot of small eyes.

In the game of football, there are always  three or more referees.


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